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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    Maybe ask yourself why your information sources are bombarding you with VP minutiae now.

    To try and hide the fact that they've found themselves supporting Putin's war?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Just now, Aqua Buddha said:

    When I was younger, middle class meant you likely owned your house in a reasonably good school district, your spouse might have worked, two cars, had some savings, and took a vacation in the summer.  Now, what I've described is upper class.  Statistically, middle class now means you're a renter in a bad or average school district, both people work and sometimes multiple jobs, no savings and significant debt relative to the household income.

    Exactly. This is why you see people argue that a $200k income is middle class. Middle class meant comfort from financial hardship or emergency. Now it means you might not be homeless depending on where you live.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Look at nurses.  They're not being paid to "stay at home."  They're quitting because it was always a shitty job that was gratifying to your point but now add Trumpkins coming into the ER and assaulting them or some shit and that pushed them over the edge.

    My office has lost over 100 attorneys since Covid started. Prior to the pandemic, it was a fine line between burnout and acceptable levels of stress. Now, many don't think it's worth it. Of course, now we're all handling the extra load, causing even more resignations. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    This is a really good article. I wrote a paper about Putin back in 2002. I thought much the same as the author of that article. Putin was a stern hand, but Russia at that time needed a stern hand. It was a fractured country with the government lacking significant control and power. Putin appeared, to me, to be fixing those problems. And for a time, it that really appeared to be the case. Unfortunately, all his fixing was ultimately for his own benefit and not for Russian people. 

    I did too! Modern European History AP. Predicted Putin would open the country, and usher Russia into the 21st century as Western-allied superpower.


    • Haha 3
  5. 13 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    That's how I learned about it--from the 5th grade on could find it on a map.  Damn hard to defend, but wasn't the ocean blue?  

    Yes, obviously. | Arrested development, Arrested development quotes, Arrest

    • Haha 6
  6. 46 minutes ago, Make em eat Taco Bell said:

    not really good answers.  Most big money and medium sized money in corrupt nations, which happens to be the norm for the global majority, is black money.  To discriminate against private individuals doesn't seem right, be it legal or not. Might as well kidnap and jail foreigners for a lifetime since they are not allowed any due process then. 

    Letting women leave and not men is inherently sexist, just as bad as if done by race or religion.  That should be the first critique of this policy.  Not letting people leave certain death is exceptionally cruel. 

    Casually equating monetary sanctions to a sentence of life imprisonment is something. Also, I don't think you know what the word "discriminate" means. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I mean I know we cheerlead this stuff and all on this thread but there is nothing more annoying than self-important/"look at me" law students/young lawyers. Especially the Ivy League type. (Old Man Lawyer Rant)

    I get that, but this isn't a roll-your-eyes stunt over the firm's insistence on using on non-Fair Trade Coffee in the break room. 

  8. SIAP. Harvard Law 2L quits his summer associate position over firm's refusal to sever financial ties with Russia:



    In his post, Donahue also included the following message to all firms that believe it’s acceptable to continue operating in Russia: “Russia is a pariah state, not your emerging market. Your pro bono programs and equality initiatives won’t wash away the stain of working for war criminals. Further increases in starting pay for associates is not the way to attract talent. That might be enough for some to look the other way, but not for me and many others. Expect more to walk away. To be sure, I firmly believe in the right of all criminal defendants to be represented by counsel, a right I fully expect Putin to exercise when he is dragged to The Hague. But doing transactional work that enables the Russian war machine? That’s a choice. And yours speaks volumes.”


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  9. Just now, Chopper said:

    The words I used, "in CCCP/Russia", are there for a reason. The extent of their internal security apparatus and the fear they crush their fellow countrymen with are highly relevant imo. Perhaps you disagree but try using logic and/or history instead of snark.

    Relax. Its a joke

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