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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 38 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    The more this goes on the more I think Clancy had it right. The only deterrent is probably killing/assassination of the head of state who kicks something like this off. 

    I'd add targeted killings of senior administrators and oligarchs that support him. Id throw in their spouses too. I guess that makes me a war criminal, but I'd rather they all receive bullets to the back of their heads than suffer a single civilian loss in war.

  2. https://apnews.com/article/business-texas-lawsuits-california-gun-politics-b0a3cd6c9061e1ba37d6c52ae093e6c0


    A new bill in California would allow private citizens go after gun makers in the same way Texas lets them target abortion providers, though gun advocates immediately promised a court challenge if it becomes law.

    Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday backed legislation that would let private citizens enforce the state’s ban on assault weapons. It’s modeled after a Texas law that lets private citizens enforce that state’s ban on abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected.



    Newsom said he hopes the proposal forces the U.S. Supreme Court’s hand on the Texas abortion law. He said it will either expose their “hypocrisy” if they should block California’s proposal that affects the gun industry and not the Texas law on abortion, “or it’ll get them to reconsider the absurdity of their previous decision.”

    “There is no principled way the U.S. Supreme Court cannot uphold this California law. None. Period full stop. It is quite literally modeled after the law they just upheld in Texas,” Newsom said.



    California’s bill has not been filed yet in the state Legislature. But a fact sheet provided by Hertzberg’s office said the bill would apply to those who manufacture, distribute, transport, import into California, or sell assault weapons, .50 BMG rifles, ghost guns or ghost gun kits.

    Ghost guns are weapons bought online and assembled at home. They don’t have serial numbers, making them difficult to trace.

    The bill would let people seek a court order to stop the spread of these weapons and recover up to $10,000 in damages for each weapon, plus attorney’s fees.


  3. 17 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    I said nothing about “big pharma” or “trust.” I said the science is explained in these papers. Identifying specific shortcomings within these studies and how they relate to one’s stance on the efficacy of vaccines is worthwhile conversation. Infographics loaded with straw men isn’t. 

    Even if he saw it on Facebook?

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