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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 13 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:



    I'm on record in this thread stating that the legal professionals in Harris county are doing a terrible job with regards to the case backlog.

    I disagree with you that the push for one size fits all bail reform has nothing to do with what we see now. Those judges are elected officials and they either agreed with the reform ideas or received political pressure.

    So in that vein @wildcat09 , I guess it is political. So we can't talk about something that affects all of us without it becoming political.


    Politics tend to affect people, yes. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Skipper said:




    This is what Covid Fear Mongerers refuse to acknowledge.   Omcicron is not OG or Alpha.  It's contagious as fuck and evades vaccines.  Vaccinated individuals are being infected and spreading this virus just as easily as unvaccinated.   Do you people honestly think that if you went into a packed restaurant where everyone was vaccinated and boosted you aren't at risk from contracting Omicron?  I know an instance of a 10 person dinner party, all vaxed, where every single person got it after someone became symptomatic the next day.  My vaxed cousin was in a conference room for 1 hour with 1 other person last week, both wearing masks, and got it last week after that person became symptomatic the next day.

    Like Fauci said, EVERYONE is getting Omicron within the next year.  It's too contagious.  Mask, no masks, vax, no vax, it doesn't matter. Zero Covid is never going to happen.  And guess what, if you are vaxed, you will probably be ok.

    Do we have any interest in ensuring our hospitals aren't crammed with unvaxxed suffering from complications? Does our society have any interest in ensuring that our medical community is not dealing with highly contagious covid patients? Are you ok with hospitals turning away unvaxxed patients seeking care for complications related to covid?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Kobe Bryant Yes GIF

    The City Council cut the LAPD by $150 million in July, after massive protests following Floyd's death

    Wrong again, smart guy:


    Its operating budget was cut by $150 million last summer with much fanfare, to $1.71 billion, then more quietly increased this year by about 3% — to $1.76 billion, a huge chunk of the city’s overall spending.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    I have a great idea! Lets have the gov't shut down the economy and cause millions of job loses in just a few months. then slowly open it back up and show fantastic  job growth. we don't even need to get back to pre crisis levels. Just show millions of jobs coming back. it's GENIUS!

    BTW you missed a key point.

    Hmm, sounds like the last president should have done a better job when the pandemic first hit. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  5. 3 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    we should not stop there either. if obese, drinker, no yearly exam, eat too much fast food, dont exercise, dont take their meds regularly, etc. we can do so much to make people do the right things.

    Its your belief that an insurance company should not be allowed to take into account the elevated risks of the person they are insuring?

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