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pigmeat markham

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Posts posted by pigmeat markham

  1. 14 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Beard is at ~ $3.2M per year average through 2023-2024.  You're right in terms of the raw numbers, especially since Austin is more expensive than Lubbock, but let's be honest -- that's pretty much just a bump of maybe $1M on a really nice house.  Taxes and other living expenses are down in the noise when you're looking at incomes on that level.

    In other words, $500K+ more per year would easily put him ahead of where he's at now, and it's at a higher profile school.  Of course, Tech could counteroffer (and would).

    TTU Athletic Director, Kirby Hocutt, today on his radio show says Beard has earned the opportunity for Tech to review his contract yet again and they're going to be proactive.  According to Hocutt .........

     "We're going to be proactive. The decision for him to stay long time at Texas Tech will be Chris Beard's decision. We're going to continue to invest in this program ... I believe he does (want to stay long-term) ... but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and focus on the now this year."

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Machinator said:


    Plenty of being in the coach's doghouse experience for both Wallace and Ward in previous years.  They ought to be used to it by now..  The two them plus Fields, who started last year, are seen as being originally scheduled for major playing time this season.  

  3. 22 minutes ago, suddenly shaggy said:

    Not every day, but frequently. The feedlot is almost as large as TCEH's campus, but the cows get a better education. 



    And you don't even have to pay the tennis coach to go there.  Double win for the cows.

  4. 23 minutes ago, suddenly shaggy said:

    It depends the direction the wind is blowing. There is a giant feedlot SE of town right off 84. If the wind is blowing from the east, Lubbock smells like pigmeat posts.  

    Come on, post some more 14 year old newspaper articles to try and make a point that doesn't even matter.  My dad can beat up your dad.  No, you're not too desperate.

  5. 33 minutes ago, suddenly shaggy said:

    Too funny, some here are so desperate they're posting old hotel reviews and 15 year old newspaper articles.

    And the stockyard smell is far from a daily occurance if it helps anybody's feelings.

    The your mom posts are always the best.  I suppose it's the creativity.

  6. 19 minutes ago, suddenly shaggy said:

    Fuck off with that bullshit false equivalency. A few parts of Austin, specifically areas around 6th Street smell like transient piss. Right by I35 and Mopac, Austin may smell like exhaust fumes. 

    ALL of Lubbock smells like cow shit. 



    Is the section of town where your junior high is located okay?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    Saying Austin "reeks of . . . exhaust fumes and traffic" is tautological, bro.

    Funny.  I suppose an old boy could very well make that case, though I would tend to view exhaust and traffic as two separate issues.  You've got your actual backed up cars issues impeding one's ability to move, and then the ensuing issue of unpleasant exhaust fumes.  Definitely related though.

    Been on message boards now for 20 years or something.  I don't recall anyone ever using tautological in a post previously!  Kudos to you.  An all-time first.




  8. 6 minutes ago, suddenly shaggy said:

    Lulz. Y'all are the ones trying to tell us Lubbock isn't that bad. This is a really stupid argument, even for TCEH. 

    Austin doesn't reek of cow shit. There isn't even a reason to get into the hundreds of other reasons Austin is better. 

    Pay attention please, you haven't seen me post the first thing about Lubbock being better or not being "that bad".  Merely, to each his own as there are those who prefer it, which is true.

    No, Austin doesn't reek of cow shit, only transient piss, exhaust fumes and traffic as I mentioned earlier.  Not an Austin slam in the least, every city has its negatives.  It's really pretty simple.



  9. 7 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Nobody is threatened you doofus. Hell, I don't even live in Austin. There is objective data that proves that Austin is a more desirable place to live than Lubbock.

    You're right that one side is being humorously defensive, it's just not the one you think.

    Are you actually familiar at all with the word threatened?  Who gives a shit what the objective data shows in regard to a subjective matter like city preferences.  Fact of the matter is some people prefer Alaska to Paris.  So what?

    As an aside, the "objective data" indicated Hillary would win the presidency too.  That was some spot on info.


    • Fuck You 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Js1 said:

    6 whole 4 star recruits? Well slap my ass and call me a bitch, UT could never dream big like that! 

    You're trying a little too hard here.  Meant nothing by it other than things seem to be going fairly well at Tech for Beard.  I'm not a big basketball recruiting guy, but noticed Rivals anyway, had them listed as the best class in the conference.  I'm hardly suggesting it's a world's record effort.

  11. 6 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:


    The insecurity demonstrated here is fairly entertaining.    Why posters would be so threatened by a simple to each his own concept is perplexing.  My city is better than yours, nonny nonny boo boo.

    • Fuck You 1
  12. 16 hours ago, MoJames said:



    Well I guess to represent the UT campus, if I could figure out how to do it, I could post a pic of transient piss and vehicle exhaust fumes.

    That's not a shot, but merely an example and nothing more of the fact every city has its particular cross to bear.  Appealing and desireable as it relates to a particular city is a very subjective call.  I'm frequently surprised that so many here just aren't mindful of that.  Lubbock or somewhere else not your cup of tea?  Fine, I get that.  You're reading the post of a guy who turned down a job and decent raise in Austin.  To each his own.

    Tadlock and Kittley have had money thrown at them. as will Beard.  They chose to stay because they like it there.  Bob Knight still makes his home in Lubbock.as an example.  Beard has lived in Lubbock for 14 years now.  It's his home.  His kids are in Abilene, his significant other is a head coach there, great arena and they're building him a basketball facility second to none currently, he's gotten six 4 star  recruits I believe it is over the last 2 years, he's well paid and will be moreso in the future,, better attendance than UT and so on.

    I don't pretend to know what's going to happen, but there's more than a few reasons he might just stay. While certainly always possible, his departure to Austin if offered is not a given.






    • Like 2
  13. 14 hours ago, MAUFRAIS said:

    The double eagle guys got the tech young alumni landman base real puffed up lately.

    Tho obviously not a landman,  the founder of Yeti has recently arrived upon the scene as well.

  14. 32 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Tech basketball recruiting heating up. I like it.

    Beard doing a nice job.  6 four stars in last 2 years.  Don't know about anyone else, but fwiw Rivals has the class as the conference's best and that includes the zero star Russian.  Nice get today.








  15. On 3/5/2019 at 10:03 AM, texifornia said:

    Eh, I think he was just legitimately torn between UT and Tech. He wasn't posting a bunch of videos and stuff.

    Absolutely true.  There are many who suggest he actually committed to TT at one point late in the process.

    • Like 1
  16. So much, and understandably so, of the UT discussion pertaining to acquiring Beard is focused on the financial side, I think some significant non-dollar related issues are by and large mostly overlooked.

    He's lived in Lubbock 14 years now and genuinely likes it and considers it his home.  Additionally, his daughters, with whom he's very close, are relatively close as they live in Abilene.  His serious, long time girlfriend is coaching in Lubbock as a head coach.  

    I see where he's supposedly already the 11th highest paid college in the country and should another elite 8 or better appearance be made this season, Hocutt could make that change for the better in a hurry.  Also, TT is currently in the midst of building Beard a literally state of the art basketball facility of basically his own design, creation and druthers. Additionally, he feels he has some true ringers slated to come into the program.

    This is all not to say his departure is an impossibility of course, but merely should UT decide they wanted to pay the price, I don't think his decision would be solely based on financial considerations.

    • Like 2
  17. 10 hours ago, WBT said:

    Nebraska supposed to be SEC?

    What, you haven't been keeping up with all this realignment news?

    I kid, obviously of course you're correct.  I was thinking TT played Miss State and Ark as opposed to Miss St. and Neb.  Original point still the exact same though.

  18. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    does he know about this?

    I guess one never knows for sure.  Could always be a love child of his buddy Kim Jong-un that he's trying to pass off as his own.  You just know he'd be be quite the hoopster, especially if he's got a haircut like his dad's. 

  19. TTU QB commitment under Kliff, Wison Long of Austin Regents, decommitted today. Hadn't even heard from the new staff and they already have another QB commitment.

    Obviously they were not interested.  Per reports, he is very much Colt McCoy's boy as he worked with him in the off season. He tried to get UT interested but they, like others, had concerns about his height, or lack thereof.  Top 100 kid though.

  20. 17 hours ago, Moby Ric said:

    After this weekend very much yes.  Tech does not look like the world beaters everyone expected them to be this year.  

    TT  may turn out to not be world beaters.for all I know, but come on man, they lost 2-1 and 4-2 to two quality SEC programs.

    Hardly a certain indictment of this year's club just yet.  That's the way the baseball go.



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