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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. I will bet my next pay check that Bear Alexander has broken at least two shitters in the last three years.
  2. This is one of those games that I could not give fewer shits about either team but will almost always watch. The sideline action is always on point and a good pervy cameraman can make it a top notch viewing experience.
  3. It’s a crime against humanity that people as stupid as football coaches get paid millions of dollars to be so fucking dumb.
  4. 2003 World Cup was when I first got into cricket. No one was beating Australia that day after Ponting went bonkers. Although if memory serves me right, there was a rain delay during India's innings and they had an outside shot of screwing over Australia via a dodgy DLS victory.
  5. Is that the one that looks like my piece of shit Logitech mouse? No, cant be. The mouse is actually two-toned.
  6. He'll be drawing a social security check.
  7. I expected a better response after how bad you got dunked on over the last 12 hours or so.
  8. You sure do get butthurt a lot anytime there's any semblance of decent news. Sorry the world hasn't burned down enough for your liking. Dipshit.
  9. Well, it's all about betting action, not predictions. So what was the point of posting it here instead of a degenerate gambling thread?
  10. LMJ will be invited to throw out the first pitch in a mid May game and shred his elbow again.
  11. In other words, the answer to nnm's original question is a definite "no".
  12. Mohammed Shami, you beautiful fat bastard. Seven wickets... is that good, because it seems pretty fucking good. Clean up the fielding before the finals, dipshits.
  13. Mohammed Shami, you worthless fat bastard.
  14. Mohammed Shami, you beautiful fat bastard.
  15. Kohli has really come through this tournament. I didn't know if he still had it in him.
  16. GQP wasn’t smart enough to nominate a treasonous, blowhard pussy back then. They didn’t have the full realization of just how shitty a significant portion of the voting public is.
  17. You’re saying Julks, Grae, Hensley and Singleton should be regulars in the lineup? You drunk?
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