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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Well you certainly atoned for a momentary lack of Bonacomisseration. So I suppose he is the Michael Buble of the Sammy Davis Jr.s huh?
  2. Noodling videos from insanely talented players...
  3. You do realize the strat had a chance of becoming the next Brownie had you sold it to me for 400.00.
  4. Occasionally impetuousness and salesmanship reconcile a perfect balance...stay tuned for previews of next week's program
  5. A good while back I floated the idea of installing P90's on a Memphis ES335...my wrench told me flatly he would not do it. Happy I listened. So I did the next best thing & picked up an R6 & 290 SC. Get a few offers on the Collings but can't let it go.
  6. ...and a Blues Driver makes it ornery'r.
  7. Thinking about badging the BIg Dawg "Devaluator" if the neighbors circulate a petition.
  8. Imagine it sounds as good as it looks...gorgeous body and neck back goredho.
  9. Found out the Dawg has a dirty looks from the cul de sac strollers setting...simulate that @Goredho
  10. Guard screws pass muster . . .
  11. My VOS R6 is not light...don't remember the #, haven't weighed & don't care
  12. Goldies are a happy place...
  13. Dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow eyed...
  14. That song changed everything I thought I knew and liked about music and guitar playing...my high school buddies back in small town TX thought I'd surely gone over the edge.
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