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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. Fair point, but it is closer than what someone else writes for him or sends out on his behalf. His ad-libs are what he actually believes.
  2. The White House made a statement, but the President didn't. I no longer believe what comes from the WH is actually speaking for the President. I have to see it come out of his mouth before I know what he actually believes.
  3. Brisket is correct. The only thing that MAY work is serious pressure on the Senate for 2020. That is also the year when Trump is on the ballot. Probable primary from the middle and a pure referendum on the obviously comprised/guilty man. Senators do not like to lose their power and have the "potential" to do the right thing in the face of losing cushy jobs. They would roll on him as a group faster than the House ever could get organized to do so. It's a long shot, but it's plausible. The size of the wave and the amount of folks in jail or on trial will have to be substantial. I think folks don't appreciate what happened on Monday. All of the Russia attacks on Trump will now stick and the GOP lost all Indies and folks that took a chance on Trump for the next two cycles. It was that bad of a moment. The base will never leave, but the base can't win Senate seats alone.
  4. Godspeed. Thank God I'm sober. I don't think I could handle myself right now if I was drinking.
  5. I feel sick. We are screwed if this continues much longer. Every Republican congress person in complicit for allowing this to continue. I honestly can't believe what I just witnessed. We knew he was a lying fuckstick. Now we know he's truly treasonous.
  6. Agreed. For a seemingly smart group of people, this one wasn't well thought through. It wasn't an open counter, but the moment and flow of the match was swinging to Croatia at the time. It felt like something good was going to come from attacking that left flank. Killed the flow until the end of the match half.
  7. Would've gotten a lot more sympathy if they hadn't interrupted a counter attack by the underdog of the match. I'm sympathetic to their cause, but fuck them for screwing up a chance for Croatia. Wait for an injury or the ball to go out of play. I think the entire soccer world agrees with me.
  8. Imagine how fucked up its going to be when he grants Julian Assange asylum here. The unthinkable is now the norm.
  9. True, but it's been a long two years. Feels like a lifetime since he was busted at the RNC convention. These cunts are finally about to get theirs one by one and it will move very fast once this trial starts.
  10. I couldn't imagine a guy with Flynn's background being a traitorous POS either, but apparently these low character guys exist in high ranking positions and Trump is good at finding them. It blows my mind I type the word treason, and everyday that goes by it is playing out to be the case with these fucks. I don't like the new normal.
  11. It was reported a few weeks ago that Kelly has checked out. Basically said he will no longer try to control the President and will not advise him until he gets impeached. We know that is not going to happen unless the Congress flips. It's a massive deal, but why would he put himself in any possible criminal/treasonous situation if Trump is going to do what he pleases anyhow? He's just ordering the coffee and setting up the meetings I suppose.
  12. Very insightful and revealing. Where can I learn more Annie?
  13. 7 months ago today I was sitting in a "detox" against my will with a bunch of certifiable crazies. I was momentarily certifiable myself, it was ugly, I just didn't have the scars on my wrists to prove it. Alcohol is a cunning, baffling, and powerful motherfucker to say the least. I didn't get sober when I got out, but it was certainly almost bottom. I had to get myself fired a month later to finally give it up. You don't have to go through the hell I did to get out of it. I'm just strong willed and had to completely burn it all down. This wasn't my first rodeo. I knew that my drinking days were coming to an end. Thank God I made it out alive without doing and serious harm to others. I know holidays can be hard for the lonely, depressed, and hopeless. When I was at the end of my drinking I didn't get a lot of invites to do things and I was alone. I had plenty of friends and was fun to be around, until I wasn't. My thoughts were dark, life sucked and I isolated. If you're out there and reading this, it can and will get better if you do something different. The only thing scarier than making a change in my life was living with alone with my thoughts and the possibility of harming someone else. There is a different way to live and life gets better no matter how crazy that sounds. You're loved and there are a lot of people out there who've done what you have, some of us worse. Keep the faith, take some action to change when the thought occurs, and don't let that evil motherfucker win.
  14. Time to workout the escape and asylum arrangements.
  15. The NRA angle of this is finally getting some mainstream media attention. The idea that the NRA was some kind of unwitting idiot who just happened to take Russian contributions is preposterous. These fuckers have been running one of the most sophisticated campaigns in all of dark money politics for years. They know exactly where their money comes from. Burn in hell fuckers. Ollie North as their current chairman is the cherry on top of the melting sundae of treason and shame. https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article214075459.html The NRA, which spent $30 million-plus backing Trump’s bid, has heard nothing from the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, spokesman Andrew Arulanandam reiterated in an email the other day. Legal experts, though, say there’s an easy explanation for that. They say it would be routine for Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, who are looking at the NRA’s funding as part of a broader inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections, to secretly gain access to the NRA’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service. On the returns, the group was required to identify its so-called “dark money” donors -- companies and wealthy individuals who financed $21 million of the group’s publicly disclosed pro-Trump spending, as well as its multimillion-dollar efforts to heighten voter turnout. The NRA’s nonprofit status allows it to shield those donors’ names from the public, but not the IRS.
  16. Cheers all. He went off the reservation quite a while ago and we'll probably never know why it happened, but damn it must sting for a guy like that to wake up everyday knowing you're a traitor. I hope he's doing his best to make amends to his country and soul during this investigation because he has to look himself in the mirror the rest of his life. Knowing that Mueller is still grinding on and using him helps calm my brain from the daily Trump fatigue. Add that to the fact the Manafort trial begins in a month and we are getting closer to knowing the fate of the nation. I have to believe the "treasoncunts" will get theirs soon. Need Flynn to nail Prince and I will be happy. Edit* Didn't know Flynn was that part of the team. Cambridge, Stone, etc.
  17. Is that because he is still cooperating or because more charges are possible? I'm assuming the former, but have no clue.
  18. Since the Russian attack is fake, can't she just expect a pardon? If her folks have half a brain they get their asses over to Fox and Friends everyday while this assclown is still President.
  19. The nice thing in OK is there was no big campaign promising to fix all the financial ills of the state. It really was grassroots vs. big money. More of a fuck you to the establishment than the next thing to save education. Folks got burned here on the lottery years ago. No one is buying that there is a single fix to the revenue problem.
  20. The Chamber of Commerce and O&G folks didn't do themselves any favors supporting that crap. Their holy glow of supreme rule was already tarnished during the teachers strike, this just proves how out of touch they are. It was an embarrassing campaign to scare the old's and gullible's that wasted a lot of money. Makes my heart happy when they spend a bunch and lose.
  21. Yes they are. The failure of the last 8 years of tax cuts and oil & gas giveaways have finally taken hold here. Not sure where this will end up, but they might get a D for Gov. The legislature won't flip D, but there will more of them elected, and certainly be more moderate R's elected. Sucks to be an R incumbent.
  22. http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/medical-marijuana-passes-see-how-each-oklahoma-county-voted-on/article_f00d2998-6206-5698-8b3a-c8b30820b063.html "Oklahoma voters on Tuesday appear to have made it legal to use, sell and grow marijuana for medicinal purposes in a referendum two years in the making. About 57 percent of voters approved the measure. State Question 788 would take effect in just 30 days, so lawmakers are expected to scramble back to the Capitol to tackle the host of regulatory issues raised by the creation of an all-new licensing program and marijuana processing industry." It will be interesting to see how the legislature handles the regulation. Problem for the incumbents up for re-election is that it passed by almost 14pts and they can't fuck around before the general or they'll get attacked. There is a "change" vibe going on in Oklahoma due to the teachers strike, revenue failures, and all around ineptitude of the entrenched Christian Conservatives and Tea Party hardcores. The Lt. Gov., Trump endorsed (Tump Jr. campaigned for him) candidate for Governor lost in the primary last night, making him the first Lt. Gov. in history to not get the party nomination. He lost to the moderate mayor from OKC, and a rich mortgage banker outsider (reminds me of Trump). Blows my mind that OK legalized pot before Texas. Never thought I'd see the day.
  23. There's a gentleman in my home group who's been sober since '73. A massive stroke some years ago left him with serious speech problems and the right side of his body is fucked, barely gets around on a cane. It's damn inspiring to see a guy at every meeting that lives with that shit yet wants to keep his mind clear and spirit fit. My self pity is so overwhelming when I say the wrong thing at a social setting/work when I'm not working a good program. When I'm spiritually fit, I could shart myself at a wedding and not a fuck would be given for more than 5 minutes. 5 months today and I'm grateful as hell. Thank you to all of you guys out there working with others and saving lives. I'm one of the lucky ones that was shown a different way of life. Cheers to you and much love.
  24. Is this delay in speaking to the special counsel only going to hurt Trump in the long run? The longer Trump waits, the more Mueller will have the pieces of the story together and will be more likely to perjure himself. They aren't learning that things were truly above board, they're learning more of the detail of the traitorous actions, financial crimes, and general corruption that Trump and Associates have committed over the last several years. At least by talking to him as soon as possible you can get a feel for where the investigation is headed. Certainly they're trying to find back channels to what the witnesses have already testified about, but with Manafort getting popped, I doubt folks are eager to reach out to the President. Trump is making it harder on himself. Yes, I realize it's just delaying the inevitable SC ruling when he defies the subpoena, but damn I'd being trying to get all the info I could first hand.
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