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Everything posted by Dertyberd

  1. Driving grey fucking cars without lights on during a sunless grey morning downpour to make sure no one can see you flying down the middle lane. Dark cars in general driving without their lights on during said storms, but for some reason idiots who drive grey/silver cars never turn their lights on. Fuck you.
  2. Ready for the "Lock them up!' chants at the next rally.
  3. I know, and I'm just a backwoods hick from Oklahoma. He goes on and on about being a genius from Wharton and they love him, yet don't see the elitist slapping them in the face with his Cheeto. If he applied for a position with most of these "job creators" he'd be shown the door for being a loudmouthed Yankee, or not make it through the written resume portion for too many errors. The dissonance that the right amount hate, lack of fucks for anything other than lib/brown/Euro tears, and an R by your name brings these days is incredible.
  4. It's almost as if the red line under his misspelled words actually mean, the best words. The fucker doesn't have the patience to check his very public thoughts. I know he doesn't care about norms of any kind, but the impulsiveness is fucking scary.
  5. You'll know if we're fucked in a few short months. D's haven't been able to win with facts up to this point and I'm not sure if they can win in '18. It truly is up to the electorate now what road we take. Everything is out in the open for the last year for the rational folks to see. It's up to them to reject it or not. Elections have consequences. This next one is do or die.
  6. Taint Fish Midnight Colonoscopy
  7. "Just the coffee boy and folks that were on the campaign a very short time". Fucking hell, I can't wait for the trials to start and the evidence come out. Sure there will be the 46 percent that will never believe the facts, but the folks who aren't paying attention are going to have their collective minds blown when we start hearing Trump campaign officials fess up.
  8. I'm sorry you had to see that. My brother saw me at my worst in a similar situation, but I was at least alive, physically. There comes a point when I was alone in my drinking that I just gave up hope. The physical addiction had me and life wasn't all I wanted it to be. I just kind of said "fuck it, what's the point in living?". I was living my own slow sucide because there was no hope. It was time for me to go on my own terms so why not drink. It's impossible to explain to those who've never been there, but it can happen for a number of different reasons. When I got behind in life (so I thought at 36) and then under the bottle it made perfect sense to me. Who knows if that was your brothers case, but know it happens to a lot of people. Some get away with it, some get better, and unfortunately some don't make it. It really is luck, timing, and money that determines the outcome. Prayers to you and your family.
  9. Having lived in the EU for almost 5 years and running a small business and attempting to start others, I agree, it is harder to get rich. America is still the place to hopefully get rich starting a small business. I can only speak for myself, but the peace of mind (crime, healthcare, community, workers rights) that comes with day to day life in the EU blows away the anxieties of living and trying to hit it big in the US. We are a fantastic country to get rich and then run off and hide on a ranch or gated community, but the anxieties here are ridiculous. We are all one health scare away from poverty and no one gives a fuck. Money and investment is easier to find here, but happiness in daily life is off the charts over there. Even in 2008-2013 horrible economy Spain my life was better there except for the money. Being an American though, it is damn difficult to not have the belief that I deserve to hit it big and be successful. Then, ultimately say "Peace out bitches, going to travel and enjoy my ranch away from the daily shit. In the meantime, I grind for low wages trying to hit the big one while I worry about getting sick, the cost of the commute, and the toll its taking on my happiness. Just like every true blooded American should do.
  10. "Welcome to the party pal!' I have accepted that there are two options going forward. He and his mafia cabal go to jail, or they get away with it and the Republic fails. I'm back to laughing again, but it is more out of self preservation than anything. I can do nothing as an individual to change what is happening, I have neither the money nor public platform to do anything of substance. If I take his shit seriously or I get angry it, only affects me. I'm enjoying the movie.
  11. Prayers for your health and recovery. The fear will certainly be worse than anything you actually go through. You've got this.
  12. Thank God we had the foresight to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy. The jobs created will fill that payroll gap in no time along with the fake deficit they say is created.
  13. No, it wasn't just the dossier. There were so many sketchy acts by the candidate and the election staff going back years that I'm shocked more of them weren't under investigation prior to joining the campaign. The dossier just put a lot of the pieces together with foreign intelligence.
  14. Is there a Dead Pool for the first American involved in the Trump mess yet? Manafort seems like the obvious choice, but I'm going with Papadopolous. He seems to "pop" up at strange times and places during this whole ordeal. Plus I doubt he's getting the security that Gates, Flynn, et al. are receiving.
  15. Wow. The tribes in Oklahoma are renegotiating their gaming compact with the state as I type this. With all of the revenue problems in Oklahoma over the last 8 years I can't imagine sports books not becoming legal. The tribes are going to be rolling in even more North Texas money very soon. If Texas is smart they will legalizing sports betting in the next couple of years.
  16. Strange day all around. I am unmotivated and lost down a rabbit hole on a big project today. Self doubt and loathing crept in for a few hours this afternoon. Fuck it, I've made it through the work day and have a meeting tonight to celebrate 5 birthdays, 2 of which have quiet a few years in my home group. Very happy occasion for some really good people who helped save my life. We'll have Adam D. coming up I-35 to God's country from the Glass House FW speaking tonight. Not sure if he's the same cat I knew from when I went to treatment down there, but he's a solid guy and can make the room dusty. Always a pleasure to have these celebrations to look forward to after a shit day. One more day sober is a beautiful thing.
  17. Don't worry, we know. You don't think anything will come from any of this.
  18. The thing about these investigations is that when one of these shady LLC's gets cracked open, it leads to more shady LLC's, "Non profits", and other ways around campaign finance laws. You get to see the money trail now. What is different about this particular case is dirty ass Russian cash mixed with legit businesses here in the US. You would think any normal fucker would have an LLC for the dirty foreign money separate from the legit stuff, but no, this fixer can't even manage that. I don't know what's in there, but one dumbass can take down a hell of a lot more than they thought. It will be more complicated than the average American's attention span can handle, but it is the first time we will see the scale of this shit directly involving a President. This story does have the potential to bring much needed attention to campaign reform. No matter how bad your day is today, nothing is worse than Michael Cohen's next several years. I can only imagine his wife is begging him to stay loyal to the Donald and get that pardon he'll need. Haha! These pathetic fucks.
  19. Every fucking day. Since Citizens United, that's how the system works, and its all legal if you are using 501(c)(4)'s and not "coordinating". These clowns just put the money in an LLC because thats the way payoffs work in the private sector and they're arrogant idiot cunts. They are going to drain the swamp by showing the country how big of swamp creatures they are, and because they're so plain dumb. This is a beautiful day for America. Sunshine motherfuckers, you're caught with your tiny peckers out.
  20. Damn that stings, but hey, low expectations aren't horrible in recovery. The lonely bottom is not much fun, but I've found it helps with the getting sober for myself part of the process.
  21. My experience has always been that the folks who are shitty about someone trying to get sober are folks that should be in the rooms of AA or narcissists who probably have some other mental health issue. Normal people aren't dicks about people trying to make their life better. Heard a small pearl last night from a speaker and came to share. Daughter was asking her alcoholic mother if she was going to grow up to be an alcoholic. Mother has to unfortunately say there is no way to say if you will or won't. "You have drink to know if you have a problem, then when you do, you will try like hell not to believe it." Never heard it put that way before, but damn if it ain't the truth. Much love, happy days.
  22. 3 months yesterday. It seems like the time is flying by this go round. My first walk into the rooms was a constant struggle to not pull in to the plethora of strip mall liquor stores I have mapped out in my head. A real alcoholic doesn't need to do a google search to find the closest source. Each day felt like a week and I wore out my sponsor just fighting the constant urge not to drink. I was trying to get sober because the physical addiction had ruined my life and I was miserable. Thank God my field research did not end up with the physical addiction as there is nothing worse in this world. I realize my physical addiction followed years of mental and spiritual shit thinking and living. Booze was just the answer to the worthless life I had created. I'm not an alcoholic because I am addicted, I'm an alcoholic because I will obsessively use vodka to burn down every last good thing in my life because my brain and soul are telling me it's the best option. It's been a fast ninety because I've been taking all of it slowly. There is nothing more right now than taking care of my shit today and realizing it is a hell of a lot more fun to build something than it is to destroy. I'm writing this so I can revisit it when I will certainly have a day that all I want to be is normal. Those are the thoughts that will kill me. Much love.
  23. The thing that blows my mind and brings the lulz is showing off his passport like that matters. The Czech Republic is in the fucking EU travel zone. Fly into Warsaw, Paris, Madrid, etc...and hope on a plane to Prague. You don't get another stamp once you are inside the EU. "No Prague stamp, I believe him."
  24. Fuck yeah. Still sober and this site is up and running. New job started and it was a perfect time for a break. Nice to be back and see you all posting. Less than 90 days and the pink cloud has burst already, but fuck if I’m not grateful. Happy days.
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