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Wally Pryor

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Posts posted by Wally Pryor

  1. 7 hours ago, PatSolitanojr said:

    You must have not been on the lower west side, because there was no one there. 

    What was the real attendance at the game?  75K-ish?

  2. Guessing this opens at Texas -2 or so.  Stanford is making Daniels look pedestrian tonight, but Shaw will fuck with about anyone, especially someone who should still be eyeing his prom. SC has pretty good skill players but they're still a shell of what they've been in the past. The #s on their uniforms are still much too big. But more than made up for by their song girls, I'm assuming they and their sweaters will be in Austin.

    We're a shit show, and not much more than that.  Despite our dynamic, bubble blowing coach who will gladly inform you that you're uninformed, stupid, lacking knowledge, or all of the above. 

    Discuss.  You've got almost 7 days to do so. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Clemson shit the bed 2nd half.  Seemed like two different teams from the first to second half. It was passing me off. 

    Glad Clemson got the W, but fuck me running they let that be way closer than it should have been. 

    Not really.   A&M played its ass off and in doing so outplayed Clemson.  Clemson's secondary is a weakness but they're still one of the 3 best teams in the country.

    A&M played them straight up.  It's okay to admit that.  Regardless of how much we hate them.

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