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Everything posted by Penelope

  1. I’m including myself as a Karen. 2 are married.
  2. Picture if you will, 6 Karens, stuck at home due to COVID-19. One Karen decides we should have a card night. So we’re playing spades, except I’m the only one who knows how to play spades. And somehow(amazingly) we get off topic and don’t actually play more than one hand. But, are able to have a 30 minute discussion about why you should or should not shove an egg up your crotch. It turns out, I’m in the minority, in thinking this is gross, disgusting, completely unhygienic, and ridiculously stupid. I literally just kept repeating” That’s so gross why would you shove something up your crotch“ they kept repeating something something about building muscles. I said Keagle’s and don’t shove shit up your crotch. There was an actual nurse in our group, who explained how an egg up your crotch could help build muscles. And I tapped out. Submitted For your amusement
  3. Turns out I can’t do that. I’m a private club and my liquor license will not allow me to do any of this. All other mixed beverage license can do it but not me because I’m a private club. So I am completely fucked. Not sure why I am not allowed, pretty sure it has do with fucked up TA BC shit
  4. Yeah I know I sound like a crazy lunatic. But I’m not wrong and hard-core fuck him and his stupid fucking Twatt millennium beliefs
  5. My actual response to the guy who said it was no big Actually you’re a fucking idiot! This “pandemic “in your words is indeed is an actual fucking PANDEMIC! . It’s killing people worldwide and your stupid fucking post makes people think that it’s not an actual emergency. When it actually is and you’re fucking stupid to perpetuate this fucking myth! Clearly it takes either your grandparents, or your parents, or you actually getting sick and dying from this will actually realize how horrendous this virus actually is. That’s what’s wrong with our fucking society fuck you and your stupid fucking beliefs. Perhaps if you had learned math or science at all in you’re education you would know this. This is why we are all doomed. We can reconvene this conversation in two weeks when the hospitals are full of patients and are being denied ventilation equipment because we do not have the resources. Maybe you can post from your hospital bed sincerely Penelope
  6. Good, he should load all those selfish bastard’s that are partying for spring break on cruise ships and send them out to sea. And Lord of the flies begins. Fuck them siap I usually post when I’m drinking and may not remember
  7. Since Abbott lifted restrictions on delivering alcohol to homes. I plan on re opening. AFTER I self isolate for 2-3 weeks and only if I don’t get sick. I’ll make payment strictly credit card over the phone and leave at front door. This may help me survive
  8. This was one of my friends on Facebook TODAY! #thankyoucorona for actually getting people to be clean. #yourfuckingstupid for acting like ants when it’s not that bad. Damn the flu kills more than this “pandemic” virus I commented with “you’re a fucking idiot” and then de friended him
  9. I just got off the phone with a friend. She’s SIP At her parents house. We discussed how foolish her father was being because he’s not taking this seriously. Long discussion about all the dangers etc. she then tells me she has to go because she’s at the nail salon about to get her nails done. We’re fucking doomed!
  10. I was struggling before the pandemic. Seems like I was finally turning the corner, and now this. I was in the beginning of my third year and I don’t know if I can recover being closed for 6 to 8 weeks. I did close my bar voluntarily prior to the mandates. I hope that doesn’t bite me in the ass when it comes to any kind of aid.
  11. Just got off the phone with my ex. Complete 180 from this morning. I guess he finally understands the seriousness of the situation.
  12. I closed my bar yesterday. Moved my inventory today, and boarded up my windows. Now I’m fighting with my ex because he believes we should stay open as long as possible. And that I’m overreacting and jumping the gun. He’s an Aggie so…
  13. Picking up my plywood right now to board up my windows and doors. Thanks to this thread, I have been ahead of this as much as I possibly can be. As a bar owner, this is very difficult. I have taken drastic ass measures these last few weeks to try to keep my patrons safe. See list below . I am certain I will not be open in the end of this week. And have been prepared for it, as much as possible, mostly because of this thread started buying extra bleach/sanitizer/hand wipes/every extra of Everest cleaning product back in February. Not hurting just enough stock to accommodate my bar. I have been lysoling and bleaching the fuck out of my bar for the last three weeks.I’m talking every surface anything anybody touches, pool cues, mouse for the sweepstakes games, doorknobs, any handles, backs if seats, every goddamn thing I could think of that people touch. (I realized yesterday I had forgotten the goddamn pens ) Switch to plastic instead of glassware prevent spreading. Several other things. Bars and restaurants are usually pretty strict on their hygiene anyway. I upped cleaning mine because of the virus and hopes are not being Ground Zero in Jarrell That being said, nobody here gives a fuck. truly, I’ve been told by every fucking customer that comes in here that I am over reacting, and being ridiculous. It’s just a fucking cold they say. The denial is ridiculous! I embrace the quarantine now. As I was dreading it two weeks prior, I want it to happen sooner than later It will kill me financially. I think I have a program in place to recover. Either way it’s going to happen Also, people stole my sanitizer from my restrooms. Two huge bottles gone
  14. Since my ex and I split up this last year, I’m enjoying my first Aggie Free Thanksgiving in six years (his whole family went to A&M). I’m opening up the bar and spending my day serving booze.
  15. It amazes me the things people take pictures of. They'll never look at 99% of them again in their lifetime. This. I’m not a picture taking person for this reason. I’d rather just enjoy the moment, then try to capture it somehow. #picturesnoonereallywantstosee
  16. I would agree with you, except he does not do dishes. They few times he has rinsed a dish, in my presence, it was on the wrong side, every time.
  17. I have at lot to contribute to this thread. Unfortunately, he is not my wife ( obviously). I promise I will not turn try to turn this into a man hating thread. However, I humbly submit these reasons why I should be allowed to post on this thread . #1 He owns more shoes than I do ( I own a lot of shoes) # 2 He doesn't watch football (I am a rabid Packers/ Badgers fan) #3 And most importantly HE'S an AGGIE What say you Shag I mean Surlyhorns? That must be enough evidence for a special deference ? I literally have gold for stupid things. And he must count as a woman right? He matches all of the criteria? I promise I won't let you down My first submission is he thought both sides of the sink go to the garbage disposal. Had no clue that there was a difference.
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