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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by mrhorn

  1. Not yet, but the good news is that we still have 3 more quarters to get a first down. I have faith in this team to fall ass backwards for 10 yards at some point today.
  2. Send Brock a fucking basketball jersey for that pick he made on Overshown. Jesus Christ
  3. Google just reported a massive spike in searches for Blackwell Texas Football
  4. I can’t believe I am saying this but I really wished they had signed with somewhere else other than Texas, just for the fact that they deserve so much better. They are great dudes and I love them to death but what they give and what they receive is not equal. I see them as the heart and soul of this team. Especially Rojo. He’s done whatever he’s asked to do and this is how he’s rewarded??? By playing with quitters??
  5. Dicker got taken the fuck out. I guess there’s no roughing anymore
  6. Holy shit they’re pressing already. 39 pitches through 4 innings is insane.
  7. That’s all they’re going to get. We got this.
  8. Sooo…if we keep them under 36 runs that’s a positive for game 3, no?
  9. lol @ Foster running away from the block….again
  10. Get the fuck out of this shit conference asap. That’s unbelievably obvious
  11. He’s getting doubled almost every play
  12. Biggio’s response to Correa standing at the plate after his HR was priceless. He stood up to cheer when it was hit then immediately stopped when he looked at Correa and was all wtf is he doing?
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