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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Complaining about people buying luxury cars and internet while getting in line for the food pantry.   Not spending their money in the “right way”


    Just say the quiet part out loud.  We know you want to. 


    I'm sure that dude is fine with someone in an F 150 getting assistance because "work truck" nevermind even old trucks are expensive. You can buy a pretty nice looking Mercedes for 4k.

    Also a lot of poors drive Uber as a second gig and that requires a decent newer vehicle.


    Just perpetuating the myth of welfare queens. A handful of lower middle class people abuse the system so let's throw it all out. Meanwhile we have daily examples of wealthy corporations grifting million's.


    • Like 4
  2. They’re hot as fuck and uncomfortable?
    That's it right there. That's America now.

    Contrasted: My grandfathers family survived a depression, he left home to join the CCC at 18. Left home again permanently to move to the city to find work. Left that to build ships for the war effort after medical issues prevented service. One of his brothers was shot down in Europe and spent 2 years in a POW camp. Another brother died in combat. He scrimped and saved and worked his entire life to leave his hiers some inheritance. I think he took two trips in his life for " recreation". One to visit his oldest before he got shipped off to die in Vietnam. And one to see that son's name on the wall in DC.

    But yeah masks are uncomfortable...
    • Like 4
  3. A contradiction would be rural Asians that have no problem with a mask but pile the entire family in a 150cc scooter with no helmets and only rag tag flip flops.
    I don't know. I've travelled a lot and I rarely see accidents especially in Urban areas. (I've seen plenty of gruesome highway deaths) Asia, Centraland South America especially. People take driving very seriously as a matter of pride and skill or at least some crazy challenge. And since everyone is hyper focused on the challenge and self enforce the local "rules" - shit works.

    West Austin is whole different matter with entitled assholes texting, speeding and taking unnecessary risks constantly. I will typically see at least one bad accident a day and often a half dozen.
  4. I'd like to have a smart, savvy, worldly, honorable non-asshole president at least once in my adult life. I don't much care what their genital situation is. 
    Did you become an adult 3 years ago? Because there was a guy that appears to check all your boxes...
    • Like 2
  5. I use the little gas station in my hood. They appear to source some products made for the Mexican market. Turns out Karens don't hoard TP with Spanish on the wrapper.
    Heb Lakeway is still hit or miss for TP. One of my clients has probably 500 rolls in their garage. Fox news watchers too. Weird
  6. Whatever, Wanker. 
    You can question the motives of a JP Morgan produce research report, but flatly tossing it aside because of that is premature imo. It’s being shared by an anchor on mainstream media. So it’s relevant. I figured it wasn’t likely to be posted here since it breaks with CR conventional wisdom. 
    As far as my takes and my food contributions, at least they’re some variety. You’re just the 157th poster to have the same vanilla takes on this forum. 
    In closing, I’ll share another food pic. I’ve been pickling a lot of stuff. Homegrown, homemade refrigerator pickles. #Enjoy
    Nice raised "marble" bar top.

    Lmk when you're ready to remodel that shit.
    • Like 1
  7. It doesn't matter if it's low profit margin if you think you can sell a couple hundred million units repeatedly.  Pharma companies are ripe for pump-and-dump stock manipulation, like anything else.
    I'd also be willing to bet that his hedge fund managers shorted U.S. soybean futures about a week before he announced the tariffs on China that killed the U.S. soybean export market.
    Insider trading happens all the time and he's immune from prosecution.  And he's him.  Why wouldn't he be doing these things?
    I guarantee this, or stuff like it, is happening.
    Oh it's been happening; probably without Dotus knowing. Pretty sweet conning a human dumpster fire that will always distract further
  8. Of course, he didn't trot down to the Fox News studio to make that claim. He did it remotely, in isolation. 
    Hey fucker, go ahead and have your dad hold his rallies. What's stopping you? Not the Democrats, that's for sure. Go hold a rally in Kansas. Go hold one in North Carolina. Go hold one in Florida. And make sure you're there on the stage. 
    Shake some hands Eric. Show us you are smart and can do things, not like people say. KAGA bro!
  9. So where are you from?  I'm sure the locals appreciate you bringing your exposure history to town as much as you appreciate their mask wearing.
    Austin. I am positive they would appreciate the fact that I've taken every precaution and had almost no exposure since mid March. All my projects have been outside and I wear mask and disinfect my shit. I pretty much had zero contact.

    If they actually gave a shit about that.
    They appreciate me spending my money.

    It's less about the locals (including much of my family) as many of them take it more seriously due to a decent amount of cases in the county. It's more about the descending hoards of crackers from all over the state every weekend not giving two fucks about spreading and being in jammed packed everywhere.
  10. Riding out a thunderstorm down on the coast. Drove by the store yesterday and saw zero mask wearers through the windows. No way I'm going inside any establishment down here. I feel validated in bringing an extra cooler just so I didn't have to buy ice. There are a fuck ton of Trump flags too. My favorite is "Trump 2020 No More Bullshit".

    Nothing like hoisting an expletive up the flagpole next to Old Glory.

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  11. That's the mindblowing thing to me. It's a piece of cloth over your face. Putting a piece of cloth over your face somehow equates to losing your liberties.
    If you find it difficult to breathe with a piece of cloth over your face, you're too fat to be out in Covid world safely anyway.
    I'm waiting for videos of rednecks burning and blowing up their neck gators , buffs and hunting face masks to own the libs.
  12. This.  This is what I just don't fucking get.
    To which we actually say "okay, we can do a lot of that.  The main thing we need is for folks to wear a mask when we do so.  If we do that, it looks like we can keep transmission low, and get business moving along at a reasonable pace, striking a good balance."
    It's fucking surreal
    Thank you for "Eagle Freedom Flag Gun".
    Im down in POC.

    The Trump 2020 No more Bullshit flag down the way is just making my day.
    Literally putting swear words on a flag and running that up next to old glory is a great idea for the party of family values and civility

    Fucking liars. Just like southern " gentlemen" who were in church on Sunday and out lynching that night.
  13. Soooo we should expect law enforcement on the local and federal level to be visiting these folks immediately right?
      I mean if they’re taking down every kid that talks or jokes about shooting their school, guys discussing murdering and lynching an elected official should warrant some attention.
    Psst...... They are white males
  14. As a truck driver that travels daily all over Texas, I definitely see a difference depending where I'm at, and that pretty much tracts what people report here. There is definitely overlap, but there is no equivalency. The ones that are most deliberate about it, defiant about it, that are making an issue out of a simple request to wear a mask, from what I can tell comparing my first hand experience with what shows up in the news, overwhelmingly are GOP material.
    I see that as well. I require mask on all my jobs and the Latino population complies 100% indoors and close to that outside until I leave. No complaints. The trumptard helper to the fiberglass has to get run the fuck off the job despite the fact that he should be wearing a respirator not just my sake, but for the toxic fumes he breathes daily.

    So yes lots of demographics don't wear mask unless asked too.

    It's entitled white assholes not only not wearing them, but also crusading for others to not wear them. That's the problem.
  15. Or I don’t know, maybe everyone should stay safe? Fuck off.
    As long as we have extreme thoughts like Brisket’s - a small minority - and the fuck you my guns freedom bullshit - another small minority - it always appears that things are worse than they are. The truth is that a majority of people in this country are caught somewhere in the middle of the bullshit. My guess is that Brisket knows some Republicans or even Trump voters who aren’t trying to kill everyone. I certainly know some anti-trump people that are refusing to wear a mask. I don’t FREAK THE FUCK OUT thinking they are trying to kill me.
    Drawing a political line helps nothing and likely makes it worse because instead of arguing science we are arguing politics. That line was already set in stone. Moving the discussion from Democrats want to shut things down and kill the economy but Republicans want to open things up and help the economy,  to something more like it’s really fucking clear that the more testing the better and we can all do our part by staying home when sick. It’s a simple message and isn’t politically polarizing. Oh, and when your governor starts to open up the state in a limited capacity, despite local stay at home guidelines, this doesn’t mean run out and take a fucking vacation.
    Seen any cheap real estate down in the Osa?

    Im ready to flee this smoldering wreckage.
    I'm looking less forward to coast trips just based on emboldened Redneck fuckery
  16. I'm wondering why y'all believe no one has died from closing. Do you think tanking the supply chain, or killing hospitals haven't killed people? This isn't black or white.
    Ya ya, if everyone goes back to work everyone who is compromised will die. No one isn't saying they should go out, but that the healthy people should.
    Open schools?
    Large events?

    If not all 3 how do you mitigate the impact just of that?
  17. This has also been my go to for how this is going down. We might as well have just skipped to that and avoided all the economic carnage as the sick and death are going to happen how they are going to happen anyway with something that kills less than 1% of the people. 
    We can’t and won’t shut ourselves inside for months/years for something with that low a level of lethality. So, worst of every world here as a final result, with a dash of systematic leadership failure pretty much everywhere and at every level, be it pro opening or against opening.  

    Expect most of the people that can afford to dig in with comforts are. The poors are not so lucky
  18. Oh, really?  Why would it be like Sweden here, and not like New York, the UK, Spain or Italy?  What is the evidence for that?
    And for that matter, what is your evidence that Sweden’s economy isn’t going to be killed?  Sweden doesn’t agree with you.
    ”The downturn in Sweden's economy could be the worst since World War Two, a government forecast showed on Friday, with gross domestic product shrinking as much as 10%.”
    Declaring the economy open for business doesn’t mean everything is magically healed and Covid-19 never happened.   The head in the sand theory of economics is only comforting until it’s not.  I think people might as well start accepting some hard truths about the economy - because it’s going to happen either way - so we can at least try to limit the body count.
    Don't bother. Evidence of what's coming will be clear in a few weeks. Goal post will be moved.
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  19. Twice said it best "I think his play is to declare that it was impossible to beat the invisible enemy". If you're never gonna truly get rid of this that means you can never truly open up. What world do people not say, "Fuck this!" when you can't be let out?
    Are you okay with staying inside indefinitely to save one life?
    I'm also not saying there isn't ways for people to mitigate this either.
    I'm saying I see people take jobs with zero precautions in tight quarters in central Texas with no regs then have testing hit 20% of the staff positive in two weeks.

    Then hear about people quitting those jobs out of fear


    Essential plants owned by Asian companies doing contact tracing and having every precaution and keep rolling along at full production because they aren't stupid
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