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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. The craziest thing about COVID is that it inverted the CR and DT boards. Suddenly, CR is the home of data-driven analysis and DT is full of morons spouting off uninformed bullshit.
    Half of that thread is convinced we have herd immunity and they support that view by claiming up to 10% of the US has been infected.  I don’t even know where to begin with such a Russian nesting doll of stupid.
    No shit. I never came in here under Obama because this place was a cesspool of Bengazi Butter Emails and idiocy.

    DT now is like TexAgs. "Well it's time to get back to work and save the economy."

    Zero facts or science. Just shit.
    • Like 3

  2. I don’t get this. I thought we had a bunch of tests available in Texas now. Check him for flu/strep and if negative, we need to test for COVID-19. We need the data!
    His DR and multiple clinic websites said they are only issueing tests for critical cases with classic symptoms like severe respratory issue or hospitalisation need.

    Can't have high case count if you don't test.

    So I can not see my son indefinitely or roll the dice and spread this into my home and beyond???
  3. So my ex and I are rotating my son back and forth every 7 days. Both households have been SIP for a month and we take every precaution. We are in Austin.

    My son has had fever, dizziness, general aches, and lethargy and stomach aches starting Sunday. Slept all day Tuesday.
    Low fever for 4th day today but mostly better.
    He was supposed to return Monday.
    We've postponed that.

    Could be a virus the rest of my Ex's house has already gotten and are immune to. (They have a 4 year old)

    From I'm seeing only high risk qualify for testing. Ie may need to go to the hospital. Or known contact with a carrier. Or multiply classic symptoms like respiratory issues even though roughly 50% of kids never have respratory issues.

    Thoughts on testing options?
    How long he should stay away just in case?

    This sucks. And my ex is likely pushing to avoid testing so she can keep him longer and save a few bucks and not have to do shit.

    Another week away and his schooling is going to go further to shit as he always falls behind over there. He is ready to GTFO of moms house asap.

  4. “Trump supporters” is a spectrum.  Some are less enthusiastic than others and their support for Trump is not strong enough to survive a suicide pact. Even Jim Jones had his defectors.  And we just don’t need that many to dump him or stay home in November in order to evict him from the White House.

    They will have propaganda and fear mongering shoved up their asses for the next 6 months and it will work and Trump will win.

    My mom is looking for any ray of hope for the GOP and sees anything Democrat as born with " a silver spoon " coastal elites. I mean nevermind that Trump is the most blatant example of that. Somehow Biden will always be worse because that's what the propaganda will push.
    Or " maybe we need a business man to get us through this time"
    She will vote away her social security too.

    The shit these people say is mind bottling.
    • Like 1
  5. To me the only reason he won in 2016 was because there were tons of Democrats that really did not like Hillary so they did not even vote.

    That will not be the case in November.

    Biden will crush him.

    While I hope stupid never prevails I'm not going to bet against stupid.

    This country is chock full of stupid.


  6. Well, it is cooler there. 
    Exactly. And they don't have enough hair dryers either. If you just blast yourself in the face with warm air the virus can't grow. Once summer hits we will all be safe.

    - idiots who reject all science and then are suddenly scientific experts spouting nonsense that will kill people.
    • Like 1
  7. Myman.gif
    Yeah the twin disc are hard to beat. They make (used to?) really nice spinning reels too, but looks like they may have left if up to Van Staal now.  Website no longer lists the twin spin. 
    Yeah my favorite Accurate spinner is in about 350' of water between A 7 and Dutra Rock when some noob got tip wrapped on a freaking Sail we jumped trolling out on a weed line. Inglorious funeral.
    Sorry, couldn't help myself.  Cool story.

    That's what it looks ike

    All the love we shared, between her and me was slammed against the banks of ol Lake Marie


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  9. Evangelicals are the Pharisees of the 21st century.
    In every way including bragging about prayer and piety. See that my pillow guy fuck head. Fuck that sinner.

    Jesus knew what's up and he would have kicked that dude in the balls.
    He would go WWE on your average mega church.
    Christianity isn't the problem ...
  10. Reel: depends on preference, baitcaster vs spinning. 
    • Easier to control distance and pin point casts
    • Better feel with artificial lures, especially if fishing jerk baits
    • Lighter than spinning reels; will make a difference if throwing arties all day
    • BIG CON: Harder to maintain. I have to be diligent about cleaning my reels or else the anti reverse crank handle bearing will rust. Also need to regularly clean the spool bearing to prevent rust and maintain good spin for casts. Definitely more moving parts than spinning reels.
    • Harder to learn to casts; more difficult to keep from bird's nest especially casting into the wind
    • Not as good at casting really light lures as spinning
    • Pay more for quality: $100 baitcaster does not have same quality as $100 spinning. You have to pay more for quality.
    • Pay less for quality. $100 spinning reel is much better quality than a $100 baitcaster.
    • Maintenance is a breeze. Unless you dunk the reel in salt water, maintenance pretty much only involves wiping down the reel after a saltwater trip and if it has an oil port, add a few drops of oil every 6 months or depending on how often you fish. Spinning reels have much fewer parts to break and maintain. Unless you dunk the reel, the innards will not be affected by salt water intrusion and don't have to worry about handle bearing rusting during normal usage.
    • If fishing the wading the surf, I would only use spinning.
    • Cast heavy to light stuff well. If fishing ultra light, then the best option is a spinning set up.
    • If fishing by soaking bait, then spinning is the only way to go.
    • There's not much difference between a $100 and a $200 spinning reel.
    • Not as much feel with the lure if fishing jerk baits or anything involving slack in the line during retrieve.
    • Heavier. If you are casting lures all day, the spinning gear is more tiring.
    From the above you would think that everyone uses spinning gear. That's true for the rest of the US but not for Texas. We love our baitcasters. I have 8 baitcasting reels and 2 spinning reels. The spinning reels are for novices who don't know how to use a baitcaster. For me, fishing is just better (lighter, feels better, better connection with the lure, less fatiguing) with a baitcaster.
    If your type of fishing is throwing arties in salt and fresh, I would recommend the lightest reel that you can get for your budget. For rods, i would get a 6'6" to 6'8" rods. For line, throw on 15 lb power pro braid for either spinning or baitcasting. Just make sure they have mono backing on the spool. You don't want to to braid directly to the spool.
    Lures, you can basically use the same lures for Fresh in the Salt. However, may need to change the hooks if the hooks are too thin. A mid-upper slot red will straighten some smaller, thinner hooks.
    - Top Water: One bigger and one smaller: They differ in the color, action and sound that they make. I wouldn't worry too much about it starting off.
    - Jerk Baits, may favorite search bait.
    • One or two hard plastic
    • Soft plastic: there are way too many options.
      • I really like the TroutSupport Grass Walker paired with 5/0 Trokar TK140 or TK150 hooks and the TTF Trout Killer II paired with same hooks. For the Trout Killer II, you need to slit the underside of the bait to allow movement of the hook to improve the hookset. Get a dark and light color.
      • Fluke type jerk baits. 
    - Paddle tails: way to many options. Some have better tail movement than others. DownSouth lures are GREAT. Their tails have great action. Get light and dark colors.
    - Worms, mainly for freshwater and bass. This opens up a whole set of discussions. 
    I'm a Shimano guy. You simply cannot go wrong with any of their stuff.
    Great post.
    I fish spinners a lot with kids and noobs.
    But also in the back lakes with topwaters and spoons(cast up wind for sight fishing)

    If I'm doing a long wade or fishing tournament style all day I want a baitcaster. The range and control matters to me.
  11. How many baitcasters you see being worked upside down on the jetties...
    j/k there are some really nice spinning setups. I love an offshore spinning setup and my PB yellowfin was caught on a plug and spinning rig. 
    If I can only take one rod on an offshore trip it's a spinner. And I have some nice Accurates...
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  12. As for SLP, just stay a good ways away from the actual Pass.  While the tide can be strong on the surrounding flats, it is manageable.
    The first Simms wading boots I had were not that great.  They were clunky and heavy.  I never had a pair of the OceanTek boots, but heard good things.  I wade a lot of shell in the fall/winter and my current pair of VaporTreads held up great.  Had them since they came out and will be retired this year.  They are also super comfortable.  Those boots were discontinued and a new boot is coming out this fall. 
    I got swept out once at SLP as a kid and once in POC on the flat near Mitchell's cut. Was lucky to swim back in and make it look like just waded really really far. Pops was only pissed I dunked my rod and went so far. Millers Light likely gave me more cover
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  13. I think part of it is I don’t think there’s anything else left after this life. Jason Isabell’s oped was awesome (posted above) but I don’t believe he left to another stage. I think it’s over, finite, done and gone. And so the light is out. Maybe I’ll find solace knowing there is room for the next. I dunno. I wonder if these grandfathers have musical and artistic grandchildren to replace them. The richness. Shit I don’t want less I want more.
    I know there is more after this life but I also know we will not be getting more new material from John Prine. At least not here.

    But he is not done regardless of your beliefs.

    Spent yesterday with my son finally putting in plants my mom bought us in January including a few peach trees ( oddly perfectly enough) Had the volume all the way up over the canyon playing John Prine. My son chimed in right in cue with "sizzling" on Lake Marie. Lake Marie! (We overlook Lake Austin)

    So no, John is not finished here by a long shot.
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  14. It's a half-court shot with 10 seconds still left on the game clock. If it goes in and we win, fuck it. I guess he is the rainmaker.
    Trump has nothing to do with it. He didn't originate the idea and any language attributing it to him should reflect that.

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