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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Personally, I find swamps to be fascinating environments. The largest swamp in the US is the Atchafalaya Swamp. Unique plants and animals, bugs and birds all live in the swamp. How sad that our President has no curiousity and wonder whatsoever. How sad that school children who learn about our Presidents will have Mr. Trump as an example of a brain dead leader obsessed with money and revenge.
    The children will learn about most glorious Trump dynasty in our future Christian Public Schools.
  2. There was a great article that came out in the Atlantic a few years ago about “the death of expertise”. We now distrust people that have devoted their life to a field of study to instead listen to a political hack with a catchy phrase.
    Well yeah, you can google anything and feign a level of extreme confidence and yet not know or learn anything.
  3. I honestly didn’t know Rush did the M J Fox and racist stuff.  I’ve heard plenty of his shows driving during lunch hour,  but never really heard more than the Clinton hate and his love for giving away IPhones for whatever reason.  And his hate for some county in Fla.  Either way, cancer sucks. 
    Yeah my old man and many of clients listened to him, and as I got older I realized how toxic he was. Most of it is subtle, but water forms huge canyons over time.
    I especially liked his assault on "dopers" over the years whilst fucked out of his gord on hard core drugs.
    He was exceptionally good at what he did and captivated millions somehow. But it was all with cynical and destructive bits to make a buck. It works. He translated political talk to the classic rock zoo crew formula that America digests.
    He owes the Clinton's a lot of his success.
  4. I honestly didn’t know Rush did the M J Fox and racist stuff.  I’ve heard plenty of his shows driving during lunch hour,  but never really heard more than the Clinton hate and his love for giving away IPhones for whatever reason.  And his hate for some county in Fla.  Either way, cancer sucks. 
    Yeah my old man and many of clients listened to him, and as I got older I realized how toxic he was. Most of it is subtle, but water forms huge canyons over time.
    I especially liked his assault on "dopers" over the years whilst fucked out of his gord on hard core drugs.
    He was exceptionally good at what he did and captivated millions somehow. But it was all with cynical and destructive bits to make a buck. It works. He translated political talk to the classic rock zoo crew formula that America digests.
    He owes the Clinton's a lot of his success.
    • Like 1
  5. Liberals will be fine. One of their own will be giving this speech soon enough and then we can say poor conservatives.
    Yay, politics!
    I appreciate your takes sometimes. No offense, and I realize that's a telling caveat, but are you on the spectrum?
    • Like 1
  6. Any chance this is a big fat lie? 
    Either: a) he’s suffering from something that warrants time off but it’s not lung cancer; or b) he’s not sick at all and is doing this to somehow rally the base and help Trump, which will manifest itself in October when Rush makes a miraculous recover before the election?
    Call me skeptical. 
    You know they are stupid to come up with this own. Thanks for giving them ideas.
    I expect Hannity will have fake cancer this fall to rally the troops.
  7. Name recognition. Everyone, for the most part, knows Ted's name. They hate him or they love him. But he has name recognition.
    Cornyn, he's just there. Noone really hates or loves him.
    I used to defend him. But the orange Cheeto dust on his lips every day; let's just say no....
  8. My understanding is that they are realizing he duped them and they don't intend to vote for him again.
    People who are duped double down rather than admit they got duped. Are you new to this planet?

    These people get info from sources like Fox and Rush; don't seek long form journalism; and will reelect Trump because Fox instructs them to. They already decided to
    • Like 2
  9. The whole shadow diplomacy outside the State Department is bothersome as hell and is the primary current underlying this whole thing.
    I dont really think there's any statutory crime analogous to that, but I think its definitely bad business and should be impeachable.
    I am also kind of unsure how you "prove" it other than circumstantially.
    Rather easier when the defendant admits to the crime as does his lawyer on camera
  10. Yep. A guy in Austin says he's a veteran, veterans are always welcome. I feel like the appeal is to the God Bless our Troops crowd who have never served themselves. I don't imagine a combat veteran getting all misty about a free cup of coffee. Not even a break on the undercoat!
    I have an irrational hatred of that dude and his billboards with his finger pointing at me. Fuck you because other dealers clearly don't welcome vets you shameless fuck.

  11. Are they?
    The GOP has gone full-on death cult. They’re tracking perfectly the “rise of fascism” playbook, with a healthy bit of tracking the fucking Book of Revelations.
    And the Dem response? Self-immolation via unrealistic purity tests.
    Trump is going to be re-elected. Easily. And when we wonder why, we can just go back and read this thread to see the kind of thinking that got us there.
    I expected this, but hoped it wouldn’t be the case. I continue to demonstrate my stupidity and naïveté by continuing to periodically have hope. What a stupid, stupid waste of my emotional energy.
    Evil wins. It always will. Because “good” spends all if its energy infighting and finger-pointing, while evil gets shit done.
    Enjoy November, guys. I sure won’t.
    I respect your opinion. And good lord you spend a lot energy speaking your Gospel of the Ledge
    What, specifically can we do to turn the tide?
    I'm keeping my powder dry for October.

    My Game prediction:. Trump acquited ; reelected by slim margin ; R Senate by 3 under major interference we devolve to Oligarchy with 45% cheering it on

    Russia wins big for the next decade
    Not sure we recover
    "Capitalism is just as corrupt " narrative wins the day

    I feel like Putin already won the match
  12. one of my college professors had been a lower-level Nixon staffer.  
    He once talked about Nixon's trip to China.  Several weeks before the trip, the staff prepared a 1000 page briefing book for Nixon.  Within a few days, Nixon returned it to the staff, with margin notes on most of the pages. 
    True. I kinda hate that fucker a lot but his house in San Clemente is sweet as fuck and he actually read things; I'd pay money for that asshole to replace Dotus.

    some real dumb fucks have followed Nixon. If anything his HOF stock keeps rising and at the rate we are going Tricky Dick might make the cut over W or Dotus
  13. yeah, my understanding in regards to emoluments is that there is some precedent-setting case already out there, and they just don't see the use in throwing more shit on the pile.
    one of the more underrated criminal acts of this administration is the outright abuse of the judicial system.  tax returns?  go to court.  evidence?  go to court.  witnesses?  go to court.  court's taking too long?  oh well lol.  
    the most transparent president.  ever. 
    It's like a bunch of chucklefuck honkeys renacting Goodfellas. " Fuck you I'll sue you; don't like I'll sue you!!"
  14. giphy.gif
    No offense meant to you for arriving late. It's not something a rational person should easily believe. When the evidence gathers before your eyes, it is, indeed, alarming, my friend.
    As it sinks in that the thing is far worse than you comprehend now, it goes from alarming to depressing to absurd to the realization that it's a whole different game.
    On top of your own realization weighing upon you, you get to watch all of this through the media who is behind your own pace of perception. They yuck it up as they share inside insights about partisanship that are naive and hopelessly dated. They're witnesses to a huge story of the death of a republic, but they can't see it. They're intellectually limited and lazy.
    It's all so painfully obvious, but the most important people refuse to believe their eyes.
    Nice take and I agree. NPR MSM etc reporting on all this is maddening.

    It comes across as " we have live footage of Donald Trump shooting someone on 5th Ave, he just confessed and we have the gun;. What do you think the president meant to say with this shooting/ what is being said around Washington? "
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