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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Well, yeah, because masks are FASCISM! Better strap on my AR and March on the capitol, rifle at a low ready to indicate I’m ready to kill or die for the sacred liberty of [checks notes] being able to go to TJ Maxx without a piece of cloth over my mouth and nose. Fuck yew! FREEDOM EAGLE LIBERTY PATRIOT GUNS!
    No plan. Even worse, active and threateningly violent RESISTANCE to even the most basic, easy of planning measures.
    We’re not just going to kill people, we’re going to utterly fuck up re-entry into economic activity because THIS IS ‘MURICA NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO DO! God we’re stupid.
    You are smart as fuck and I respect your opinions. What are some angles of profit for survival and future humanitarian aid with what's coming. What are some angles and efforts that can be made besides hoarding cash and GTFO?
  2. Gonna throw a bucket of lard at the next dude says "coup de GRAH."
    I could go on, but there are other things I'd like to do this week.
    Cooter grah is ok right?

    Seriously, y'all fellas keep up the good fight. Your (sic) doing God's work.
    • Like 1
  3. October Surprise like the Bin Laden video that came out a few days before the 2004 election? Trump loves to one up everybody. Let’s throw around some suggestions as to what this October surprise could be. We could even start a Surly betting pool to see whose theory hits the closest to what actually happens. This administration is so unpredictable, nothing seems outrageous anymore.
    Ooh! He shoots* Pence in a duel on 5th avenue. Pence never draws. His last words are "thank you sir."

    *by shoots I mean he shoots a fake nerf gun and some poor bastard actually does the killing via sniper and our tax dollars

    Millions Cheer
  4. How long do people have to stay in to make you happy? Especially in Texas, where barely anyone died, compared to New York and New Jersey. Should young, healthy people stay in and waste away their youth 'til hopefully a vaccine comes?
    People will get callous if there isn't any money coming in, and there is no plan of action to open up so they can go back to work. Oregon won't open 'til July 10th. Oregon has confirmed 2,989 cases of COVID-19 as of May 7. Barely a drop in the bucket, but 380,000 jobs lost as of now. Doesn't that seem extreme? People are tired of this.
    There are few deaths because extreme measures were taken and the state shut down days before Spring break. If we hated two more weeks there would be a different story to tell.

    Now we are moving forward with the worst possibly scenario. A smoldering economy, no plan and in a few weeks a resurgent wave.
    Resturants will reopen and have to close and permanently fail.

    Buy at least no one has to suffer wearing a mask.
    • Like 2
  5. You're right.
    The FOX crowd believe that they are engaged in a war. They embrace the bias of FOX as a countermeasure to the Enemy-of-the-State press who seek to undermine our great country in the name of the Clintons and George Soros.
    The EOS press delivered us the most divisive president in the history of the country, the wicked Barack Obama.
    Yep evil Obama who / checks notes/ didn't take their guns. Created jobs and a strong economy out of a recession, supported the troops, didn't set up abortion drive- throughs, went to church, was a good father and spouse and didn't cheat on his wife. Or start more wars or self-deal.

    Thanks Odummy!
  6. Since we’re talking about trump and the economy, one problem that America will soon experience is loss of demand from the BRIC countries and perhaps even Europe to some extent. It’s great that US companies are opening their doors to allow employees back but you can’t make their sales phones ring.
    i figure that China companies, one that are operating more like normal, are finding domestic suppliers as they move away from Inactive US suppliers.
    its easy to focus on restaurant and retail companies opening and employees back to work, but the economy may soon have to face more middle to higher salaried employees being out of work.  Many of them are working for companies that have financial capacity to close for a couple of months within ruin.  The clock is ticking on that. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think so.
    Agreed. I would hate to be in the commercial real estate or travel related markets. Going to be a lot of companies burning up all their reserves in the coming months.

    Anyone thinking that "opening back up" is going to reverse the direction of the economy is nuts. We would need a massive coordinated plan to mitigate. Ain't happening.
  7. I can't remember the handle name because I just don't give a shit about pretend people but there's a poster on here that hates both my disdain for Trump and my distain for Subway sandwich shops.  I doubt he comes on CR, but I'd really like to connect with him on this topic.  
    It's amazing how people choose to make a stand.  Chili's, Subway, Guns 'N Ammo...it's not about price points.  It's not about pride points.  It's about being a fucking idiot.  
    Backing the wrong candidate is like backing the wrong sandwich.  Of course you regret it and want to shit it out, but you can't let people know you're filled with remorse and yoga mat bread.  
    Hating Subway and Trump?

    I am Spartacus!
    • Like 1
  8. There is a thread on a Lakeway Facebook page seeking a list of local businesses Not wearing mask because people have decided mask are more harmful than helpful. And also just to punish those places that are doing what they think is best to protect their customers.

    A sacrifice as simple as wearing a mask for an hour inside a store or restaurant is just too much for these fuckheads.

    • Like 1
  9. There will be a SWAT team parked in front of that office tomorrow.  In a former life, we had a convicted murderer threaten a business I worked for.  I was blown away by the police response.  We had squad cars parked in front of the office for weeks.  It was also my understanding that they had undercover cops tracking his every movement.  
    So literally in shifts?

    Creedance tapes?
  10. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    She was given 25-35 years at birth to live, at best.  They offered to put her in a distant facility.  I'm glad she's turning 51 this year and I'm glad she got to live to see this administration.  Because she can take some solace in the fact that tens of millions of people, without the burden of the extra chromosome slowing them down, are beneath her ability to reason and to love.  

    I am a proud and deeply connected Republican, and I am glad that my stunted, retarded sister has millions of Trumpkins to look down upon.  At least she gives a shit about humanity.

    Sincere question.  How do you claim to be a "proud republican" and yet deride Trumpkins.  How are they not one in the same.  Look at GOP "leadership" in Texas.  Look at the fuckery with the salon in Dallas.  The GOP is the Tea Party with all of its warts and stupidity.  Any other part of the GOP platform besides Trumpism is dead.  Its cruel, self-serving and just plain stupid on all levels. I would like to know what parts of the party platform you are truly proud of?  Gun Cosplay against LEO? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Kids in cages?  A good christian man as Potus?

      I say this as a literal Gary Johnson voter (oh the shame) and former Republican.

    • Like 1
  11. Again, while the feds are MIA on that, what you are saying is flatly untrue.  I am working with tons of entities (including my own business) that are getting literally STACKS of guidance.  And none of that guidance is "throw your doors wide open, fuck it, hope you don't die!"  Sure, there are idiot protesters yelling for that.  But that's NOT what any of the guidance from authorities has been (at least where I am in Texas) -- I'm sure there are some municipalities in SEC country screwing the pooch, and some in Texas as well.  But generally, the guidance is pretty good and consistent in terms of maintaining distancing, mask or other protective gear, and frequent cleaning and hygiene procedures.  Which, collectively, may well keep the transmission rate sufficiently low.
    Again, no excuses for the feds being crooked fuckups.  Or for many state and local leaders being Trumpy whores.  But the real-world activity that most folks are working with is at least in the realm of sensible.
    Cool go get a haircut at a barber that's merely following Abbot's " guidelines"

    FFS people don't even know how to wear masks, they can't get them and they aren't required
    That's a slam dunk PSA for any Potus except this one
    They are working on shifts!
    • Like 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    That's all the directive from a state the size of Texas. Other states are mandating lots of measures like requiring mask and disposable capes.

    Texas? Nah. Plop down in this chair, here's a cape 20 people have drooled on today.

  13. Why are hot wheels and Paxton releasing official statements about the hair lady who got sent to jail in Dallas?  
    Why did he decide to open up salons a few days after he released his own plan?
    With no directives or rules in place? The state licensing board doesn't even have a plan. Shops are basically doing whatever they want.

    Because some white lady in Dallas broke the law and went to jail and is now a hero to his base.
  14. He has to....but often he doesn't.
    Oh, and I think that maybe a liability statute -- strict liability for infections of anyone who can prove contact with you -- should be effective if you are convicted of a violation.  That's an easy way to do it.  Want to put other people at risk?  Fine, you're strictly legally responsible for choosing to expose them to that risk.  Rights come with responsibility -- swinging fist ends at my face and all that.
    Requiring masks by law was extremely helpful for me keeping my jobsites and clients safer. The vast majority of my subs and clients don't want to bother or even think it's rediculous that I'm wearing one in their fucking home.
    " Sorry, it's the law " made that conversation quick and easy. I had all my guys wearing them.

    Thanks again hot wheels.

    I also like the "leadership" on opening salons.

    May 1:. " We will assess in phase two and decide on May 18"

    May 5 Leeeeroy Jenkinnnnns!
    • Like 7
  15. Just did our weekly shopping at Heb in Lakeway. Maybe four people total without mask. And those people looked like they needed them most- old, fat grizzled or burned out lake trash.

    A few people with the whole family in mask even if worn incorrectly.

  16. The larger cities and towns with known covid problems should remain locked down. The smaller communities should open themselves up but a "locals only" guideline should be encouraged. I'm not naive to think that some people won't reject these guidelines but stating them would keep some people away.
    Santa Cruz is doing this by requiring local parking permits at all areas near the beaches to allow locals to surf without hoards of out of towners.

    There goes my planned summer road trip.
  17. I bet every body of water in the state is packed. Galveston is having a mini spring break, thousands are here. Many weren't happy with the park's and whatnot where they live, so they drove hours to be here. Good for business,  kind of, reports are that the Strand is lackluster. 
    What's the saying down there? They come from Houston with a $100 bill and a t-shirt and don't change either.
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  18. Perhaps a stupid question, but are we sure that Texas is deficient in testing?

    That was obviously the case a month ago when it was very difficult to get tested, but I haven’t heard any recent reports of Texas citizens with COVID-19 symptoms who are unable to get tested.

    Also, we don’t have a large number of people dying from mysterious unknown causes. Our hospitals are relatively empty.

    Is it possible instead that we simply don’t have a lot of sick people and our testing is completely appropriate for the current health of our population?
    It was nearly impossible to get my son tested just last week so we could end quarantine and see him again. Fuck you. It took me 2 solid days to find someone to test him and really only because they had plenty of tests at one location and wanted my out of pocket cash.
    Unless you need to go to the ER it's difficult to get tested and unreliable at that. We fucking suck in our response
    • Like 1
  19. This is all a literal dress rehearsal for the shit they're gonna pull after Trump is defeated/dies/resigns later this year.  The mass shootings this nation has endured are nothing compared to what's next.  
    I actually didn't vote for Obama in the first term because I didn't think this country was ready for a black president.

    Turns out I was correct, but instead of him ending up like MLK; it's been a bunch of passive aggressive bullshit, Fox news watching and Cosplay.

    These " men" are cowards Donny.
    • Like 1
  20. Is flattening the curve mean we should just expect 2,000 deaths a day until there is a vaccine? Are we making progress?! We have been averaging about 1,800 deaths a day for more than 3 weeks now.
    I feel like the push to re-open the economy is based very little on a decrease in deaths or any actual progress in figuring out how to squash it.
    Governors basically said, fuck it. If we wait to open the economy until we figure out this virus thing, our economy will crash and burn. Might as well open up, get the economy moving again, and hope everyone becomes numb to 2,000 deaths a day.
    It's a nod to Trump and insurance companies and to lighten unemployment claims.

    It's doubling down on anti science bullshit. Let's see how that plays out.

    If we spike and have to shut down again we are all fucked.

    Fucked more than we are.

    A lot of businesses are holding off on reopening because they only have one move left. Increase cash burn and runways get real short real quick.

    A few restaurants and gyms opening ain't doing shit
    One outbreak and those that can afford it do SIP again
    • Like 1
  21. Man my 5 year plan to move overseas or to Cali just keeps looking more and more dumb by the day. Loving this red state leadership and rejection of science. At least we have oil, this boom will never end! Fuck those Cali fucktards for sitting on reserves and limiting high risk drilling. Libtards. Gimme BP tar balls at the Bama Breeze!

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