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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I work at a startup.  We all put in ~ 60 hours per week.  We've been off site since 3/21 and are doing the same for weeks to come.
    When I venture out, the town is fucking dead.  Whatever Drew is talking about, it ain't Austin.
    Went through Lakeway today at lunch to drop some supplies off for a friend and it's as crowded as ever and maybe worse than normal. Very few people wearing mask in stores, line at Chick-fil-A was out to 620. Shit ton of olds hobbling into Home Depot to buy whatever including plants.

    I won't be surprised if this area is hit hard with all the self-entitled assholes and Fox News crowd thinking it's a hoax.
    • Like 1
  2. Jesus--he really, really doesn't have the first clue how tariffs work.  He genuinely doesn't know that they're paid by American consumers.
    That needs to be an ad campaign and should have been long ago. Just a basic primer on what a tariff is.
  3. Did NASA or the Soviet space program ever think of sending dwarves or midgets or little people into space instead of...standard sized people?  That’d be less weight to put into orbit and capsules could’ve been smaller.
    And thus smaller launch pads too...... Mini Pads
    • Like 1
  4. Aggy would spend a billion dollars to build it.  They would even tear down Bush 1's library so Trump doesn't get his feelings hurt by it being there too.  Hell, they would probably even rename pyle in Trump's honor.
    You are correct.
    Again' I'll bet stupid Everytime regardless of the spread.
  5. Is Texas in play ????
    Democratic primary voters narrowly outnumbered their Republican counterparts Tuesday for the first time since 2008, according to unofficial results compiled by the Texas secretary of state’s office.
    Maybe 2024?
    2018 I was Charlie Brown with Lucy holding. So I'm skeptical.

    I would assume your rank and file Trumptards voted less in an uncontested primary for Potus, while Dems were out more than normal with a few extra familiar choices. Even what we consider informed voters don't get far down ballot with informed choices, much less average Americans.

    I'll bet my money on stupid plus the points.
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    • Haha 1
  6. Please don’t tell me there’s going to be statues of Trump all over the south in lieu of Robert E Lee and Jeb Stewart.
    In Memory of the dead cat bounce of a better time when decent folks could use the n word with impunity.
    Exhibit A of old person not knowing what socialism is.
    And don't forget the Nazis had socialism in their name, so they were socialist like Democrats! I mean it's there in the name!!!! National Socialist German Workers Party. If you can't trust the Nazis and their branding as totally not fascist who can you trust. They wanted to make Germany Great Again!
  8. And will again.  And it will be enough.  The Criminal Syndicate that is the GOP will make sure of it.
    The sooner you quit believing in the lie that we are a functioning Republic, the sooner you'll reach the inevitable conclusion.  This ends in blood.  
    I agree with all of this except the bloodshed. We will have a Trump dynasty. Some of the population will continue to get paid, and everyone else will just have to work harder to survive and lower our collective expectations about what we deserve in life.
    It's the mob financed bar and restaurant scene in Goodfellas.
    Fuck you pay Trump
    Get sick and can't get health care, fuck you pay Trump.
    Get cancer from polluted air and water? fuck you pay Trump.
    Social Security? Nope fuck you pay Trump you should have worked a third job

    Speak out against him and you are dead.
    You either join in on the Grift or watch as the grifters suck every bit of value out of our establishments. There are no cops to go to, because the cops are in on it too and can't get out.
  9. Personally, I find swamps to be fascinating environments. The largest swamp in the US is the Atchafalaya Swamp. Unique plants and animals, bugs and birds all live in the swamp. How sad that our President has no curiousity and wonder whatsoever. How sad that school children who learn about our Presidents will have Mr. Trump as an example of a brain dead leader obsessed with money and revenge.
    The children will learn about most glorious Trump dynasty in our future Christian Public Schools.
  10. There was a great article that came out in the Atlantic a few years ago about “the death of expertise”. We now distrust people that have devoted their life to a field of study to instead listen to a political hack with a catchy phrase.
    Well yeah, you can google anything and feign a level of extreme confidence and yet not know or learn anything.
  11. I honestly didn’t know Rush did the M J Fox and racist stuff.  I’ve heard plenty of his shows driving during lunch hour,  but never really heard more than the Clinton hate and his love for giving away IPhones for whatever reason.  And his hate for some county in Fla.  Either way, cancer sucks. 
    Yeah my old man and many of clients listened to him, and as I got older I realized how toxic he was. Most of it is subtle, but water forms huge canyons over time.
    I especially liked his assault on "dopers" over the years whilst fucked out of his gord on hard core drugs.
    He was exceptionally good at what he did and captivated millions somehow. But it was all with cynical and destructive bits to make a buck. It works. He translated political talk to the classic rock zoo crew formula that America digests.
    He owes the Clinton's a lot of his success.
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