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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. God didn't say that because there is no God and no one is chosen.
    Try again.
    There is a God and Jesus spent the bulk of his ministry preaching against pretty much every thing Icono stands for. The New Testament is a pretty easy read too. Not as easy as Tucker's latest screed though. So team stupid it is.

    He is identified to place just as someone from Birmingham or Vidor. Its curious, but what a weird dude.

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  2. This isn't necessarily true.  Huge swaths of these people listen to nothing but FOX News and Rush Limbaugh.  They are NOT being exposed to the President's horrid behavior.  They really aren't.  A great deal of his spew never makes it to broadcast, just the editorializing around that spew.  
    I'm not excusing someone for being a willful idiot who chooses not to sample any information outside their bubble.  I'm just saying it's pretty common for people to get a highly whitewashed (ahem) version of reality.
    Very true.

    I get a lot of " I'm burned out on politics" from Trump voters.

    Granted they weren't when Obama went golfing or his teleprompter glitched.

    But it's a totally different bubble

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  3. If they still support Trump today then you're not going to get their votes. And they might be racist. They're at least racist tolerant. Do you ever talk to them about the subject?
    When they recount a story involving a black person, do they mention that it was a black person when the color of their skin bears no relevance to the story? If so then they're a little bit racist. It's simple discrimination. They don't see a person, they see a black person. Racism can be pretty subtle. 
    Largely agree based on the Trump voters I know. At the very least they don't travel much, are somewhat provincial and uniformed. I'm in my 40s and I grew up with distant family members dropping n bombs casually or rag head type stuff. And cousins slightly older than me are/ were even worse. They don't want to go back to Lynching and fire hoses, but they sure as fuck parrot the welfare queen, illegals causing a tax drain, why can't I say Oriental anymore narratives. They love stories of bad shit happening to tourist in brown or liberal places. And liberalism gone to far. They love it.
    We have a long way to go.

    Its impossible to talk politics with most Trump voters. It devolves to libtard or but Hillary. Regardless of tact.

    That said the urge to scream down someone as a racist, should be a politically measured one. It's a slow evolution forward. Consider how LBJ would be viewed today, yet he was a giant leap forward over Wallace.
    Reparations is politically a bad issue to press on as well.

    Appeal to morality. Focus on the economy. Focus on the safety of having stable leadership. Conservatives are hard wired to fear change and anything unforeseen threats they can imagine.
    Having stable, qualified cabinet and staff should be a larger issue.
    Being strong on NATO and not in bed with the Saudis and Russis should be less partisan as well.
    Getting Corporations out of politics as well.

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  4. Picking up some steam.   People in a Kentucky are apparently smart enough to realize when a Putin ally wants to invest $200 million in the state.  
    And the Dems, for once, are competent
    Democrats in Mitch McConnell's home state are pitching "Moscow Mitch" merchandise to try and capitalize on a bitter dispute involving the Kentucky senator over election security legislation.
    The Kentucky Democratic Party said Wednesday it's launching the "Moscow Mitch" webstore in a dig at the Senate majority leader.
    The party is selling red T-shirts for $25. They depict a picture of McConnell wearing a Cossack hat with the "hammer and sickle" symbol. The shirt declares "Just say Nyet to Moscow Mitch" in yellow, Soviet-style letters.
    I may pick one of those up. Should be real popular next time I go to the coast or visit trumptard relatives

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  5. That was so dumb.
    He was driving around, livestreaming his dentist appointments and being coy about running and reflecting on life.  But "BORN TO RUN." 
    No shit!

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  6. Rural kids, red state small town kids- hell I see Maga Hat kids in west Austin. They are raised red and stay that way. Shitty Schools, De Facto segregation etc. Senate is a long way from being in play. Potus is at best a coin flip. GOP dead cat bounce is going to take awhile.

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  7. I was one of those Young Rs.  I maybe a man now, but I volunteered on W's gubernatorial and Presidential campaigns when I was young.  Things like Iraq disillusioned a lot of us, among many other things, and then we had Obama, who wasn't the bogeyman that he was made out to be.  And now we have Trump, who is living up to the stereotype of being an older Republican who gives no shits about the younger generations, both Rs and Ds.
    I'm sure some younger Rs will vote for him, but if you took away his office and the current letter next to his name, and just left him with his tweets, he's exactly the kind of person that the younger crowd, Rs and Ds, would mock for saying stupid shit on twitter.
    I switched too. I was swindled. I had high hopes for W. I was WRONG.
    - Gen Xer

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  8. They have had the oldest viewer averages for something like 20+ years now.
    They keep cultivating younger audiences, some how.  And those younger audiences become part of the oldest viewer average.  
    Customs agent at my GE interview was 50- ish. Had all the Fox News talking points about being careful in Shitholes like Baltimore, NYC and Chicago. Had it blaring on the TV above his desk. Was super concerned I couldn't take brass knuckles or a large knife into Manhattan. Really exposed terrors I hadn't yet imagined.

    I've decided to shift my fall vacation to Alabama or Mississippi.

    The narrative that these types are going extinct is absurd. They are born daily, cultivated, and get indoctrinated. Business is booming on conning these people

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  9. Leaking?  More like dying of old age.
    I agree with your post (can't posrep right now).  Nobody fires his potential voters up like Hillary.  I'm not even sure Warren could shoot somebody in the head in a federal park, and still inspire that kind of hatred that Hillary did.
    First post in years that gives me some hope. They had decades worth of hate for Hillary. That can't be matched in 9 months

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  10. 1.  Watch it because it's worthy of watching.
    2.  It will help color your narrative regarding the allegations regarding Trump and the importance of race-baiting.
    Will do. Then I need a break from this shit.

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  11. I'm looking for a portable, foldable cooler that keeps stuff cold for days. does that exist? that camo rtic looks like it could work. any other options?
    AO Coolers Carbon Soft Cooler with High-Density Insulation, Silver , 24-Can https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B5IXNRS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_M.WpDb94TVWHS

    I've had one for 4 years. I use it on camping trips when I fly. It will keep things cold for 2 day, folds up pretty compact but holds enough stuff for 2 of us.

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  12. Boystown and Matamoros easily. Runner up goes to some shitty stripclub off Bourbon- first "dancer" slid down the pole and hit her head. Second "lady" up started by degreasing the pole. Shady characters moving in. People shooting up. I GTFO quickly.


    The Tavern in Hudson Bend is surprisingly shitty. Depressing lake trash hogging 3-4 teeth each.



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  13. The scientific debate is about as controversial as the scientific debate about whether HIV causes AIDS. It's an actual debate, but there is a clear and wide scientific consensus that is constantly challenged by a tiny core group of dissidents. And while they are mostly kooks, they nevertheless play an essential role. But the rest of us ignore them as we should for now, because the evidence is clearly behind the consensus at least for now and we have a moral imperative to act on it. That's in contrast to South Africa 20 years ago, where AIDS denialism was a legitimate political position advanced by the president, with an estimated cost of 330K human lives.  

    That may seem silly to us, but the the difference between that debate and this "debate" is that we don't have a political party that has a huge vested interest in convincing suckers into believing that AIDs may not be caused by HIV or that our economy would collapse if we treat HIV.   We do have a political party and leaders very invested in making the uncontroversial scientific consensus of anthropogenic climate change a political controversy. 
    I'm too young to remember, but was ending acid rain, or the hole in the ozone layer, or banning PCBs so politically divisive?

    Rhetorical: you'd think there would be more faith in science given how effective those efforts were.

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  14. Ahem.


    49 miles out. Was so smooth we got over 50 mph at one point on way in just decarbing everything a bit.


    There are things you can do to mitigate most issues, but any single engine boat offshore is a major drawback. I don’t care if it’s a 35’ Bert, if it’s got a single, it’s more venerable.

    Personally, my boat stays in ship shape as a minimum. I have access to private area specific offshore Wx reports thru work, so that helps. And it needs to be holding a solid trend of 1-2’s or less on a 5+ second period for a minimum of 3 days before we even start thinking about it. We also take a buddy boat about 80% of the time. That doesnt help in a storm but for broken shaft/engine issue it is a safety net. Also we carry a PLB, and are AIS registered. Radio and backup radio, ditch bag etc.

    The far and away most important thing is - no chances. No chances on equipment, no chances on 1/3 fuel, no chances on Wx. If there’s an issue with any of those, no go. There will be another flat day. I really want a sail off this boat.

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    That’s how we do it even in larger boats. I always check the bilge before we ever come off plane too. Keep up with fuel system, filters etc. I hooked a nice sail three years ago 10-15 miles out of Poc under a big patch of debris. Didn’t last long but was a amazing being that close to the strike and first jump.
  15. So 35 guys with attended Toy Story 4 without taking their kids/or they have no kids.  But nobody attended the Dead & Co. show?  Got it.  Fucking weirdos. 

    Great show. Liked the venue. Easy Uber Access. No traffic and lots of room in the venue. Security was a breeze. Shakedown was meh. They didn’t even scan our tickets so I went back out and made a few miracles.

    Mellow set. But excellent

    It was hot near the stage
    But nice and breezy on the hill and unusually cool in the shade. (We got lucky)
    Black Peter was amazing
    Encore of Black Muddy River has me nerding out on that song. Perfect ending with the Trinity right there
    Half empty by then close to the stage and easy to move up

    Part of my crew is going to Boulder
    It was weird only going to one show

    I’d go back to a Dallas show especially in the fall
    • Like 1
  16. Well, I can tell you the rural ones still love him.  It's bat shit crazy, but there it is.

    Yep. Most every mouth breeding idiot Bubba has his equally stupid wife Charlene.
    Same for Fox watching Grandpa.

    You think Aggy bro’s wife doesn’t vote trump again.

    The percentage of people that realize they got duped in 2016 is very small. Maybe 8%

  17. Did both Dead and Co shows at Mountain View again and getting in to the second night I was such a beating with the lines, I thought “fuck this, I’ll skip the Dallas show.
    Half way through the set: “I’ll be ar Dallas”

    First night got me interested in Row Jimmy Row. Favorite versions?

  18. The spin as Trump continues to decline will be amazing. “Yes the President did defecate in his pants, because he’s working so hard for America and didn’t have time to get to a toilet. Obama took too many bathroom breaks. Sad!

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  19. Thanks for the info Phd. Applied last week; hoping to get myself and family through interviews before School starts up which will make that more challenging.

    One hour plus through security at Abia and almost missing our flight two weeks ago finally got me off my ass. Wish I had done this years ago just for pre check since we fly at least 7 times a year and usually through clusterfucks like Abia, SFO and DEN.

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