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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. My Fox News watching parents bought one of those My Pillows for the guest room. 
    Even as she told me about it, my mom admitted that the pillow was probably "all hype" but they wanted to try it, and I would be the first guest to actually use the magical pillow. 
    When I laid down for sleep I just started laughing. Imagine the cheapest low rent Walmart bottom shelf value buy pillow, and this was worse. It provided the kind of  comfort I'd imagine you'd get at a run down $49/night motor lodge along a barren state highway. 
    Fleecing the olds with overpriced crap advertised on that garbage network is the easy path to millions. 

    But the guy always makes a point to show he’s wearing a cross!!!! He’s a good Christian man!
    Like white Jesus!
  2. Presidential election year is a different animal than a midterm. Dems best shot at winning Texas is trump continuing to trump. Add a Beto type on the ticket somewhere and it gets interesting. 
    You would have to be a real sack of shit to vote for trump over anybody, let alone Beto. Unfortunately there are a lot of sacks of shit out there.

    Nobody likes Ted Cruz.

    Yet he’s our Senator
  3. Pescado is right. 220k will be made up by old white deaths and young hispanics turning voting age. This is pretty much the nightmare scenario for the Republican party. 
    Honestly if Beto ran a more strategic campaign (less time on rural towns/more effective tv ad) he probably would have beat Cruz.

    Disagree. I sat through many small town Town Halls with Beto. They like what he says, but they are punching Straight R. Guns/ bortion/jerbs! Trump would carry Texas by 6 points today vs Beto, Jesus himself or whomever.

    A lot of trumpkins didn’t bother to vote in 2016

    Maybe 2024. But with shitty turnout in the valley again, I doubt that too unless the State Democratic Party gets its shit together.
    Maybe the end of straight party voting in Texas accelerates things....
  4. Segments on NPR where they interview regular folks in Midwest about Trump drive me fucking crazy. “I don’t care about character, I care about my wallet.” “ Trump actually does what he said he would do unlike other politicians”.
    What exactly positive has he done besides not tank a strong economy?
    We are fucked.

  5. Have you heard the My Pillow guy talk about politics?  He could be president someday. 

    I haven’t because he’s clearly a fake Christian huckster using faith to profit. He should read Matthew 23 to start. As should his gullible customers.

    His cross necklace unnaturally sticking out of pajama top makes me want to rage. Shameful bastard. He may have the greatest pillow ever and I’ll never no because I don’t support fake Christians.
    Great business model if you don’t care about your soul.

    A Venn diagram of Christian patriots who violate the most fundamental teaching of Christ and the flag code would have little overlap. All cheap dumb display of symbols to be in a club with no understanding or care for what those symbols stand for.

    This is why we are fucked. Half the country believes this grifting opportunist. He is not a patriot, newsman, journalist, or news personality. He is an evil willful liar and conman.

    Hate crimes are on the rise. Hoaxes are in decline and incredibly uncommon- less than 1% are hoaxes.

    This is how Fox operates. Lies.

    Burn in hell Tucker.
    • Like 2
  7. You can thank your parents and grandparents for Social Security and Medicare.

    And thank the boomers for bankrupting both and running the country into the shitter for their own gains. “We had cheap college education, social security, low national debt and a lifetime of advantages. The utes wanting any of this are socialists and can go get fucked.
    • Like 1
  8. This shaped my political thinking in my formative years and led to my falling in line with other Reaganesqe ideas of the time.  The "party" lost me at the tail end of the Bush II administration due to the Gulf war shenanigans and the increase in commodities prices.  But that also gave me pause to think about what was going on with abortion, which I am still opposed to.  It was for me, as you say, realizing that republicans "did not give a shit" about it, but only used it as a political wedge while never adequately addressing issues that could minimize its use indirectly.  For me, in a perfect world, abortion would be legal up to a certain time, but almost no one would take that option because the stigma would be removed, a support system would be in place for the newborn and parents, the preventive measures in place would keep the conception from occurring, and people would be  generally excluding it as an option, not because of shame or sin or punishment from god, but because it is counter to  our natural drive to procreate.  Then at the end of the day if someone wanted to go ahead with the procedure, then that would be their decision and if there were any supernatural consequences , that would be between them and their creator/higher power. and I would be left out of it. 

    Well said. I can’t think of one Conservative that has ever done anything to reduce abortions other than vote to court stack and protest people who’ve already made the decision. They don’t work in the community, adopt, or press issues forward that might actually reduce the “need” for abortions. They don’t even discuss it. It’s a wedge that gave us Trump.

    There was a conservative on NPR that went through all the reasons he was critical of Trump - policy, morality etc. He was against Most everything he’s done. Basically he will support Trump because abortion. That’s it.
  9. Save yourself some time and step up to an 18ft +/- travel trailer and try that on for size. You'll quickly find out you want much bigger if you plan on spending a lot of time in one. Space is a luxury. So is a nice shower and shitter. If you're serious about living out of a bumper pull, look at Airstream. Nothing pulls or lasts like an Airstream.

    Good advice. And rent a couple sizes first. I’ve always been intrigued with tear drops but glad I didn’t pull the trigger. Definitely a personal decision.

    We went with a 30’ airstream. I can’t imagine a 24” now.
  10. texas politicians going all in on the wall is maybe the most disappointing result of all this. fuck you, ted cruz.


    No, Texans re-electing these carpet bagging fuckholes is worse. They told us who they were and what they stood for and we went all in again.

    • Like 4
  11. Anyone know if there is a shuttle from Den to Salida? My son and I really enjoyed Monarch last year- no lines, great prices, no I-70 madness. A buddy wants to join us a day after we get in, but fly back at same time so two rental cars is less ideal.
    Open to other ideas. It’s a quick 4 day trip over spring break. As such I don’t want to deal with crowds at Breck/WP

  12. Oh, he assured me he knew she got several jobs through intentional deception regarding her heritage.  I disputed him on that and that's where it started to get nuts.

    Ahh yes, just like Trump. Fake game show, fake University, ....

  13. Yesterday, a boomer Fox News trump supporter I know pulled a whataboutism on the Elizabeth Warren Native American thing and I pressed him on it.  
    I asked him why it was so important to him and he said “No one has any integrity anymore.  It’s about integrity.”   
    He then went on to rail against the democrats saying he would never vote for a democrat again.
    I then asked him if he would vote for Trump if he was a democrat. 
    He said he would. 
    Me: “You know Trump was a Democrat right?”
    Him: “Yes but we were all democrats before.”
    He then worked himself into a frenzy about integrity. 
    I left it there and told him everything will be okay because I was worried I might induce him into a stroke.

    That really is amazing. Democrat overstates heritage. We don’t even know if she was deliberately dishonest or not and that’s disqualifying for a Trump voter. I mean Trump has repeatedly violated any measure of integrity brazenly beyond any doubt.
  14. I hate to break it to her, but the Catholic Church really isn't all that concerned with "feminism, and the gays and trans bullshit." She'd be much better off in an evangelical protestant church.

    Agreed. It’s a weird time to be joining the Catholic Church what with all the rape. People do weird shit.
  15. How do any of the three things she mentioned actually affect her personal life?  

    Episcopalians let gays marry and women preach?
    Dumb slippery slope theory that equal rights means losing rights for white straight folks?
    A lot of people are outraged by Transgender rights and all the political correctness. They things things went to far. (I disagree)
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