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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Men in this country are doing worse than women in this country when it comes to life expectancy, educational attainment and almost any meaningful metric. You will never hear a peep about it in the national discourse. There are millions of men struggling, discontent, not working or in shit paying jobs since good paying manufacturing jobs have gone away. You don’t hear a peep about it in the media.

    -Maybe if Goosestepping Morons started reading books instead of burning them.

    “Never hear a peep” that’s bullshit. All of those topics are discussed in media, academia- fuck even at “the middle school coffee with the principle” And the reasons behind those trends are pretty easy to understand.
  2. The image of the Vegas guy just blasting away for hours broke me in some way. Or numbed me. I don’t know what it is, but it’s fucked up. This news event passed through my consciousness like another fender bender on my commute.

  3. Tucker Carlson inspires you?!?

    I ignore that dude. But he’s either the weirdest mother fucker ever or a creative long game troll psycho. Either way it is ass, and I’d rather forget he exists. Ignore him, and please quote less.
  4. Spot. The. Fuck. On.
    None deserve a defense of any kind.
    Cooper, Wolf, Maddow, Ruhle, Scarboro, Tapper, etc are just the other side of the shitty coin from Hannity, Tucker, Regan, Ingram, Dobbs, etc.
    Fuck 'em and fuck 'em good!

    NPR, measured review of long-form journalism and twitter with total avoidance of opinion shows for me. It’s served me well. And yes I realize NPR has innate bias but it’s orders of magnitude less than Fox News/ CNN. And the former is orders of magnitude worse than the latter. Both suck.
    • Like 2
  5. You heard this where? From whom? 
    I like you as a poster, but this is clearly fabricated bullshit

    You’re naive as hell to doubt this. I Gurantee you similar incidents happen all over the state. I’ve heard worse in the last year, I heard “round up the wetbacks” in the last week by a pretty wealthy west Austin man, two weeks ago a guy drunkenly said he wanted to blow my girlfriend’s car up because she’s a librul (Beto sticker).

    I used to do a fishing trip in January and we get roughly 60 guys. I’ll get maybe 12 this year because I don’t keep company with racist, and for whatever reason racists feel more emboldened and comfortable lately.
  6. I have the sick feeling that this is a win for them.
    In the frame of traditional politics, sure, this looks like a win for the Dems and anti-Trumpists. But things are traditional right now. 
    The United States electorate did not have a general gag reflex to Trumpism's white nationalism and fascist attitudes towards the press, law enforcement, and the weak.
    All Trumpists lost was the house? That's it? Yay Dems. Whoopee.
    In a healthy America, Trumpists never gain power. If they do slip into power, they get swept away by a generally disgusted electorate. 
    That didn't happen.
    A massive section of the electorate are dedicated to this man and his rhetoric. When he moves on, we'll likely get someone more dangerous taking the reins.
    There's a reason the deplorables are happy this morning. By not being repudiated absolutely, they feel vindicated.
    Sickeningly, they are.

    Agreed completely. The bullshit trump stumbles upon Works alarmingly well and he’s not disciplined or even very good at it.
  7. 198e42994054f2341089767ff890c01a.png

    This is the most alarming aspect of this exit poll.

    I mean the whole party ran on repealing the ACA. They are on record. With Votes.
    These fuckers will cut Medicare and then run in 2020 on saving Medicare from the Dems and it will work because people are stupid.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't know if that specific synagogue was doing anything for refugees. Synagogues do a lot of good work though.
    They were targeted because of the conspiracy theory that Soros, and Jewish people in general, are funding the caravan. That BS was spread by Trump and continues to be spread by Fox News.

    That synagogue Did help refugees.
  9. Just a reminder: I hunt, wear camo, eat bbq, the whole nine yards.  I look pretty safe.  I spent some real time among the Trump base in an excursion into small-town Texas this weekend.  What they say when they think they're among the like-minded is actually worse and more raw than what they say at rallies and such, where they are on camera.
    They are indeed as casually racist as you might imagine.  Yes, I heard at least one N-bomb.
    They are as excited about the prospect of getting to shoot some Central Americans at the border as Icono on this board is.  Positively giddy and grinning.  Hell, they were having the same discussions about caliber and ballistics that I often have on opening weekend of deer season.  Except they were talking about human targets.
    I'm not exaggerating - there's no need to.  The simple, unvarnished truth of who they are and how they think is more than enough.  
    So, stop with the bullshit, and the excuses for them.  This is who 40% of America is.  It's people who hope theywin the raffle for that .308, because that would be a perfect round to take out this bitch:
    GIT SOME!!! 

    Yeah I stumble across all sorts of horrible racism in the blind or on a boat. It’s amazing how casually the N word is tossed about by even younger guys. “Bomb the whole Middle East to glass”
  10. Sure, but as my granny, a politician that I would actually hold up as a potential role model to my children would say, "Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop being so god damned naive." 

    I’m not naive, and I’ve used Beto as a teachable moment for my kid. Time will prove if he’s true to his principals -we know Cruz at this point.
    • Like 1
  11. You don’t have children Hugo. 
    People who do don’t look to politicians as role models for their children. 

    Doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t aspire to return to those days.
  12.  I was curious if it was leaving to get away from the day to day, or leaving to not be associated with the United States anymore.

    Then clearly ask that question. No I love many aspects of this country including the ability to accumulate wealth here, not that I’m wealthy. We excel at that.

    We suck ass at other things.

    Access to land and wilderness for example. In Texas, there are way fewer places to go than when I grew up. If you can’t afford a Boat good luck fishing. No ranch? Good luck hunting. I grew up working ranches part time- no thanks.
    • Like 1

    That’s the problem the media doesn’t get. Any headline, regardless of content is going to validate a certain percentage of people’s opinion on a topic regardless of article content. The coverage makes the caravan a bigger deal than it is, and validated Trump’s behavior. This fucker shifted all media coverage, sadly it worked.
    • Like 1
  14. ok, you're right. Caused is too strong a word. Stoked, enflamed, enlivened, whatever the fuck you want to use to make yourself feel better. 
    Again, don't be shitty.

    These countries were butt-fucked by colonialism, exploited by our corporations then repeatedly fucked again by our government actively affecting regime change-recently.

    So yes, Caused is fairly accurate.
  15. Once people are paying taxes, they should have a say on how they're spent.  

    My thought is yes, but if they came in illegally then that’s the price they pay. Gotta have some sort of middle ground. We can’t deport everyone, and we can’t grant full citizenship to everyone.

    Moot point we can’t even honor past promises with DACA or pass meaningful legislation anymore.
  16. It is if you overstay. Not an issue in a state.


    You can apply for residency. Costa Rica as an example. You can buy property, start a business, pay into the system and get great healthcare. Unlikely that I could be a citizen ever, but would have most other rights except voting.


    Therein lies our path forward here. Grant amnesty in the form of permanent residency with qualifications. Takes the politics angle of “20 million New Democrats” out of the equation, and gets people fully paying into the system, with the freedom to be successful without constant worry.

  17. I love how this race is just a choice between good and evil, and that people are trying to make legitimate arguments for and are supporting evil.  Half of society is morally bankrupt. 

    My own mother. After I debunked her talking points (Beto is wealthy from using imminent domain; wants open borders, socialism) she threw out a “but her emails.”
    She wanted to like him too.

    Not all are morally bankrupt. The influence of Rush, Fox, Micheal Barry cannot be understated. Those fuckers are burning in hell. And Facebook. And Fwd, Fwd, Fwd emails

  18. Why not just go to Hawaii? It's basically another country and you don't have to worry about documentation as a foreigner.

    You serious? High Living costs, same fucked up health care system, same dwindling social security, same assholes in a nicer place.
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