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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.
  2. I don't know about that. Distrusting science, statistics or reputable news in favor of feelings and ancendotal evidence is a core principle of the GOP. Don't believe me, just ask them.
  3. Then you weren't paying attention. Trump just stumbled into that leadership role completely blindly. He's no Architect, or creator or thinker on Any level. He says shit and when people cheer he starts repeating it. That's it. This movement goes back decades. All the Robert Bork and Rush Limbaugh books that I threw out when my dad died say hi.
  4. They all vary wildly. Some Churches are pretty legit. The one in Edna had a 10 year run of legitamacy. A gang of spicy chicken was always a hit for fishing trips. And all the Popeyes on the way down were terrible. Most of the other Churches I've had sucked too. Greasy, bad oil no flavor. When you can find a good Popeyes, they slam and go hard, but most are hard and slam your gut instead. Dem beans and rice tho. Cest si bon coullions.
  5. Sark has yet to go Bob the Builder on some lockers and lose that battle.
  6. Can you replace Morgan Wallen with Paul Wall?
  7. Not suffering enough. Without his wealth he would be turbofucked. Instead he's still spewing his bullshit and living large.
  8. It's Been 11 Fucking Years. Lawyers- you guys fucking suck. Our legal system sucks. Twice horn please, no need to explain.
  9. So she's seizing the means of production to fight against communism?
  10. No it applies literally to Ted Cruz, except Ted doesn't discriminate. He ate my son, and my son was too young for politics.
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