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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. That's no shit. I drove 15 miles in West Austin and saw two wrecks. Both envolved distracted entitled drivers. Senseless fuckery. Second one I had to stop and assist until the local EMTs arrived. Which was quick, they were likely wrapping another scene a mile away.
  2. Really illustrates how bad some these Russians have it at home. Looting a teddy bear, an alarm clock and some cheap pans. Not even a Magnalite pot, you can't make good groceries in dat cher.
  3. You can't generalize an entire army this way. Some are reluctant conscripts, some mercenaries, some rapist. You treat all fairly with democratic law and order. Convict the rapist and criminals.
  4. I dunno, pretty credible story that one remedial kid went away for other crimes, but also fucked a miniature horse. I kinda hope that detail was unique to NW Houston.
  5. Yes, that's the problem, even low level doses of casual party pills can kill you if accidentally cross contaminated with Fentanl. They all can be contaminated. It's a roll of the the dice, like spinning a chamber in Russian roulette. I tell my kid over and over this truth. Not even once man.
  6. Fair enough. I'm lucky that my high schooler is into athletics, lifting weights, healthy diet and doing all the fun shit in life that drugs take away from you- sports, travel, surfing, bikes, snowboarding, hiking. Fuck pills and powders.
  7. I saw plenty of fuckery at UT, but not like middle school. Ut in the 90s was a shit load of X and occasional pills, we didn't fuck with the latter. But quite a few cats got into Meth and day trading and dropped out.
  8. What bubble did you emerge from. I'm mid 40s, by the end of eighth grade we had multiple pregnancies, alcholics, cop killers, murderers, acid heads; people huffed gas, freon and glue. Pcp, plenty of pot heads shrooms .And random pills passed around like candy. Even the nerds ate speed to study and everyone smoked cigs at some point. I didn't personally partake, but saw it all go down. Kids today; largely are much better humans both in my NW Austin bubble and in general as studies also reflect. But we didn't have Fentanl killing kids that decided to take a "minor risk" or try to numb anxiety despite the added pressure they feel now days. .
  9. News: Steve Bannon announces new plan for sobriety.
  10. Himars is a solid 1. Sick ass mountain bike trails is a solid 2. Then the list falls off a cliff.
  11. Fuck that. Treat them respectfully and kindly. Hot shower, good meals and plenty of phone calls home. The more the better. Let them have western TV time too.
  12. Or more use of technology and zoom meetings for non jury matters.
  13. Inflatio, I think is, where you use your Swedish penis pump prior to receiving fellatio.
  14. Yes it was, Ukraine is suffering heavily in this war, it's brutal and awful. Losing this war would be far worse for Ukraine. And Ukrainians.
  15. Bought my mom a legit scanner for docs and more importantly for slides so she could start saving important picts and docs and shit to a medium I could save to some digital or cloud service or have some sanity in collecting. A year later? Dickaroo done. Nada. 1k wasted. A service for this turnkey would print money.
  16. Ah yes fond memories of my first marriage were I was sent many vigorous warning signs that I verily laughed away. Ah to be young again! Just laugh and laugh!
  17. That would be epic, but you've already ruled out sharing a bicycle built for two together. Hmmm. Missed opportunity cruising over the Brooklyn bridge; two chicks in love, popping the question with such an iconic background. But maybe yall have other connections like sailing, Or the Hamptons, or enjoying the fall foilage in Central Park whilst sharing an ice cream cone or an overpriced pedi cab scam after a Broadway show on a random Tuesday that you later laugh about. High Tea at the Plaza and heavy petting?
  18. We need you here, and can't really tolerate additional brain drain. Thanks for all your service in the medical field. That said, fuck em, I hope to be out in 5 years, let the last non asshole turn the light out on these assholes and let em go back to leeches, blood letting and snake oil. Enjoy your moderately less taxed shit hole.
  19. Your posts make me feel like I'm taking really shitty drugs and I'm sober. And I don't take shitty drugs so I'm just guessing here. Manic nonsense, I can often connect the dots, but the squeeze isn't worth the juice. You sound like a more intelligent version of Don Jr (no CR). Some of your stuff in the past made me laugh, this current iteration is really uncomfortable...
  20. Best in the game! Sometimes I settle for Maudies when I want a cheat day. Always wish I'd just made the drive. If your going that route, walk hard.
  21. I don't always read Twitter replies, but when I do, I hate this fucking planet. Seriously, so much emboldened stupidity. I had my first insight into this in 8th grade when a kid from the remedial English class left his ELA folder in my locker by mistake. His Prose on critiquing Jack Pardee and my Houston Oilers, was eye opening. Just unbelievable. Dude could barely write or spell but had all the answers that a professional (I know its an oxymoron for Houston sports teams) football team couldn't solve. But ol buddy the tackling dummy for the B team in Football had answers. Hubris of Ignorance.
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