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Posts posted by Longhornfan1024

  1. 4 hours ago, MoJames said:

    So in Chelsea craziness...


    Wed/Thurs is the new deadline for Sarri.

    Reports that Jorginho with Sarri negotiating is holding up the announcement of Sarri as manager.

    Aleksandr Golovin has been reported as already signed, waiting for Sarri announcement.

    Jean Michaël Seri is now being reported as being in London with negotiations done and waiting on Sarri to be announced. This is the player that consistently was linked but due to health reasons associated with cold weather, wouldn't move.  Apparently this is no longer an issue.

    Hazard is being reported as plan B if Neymar doesn't go to Real Madrid, but with Zidane out of the picture, this feels less likely.

    Tbo is likely on his way to Madrid this year or next and Alisson is target 1 with Schmeichel being the back up option.

    PSG after Kante, but CFC rebuffing attempts.

    CFC has contacted Real Madrid about Kovacic.

    Barca after Willian, CFC asking crazy money.


    Oh and this guy ran practice today.



    • Like 1
  2. On 7/5/2018 at 9:45 AM, Jerry Callo said:
    1 reply in the continuous firework thread -
    And in addition to terrifying pets and those with ptsd, fireworks kill many birds, who are frightened from their perches at night and fly disoriented into walls.

    I had a pigeon smash into my office window on Friday, so this hits close to home.  

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Cheeseweasel said:

    Bobby would have finished that.


    This.  I still don't understand why he's starting.  He doesn't win the ball in the air, he doesn't link up, he doesn't hold up, and he can't even score an open header.  All he does is stand in the box and take up two defenders.  

  4. 44 minutes ago, TexasHooch said:
    On 4/30/2018 at 1:45 PM, Longhornfan1024 said:
    Other than Spoon and Stable, what is the best high-end restaurant in the city?  We'll be there in June and we always like to hit up a few nicer restaurants when we are visiting a new city.  

    Where did you go?

    Restaurant Alma and Spoon and Stable.  Alma had really good drinks and food.  S&S had really good food, but the drinks were lacking.  The veal belly at S&S was legit and highly recommended.  We actually spent most of our time at Brit's pub to watch the World Cup.  

  5. 9 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    Uru - Fra > Fra

    Braz - Bel > Bel >> Bel


    Spn - Den > Spn

    Swe - Eng > Eng >> Eng >>> Bel


    Won't happen but I wouldn't mind seeing this.

    Por - Fra > Por

    Braz - Bel > Braz >> Braz

    Spn - Cro > Cro

    Swe - Eng > Eng >> Cro >>> Braz

    lulzy final four of Brazil, Portugal, Croatia, and England.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Legit question:

    Those who consider themselves Pro-Life: Is their a point where it's just "cells" and you are ok with an abortion?

    Those who consider themselves Pro-Choice: Is their a point where it's a "baby" and shouldn't be aborted?


    This dichotomy is the problem with the abortion debate.  The question of what constitutes life is an incredibly morally and philosophically grey area with plenty of good arguments on both side.  That leads me to conclude that, from a policy perspective, the choice whether to terminate a pregnancy should be left to the woman to decide based upon her own morals and within reason.  This approach is supported by data showing that abortion rates do not correlate to the legality of abortion but do correlate to the safety of abortion: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/12/world/12abortion.html.  If the ethical question is grey, and prohibiting abortion makes it less safe but not less prevalent, then leave the ethical question to the person making the decision and put them in an environment where, if the decision is made, the procedure will be safe.  

    Further, since the ethical question is unclear and there are arguments that abortion should be avoided, this approach should complemented by laws that provide access to resources that data show likely decrease abortion rates.  Access to free or low cost contraception, sex education, and healthcare all correlate with lower rates of abortion.  https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/reducing-abortion-rates-policy_us_589b8ea5e4b09bd304bfd920https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/17/us-abortion-rate-lowest-roe-wade-contraception-accesshttps://medicine.wustl.edu/news/access-to-free-birth-control-reduces-abortion-rates/.  

    So, the focus should really be on education and healthcare, not legality.  Clearly this is an approach with which Pro-Choicers would agree.  And if Pro-lifers are sincere in their arguments that abortion should be eliminated or decreased then this would be the pragmatic approach to meet those ends.  The alternative is to argue for an approach that the data show does not work, which results in me concluding that they are either unthinking ideologues or that their true end is the subjugation of women.  

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    They arent all applying for asylum ... the vast majority are crossing illegally with the help of coyotes and only mention asylum if they are caught
    What is the source of information for this claim?

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

  8. I didn't even know Peter Fonda is a person until today, so it's hard to outraged about.  But sure, he should be kicked off his sitcom and ostracized from future projects.  

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