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Everything posted by Quasimofo

  1. I agree with Derka, that it wasn't as realistic as this (pictured) similar earlier battle. But, the David v Goliath symbolism of the tiny vanquishing the mighty, is not lost on those of us with extremely high IQ. Now, next week when Cersei kills Arya with a Holy Hand Grenade, we'll have to revisit. That is, of course, provided they can get past the Black Knight (Bronn) on their way to King's Landing.
  2. Yeah, he could at least have those ravens dive-bomb and pester the shit out of him like scissor-tails do dogs and cats. Take away his focus while he's swatting at them.
  3. Poor Sam. Next week, he's going to have to tiptoe out and get his sword.
  4. But, he walks in with conniving ass Littlefinger whispering advice...
  5. I've researched the snake I pictured above, and maybe Desert Massasauga? If so, at 38-39", that one seems several inches longer than average (that's what SHE said). Any input appreciated. Like I say, we had a dairy farm North of Electra. Our hay barn would have rat snakes, and stinking ass bull snakes. Rarely a rattler on our place, but the Waggoner Ranch, south and west of us, had bookoodles of them.
  6. I was visiting a drilling rig right outside of Big Spring a couple weeks ago. Toolpusher killed this right outside his door. In my area (Wichita Falls), I never saw any rattlesnake that wasn't a Western Diamondback. We called them coontails because of the stripes. I measured it because I thought it might be a Massasauga (sp), and that would be huge. But, rattler count probably means something else. Because of you guys, I tried to shoo a tiny little rat snake off a road earlier this year by swiping my foot across his tail. He turned around, ready to fight. I bent over, and noticed he had a little button on his tail. NOT a rat snake!
  7. That means Tormund and Brienne hook up? Maybe kinkier.
  8. At the Battle of Hardhome, the little bastards were running and jumping like Olympians. They don't get tired or hungry or whatever. Why didn't they run all the way to Winterfell? Most times you see them, they look like they're getting off 12 hr shifts, dragging their shit behind them.
  9. Gendry could have made Jaime some dragon glass fingernails or a wolverine type deal for that fake hand.
  10. NM (Don't want bl looking at me like Brienne looks at Tormund)
  11. Used to be catapults. Last night, we clearly saw a trebuchet. Personally, I liked the Omaha Beach-style landing obstacles, tipped with dragon glass. That oughta get 'em!
  12. It's the 10 Plagues. These are #8, locusts. Or maybe they're doing them out of order, and GOLL got lost.
  13. You think Dany took Jon's news hard? Just wait'll NK tells her he's Targaryen too. "Bitch, you see me on that dragon? You see me walk through fire? You see all my lieutenants with hair the same color as yours?" Or, Little Sam goes out and has a chat with all his brothers, and stops the whole thing. His kinfolk out there.
  14. They strategically let them kill another dragon in some water, then when those slow walking mfers have to walk all the way back to where they left the chains that magically appeared in the middle of nowhere (not to mention the time it takes a bunch of non-swimming zombies diving down to tie them around the dead dragon), everyone at Winterfell hauls ass to the Iron Islands, sends a bunch of "Fuck us? Fuck you, Cersei!" ravens, waits for Spring... 3. 4. 5. Profit! Or... "NO, gotdammit, my entertainment has to make perfect sense!"
  15. Ok, Arya, if we're going to be doing this long term, I need to see your collection of faces and bodies. No offense.
  16. "I'm super! Thanks for asking!"
  17. I watch every episode, and still wish they'd make Pod and Gendry wear nametags.
  18. I am a Carrier Veteran. We (USS America Carrier Veterans Association) fought like hell to get a carrier to carry our name forward after ours was sunk. I hope we always have a USS America. LHA or not.
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