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  1. Man, I really had a thing for her back in the day.
  2. MidTexHorn

    Austin FC

    Glad to see we're spending some money on the transfer window. I emailed my rep today - cancelling my season tickets. Due largely to my wife hating soccer and the heat, I have yet to make a game this season. Gonna just buy the occasional club tickets since my wife does like drinking and air conditioning.
  3. That sucks. Eaten breakfast at Judy's several times while staying at the Holland. Anyone have info on what damage was done to the Holland?
  4. We did 5 nights and loved it. This was a do nothing vacation for wife and I which is rather unusual for us, but we just wanted to chill. The renovations to the Westin and Buoy Haus are great, places look fantastic especially Buoy Haus. Restaurants are nice enough for resort restaurants - but worth going off site once or twice to mix it up. We really enjoyed the Italian and sushi places up at the Westin. Everything is expensive beers $8-10, cocktails $15-18, dinner for two with drinks was always $150-200ish but I live in Austin so I’m pretty used to that. There is no night life at all so don’t expect that unless you want to go party in Red Hook which we decided against. Beach is small but nice and chill - there’s a specific area limited to Buoy Haus guests so you don’t have to fight for a spot. Pool was awesome and very chill. It’s exclusive to Buoy Haus guests, but you can use the Westin pools if you want. There is a swim up bar but this is not a party pool - the swim up bar at the Westin is probably a little rowdier but we never saw a need to try it. Service was on island time but we never had an issue. It’s not Four Seasons level of service, but we always got what we wanted in a reasonable amount of time. We would definitely go again - I’d spend the extra and get a water view next time. The patios are nice but without the view we never used ours. Happy to answer any questions.
  5. I’m on St Thomas right now. Dinner at Prime last night was really good and the view was ridiculous. Staying at the Morningstar Buoy Haus by the Westin and it’s very nice and super chill.
  6. Idles puts on a great show. We've seen them at Stubbs and in New Orleans and had a blast both times. My son saw them in Houston last night and said it was their best yet that he's seen.
  7. We only ever do brunch there, and it's one of my all time favorite brunches ever, anywhere. We like it so much that when we had a 4 hour layover in Vegas a few years back we took a cab over to the Venetian just to have brunch at Bouchon before heading back to the airport. Everyone we take loves it too.
  8. FYI Live Nation is doing their $25 tickets deal again. I see shows at Moody Amphitheater (Idles), Stubbs, Emos, the race track, Scoot Inn. Sale lasts through 5/14.
  9. Anybody have hook ups for tonight's show at Mohawk with Royel Otis and Girl and Girl? Show is sold out.
  10. Looks like my dumbass Stella, a rescue chihuahua. She hates everyone who doesn’t live in our house and tries to bite me when I go to put her leash on for a walk because she’s lazy as fuck. I love her dearly and I would shoot a bitch who tried to harm her.
  11. Rex confuses mainline Protestant denominations with American evangelicalism. It ain’t the same thing. At all. And guess which version of Christianity dominates US politics thanks to the modern Republican Party’s selling of its soul back in the 80s.
  12. Man you are way out of touch with modern American evangelicalism. And citing your Methodist bonfides proves it. There is very little connection between the Methodist version of Christianity and evangelical version of Baptists, Church of Christ types and Bible church types. I grew up in a Bible church, very fundamentalist evangelical. Parents went to Moody Bible Institute. They now go to a Baptist church because that’s where all of their old evangelical friends now go. When I decided to go to a Methodist church as an adult they thought that was the next worst thing to atheism or Catholicism. IMO You will never hear mainstream evangelical thought in the vast majority of Methodist churches. And my parents know that and despise it. My very evangelical parents and in-laws very much support Israel both to support Gods chosen ones and for its end times implications. They also very much believe Jews (except Jews for Jesus) are going to hell. And they are very much all in on MAGA and all that stands for as are all of their evangelical friends from Bible churches and Baptist churches. We no longer discuss religion or politics, but I hear enough from this to know this.
  13. Bright Light Social Hour Saturday night at Scoot Inn
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