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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. 5 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    the damn white house gift shop website is laggy

    this made me chuckle:

    If Summit Does Not Occur You can Request a Refund but Most Supporters Have Said They Want This Heirloom of

    Political History Regardless of Outcome.

    I’m amazed they didn’t call it a ‘hairloom’.  

  2. My old man didn’t celebrate any graduation until Med school.  I didn’t even attend my college graduation or pick up my diploma.  Not sure I even got a card   It was OU to be fair...

    For Med school graduation, the old man came up to KC with my mom and we had a nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  They met my gf, got buzzed, then drove home the next day.  

    That’s about all the pomp and circumstance I need.  I mean, wtf is wrong with people today?  

    Huge distinction between city people and suburbanites here in Chicago...City people celebrate their own lives while 90% of those in the burbs live to show off their kids BS.  Nobody fucking cares about your kids, people.  JFC

  3. 1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I thought you were better than this.  Come on, man. 


    I agree with Hugo.  I am/was a R.  On just the things we vote on I would side more often with the Republicans vs Democrats.  You can totally vote along those lines and still call out Trump's bullshit.  99% of what's wrong with his dumbass has nothing to do with any political position.  Hell, he could very easily have been a Democrat running.  He's Trump first, everyone else last.  If he was voted in by Democrats he could very easily be very pro-choice etc.  He doesn't give a fuck.  I wish there were more out there like Flake.  Hell, if Kasich were in congress he'd probably vote with Trump quite often...wouldn't make a shit. 

    • Like 2
  4. God damn, it's amazing what a hypocrite this orange turd is.  The blue lives who dare stand up to him are piece of shit liars.  The blue lifer pigs on the street that fuck with black/brown people and abuse/imprison them (central park 5?) are great people because A. they fuck with black people who don't vote for him.  B. many of the people who vote for him largely hate black/brown people.  C. The pigs themselves support this bigot shithead.

    Yet the GOP continues to support this hate-monger.  His arteries can't clog soon enough.   

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Continues to amaze me that people so successful in life can be so fucking stupid when it comes to common sense shit.

    Gonna be fun when a group of players come out and hold up a sign saying something like "Police Kill Black People" while STANDING for the anthem.  This is only going to make the players more bold.


    There's already owners on the record saying they'll eat the fine for the players.  It doesn't make a shit.  When Trump gets his ass convicted and has his already dogshit name smeared even further, they should wear a "Lulz" patch on their shoulder pads.  Trump didn't 'win' shit. 

    The right wing media really has managed to make those on the far left look reasonable.  Mind boggling. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    I’m not sure, what’s a Trumpkin? 

    I don't know who the guy in your av is.  But he's definitely a Trumpkin.  Together we can solve this riddle. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm trying to recall if I've ever met a Russian.  I seriously don't think I have.  I had a Romanian prof in grad school, that's about all I can recall.

    Trump must just run in better, more interesting circles.

    I know tons of Russians here in Chicago.  All good people - or so I thought.  Need to watch my six...

  8. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    5280 has negged me three times since my last post, but won’t discuss anything with me like an adult. If we all knew that 5280 was really Steve Johnson from Johnson Plumbing on East Lamar then he wouldn’t behave like this. So he creates a fake internet persona and does it that way instead. And then he rails on KD like he choked a baby on national TV for signing up a sock account for himself. That’s pathetic.


    edit: aaannnddd that’s four negs. He’s lucky we don’t ban people for hypocrisy.

    Ironically that sounds like something KD would do.  

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    I understand it just fine, I grew in a blue household. Doesn’t mean I have to support it, or others that do. 

    If only we could understand things through osmosis.  

  10. On 5/10/2018 at 5:56 AM, Anastasis said:

    avatar, lol.  Take that shit back to the podcasts. 

    SDNY not in action. 

    Plea with OSC/Mueller counts as indictment. 

    all bets off on cohen death. 

    Missed this...Been traveling in Europe.  I’m going with indicted - by NY state AG counts too.  

    Too easy for Trump to pardon him if it’s through Mueller.  And make it a year.  June 1, 2019.  Bet expires and I pay.  $1000.  Deal?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    So he gave Melania HPV from Stormy (and maybe others) and now she has bladder cancer. At least that's what I'm deducing.

    Makes perfect sense.  Lulz keep coming w this assclown.  

  12. 2 hours ago, Huckleberry said:
    17 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:
    KD is a HOF lock.  I’ll just say it’s nice to see some objective Longhorns.  
    Well, I’ll say one more thing...As for the others, I can’t hate on supporting a loyal Horn.  

    Objective? Lulz, what a load of shit. Every one of the posters you're calling objective is butthurt because the Spurs and/or Rockets have to play the Warriors. Seriously, as pointed out above, some idiots are acting like joining the Spurs would have been okay. The 5 time champs. But oh by the way they're that poster's favorite team.

    Ha, I definitely did not track which fans were on what side.  But thanks for pointing that out.  Makes more sense...


  13. 4 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Presidential message on Ramadan

    It would be an interesting social experiment to take 1000 Trumptards, and tell half of them the above statement was from Trump, and the other half the statement was from Obama. And then ask for a critique.

    It would probably be the least interesting experiment ever, of any kind.  


    Edit:  fucking brisket, asshole

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