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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    What if you had a watch that only cost as much as the house you were born in and people didn't have to beg for their lives on a GoFundMe page?

    You're right about capitalism and socialism not being entirely antithetical. There can be nuance to the idea of popular ownership of the means of production, and honestly in that nuance there are good conversations to be had.

    However, at the base, we have to acknowledge that extreme wealth is profoundly destructive.

    Huh?  I'd never end up where I was today if I wasn't able to at least strive for this watch.  I've also done work with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and I'll guarantee you he's put his money to much better use than the fucking government would have.  Also in socialism we would work together as a country and to hell with everyone else - those are facts.  The wealthy in this country are able to serve those in third world 'shitholes' as well.   

    Sorry, but your version of the world is completely unrealistic and bullshit.  No matter what we'll always have those that do better than others.  I'll agree on us limiting the discrepancy between the poor and rich however we can but pure socialism and pure capitalism are both completely unrealistic.  And as others pointed out, we already have socialist programs - they may suck and could be better but they're there...

    Now excuse me while I go enjoy a few of the finer things in life - guilt free motherfuckers. 

  2. On 5/8/2018 at 10:20 AM, Dick Tremayne said:

    Listen, I will never claim to have all of the answers. I appreciate that you seem to be discussing this in good faith. I suppose my answer would be that I strive for something better. Not just for me, not just for my family, but for all Americans. I'm fully willing to admit that it would be difficult and might even be impossible, but if we don't strive for the best for EVERYONE, then what is the point of living in a society?

    The entire basis of evolution is the haves and the have nots...this is what we've evolved into.  There's a reason we sit at the top of the food chain...it's not because we've evolved to be altruistic.  And I'm not saying that like it's a good thing.  I'm all for some forms of socialism but if you completely cut out capitalism we are all fucked.  And since I am the American dream that many of you are bashing as a carrot nobody can achieve, I tend to laugh at those people.  My watch I'm wearing cost twice what the house I was born in was worth.  My group sees literally hundreds of patients a day pro bono.  Socialism and capitalism can coexist.  The problem is the morons on the far left treat the word capitalism like it's rape and the shitheads on the far right do the same to the term socialism. 

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Yeah, but Mueller is going to be fired before he can file any report - so maybe our best hope is reckless leaks

    LOL, that's cute.  So  you think there isn't a well laid out succession plan if/when he's fired?  

  4. 1 hour ago, Incredulity said:

    Manafort is indicted for shit he did long before his work with Trump and wholly outside of Mueller’s original scope.


    I would be happy to wager no one gets indicted for “Russian Collusion”.  Although it will need to be clearly defined what charges will be interpreted as such for at least wager purposes.  Also since I would be the don’t side a timeframe too.

    Sure. PM me specific terms and timeline. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I don't know how closely you follow baseball talent acquisition, if any, but a small streak in favor or against a player is irrelevant to the teams drafting at this stage. He was coveted out of high school (pedigree matters with baseball front offices and the reasons for it would deserve their own thread), he played well in the Cape Cod league last summer, and until the past two weeks was having a fabulous season as a potential 5 tool player for a major college program. They're going to draft off of all of that, plus the facts that he's putting out word that he'd sign and not play in the fall as well the belief that he's still really raw and has a lot of room to develop. 

    Think what you want though, we can check back after the draft. Did you ever think maybe I'm in better tune with the player side of things than you are on the OU side of things for this one? 

    Well after that post I think you’ve clearly put more thought into the whole thing, at least when compared to me.  I threw in my 2 cents.  Had no idea I was dealing with an expert.  My bad.  

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:


    Update here: Ohio State has a QB battle going on and it is looking like Joe Burrow won't win it. Also, the fucking Baldwin goober from Lake Travis won't be winning the QB battle either, but he really was never in it. Anyway, Burrow is likely headed to OU. 

    So OU is pushing heavily for a transfer QB of mediocre bona fides even though they have their own QB "battle" brewing. Why? Because they've got a ton of concern that the Murray Midget is heading to the early part of the draft. They also apparently aren't very high on Austin Kendall. 

    This could get pretty funny. 

    He's sucking shit through a straw right now in baseball.  Highly doubt he goes MLB unless two things happen: he gets back on track in bases and he looks like shit as fall football practice kicks in.  I don't think he's another Baker Mayfield but I also don't think he will suck.  OU's system has made plenty of mediocre QB's look competent. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    It's buried in a shitheap of a website, which prevents it from being thrown in my face on a daily basis.  But some months ago when Avenatti first filed that lawsuit, I dismissed the lawsuit as "stupid" and said something to the effect that he may be the worst lawyer I'd ever heard of.

    Now every day I feel like the British first leftenant in Pirates of the Caribbean: 



    That's got to be the best lawyer I've ever seen.

    I'm not sure if it was you or not, but I recall a couple lawyerly types, much smarter than myself, calling him out.  I admit I kind of went along with it for a short while, but I realized, rather quickly, this motherfucker knows what he's doing.  

    Not calling you out at all, I just clearly remember seeing that type of sentiment when he first came into the public eye.  


  8. 19 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    Are indictments still “pending” or should they be described as TBD?

    LOL, I'm a Republican too but have let go a long time ago.  You're still playing the 'nothing to see here' card?  Very interesting.  Manafort was kind of close to Trump, he's already indicted.  Trump's personal attorney will be indicted soon - speaking of keeping bets, I'm happy to bet you $1000 Cohen gets indicted.   

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Didn't Travis Frederick have a pretty awful combine?

    Yes but Orlando one upped it.  Brown ran a 5.85 and did 14 reps.  Frederick did a 5.58 and 21 reps.  Brown did catch him on his pro day or get close.  But Brown is a tackle and Frederick is a center.  Pretty big difference...anyways, as I said, a lot of people will be watching Brown. 

  10. 5 hours ago, BigHorn'13 said:


    Orlando Brown pulls his step stool out and laughs

    Orlando Brown was pretty much terrible at everything but blocking.  Jumping doesn’t make a blocker.  All that being said it’s hard to believe a guy who sucked THAT bad at the combine can start in the NFL.  

  11. 4 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

    Just in case we didn't know that 2:00 A.M. was in the morning. 

    He texts just like a teen girl.  He’s the worst of everything in this country.  

    Just die you fucking prick.  

    • Like 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Who the fuck is advocating for a US invasion of Iran? Not Trump, not me that’s for sure. This is a great move by Trump because it is going to devalue the rial even further and drive the economy off the cliff. This was a necessary kicking of the chair of a regime that had tied a noose around itself. I have family in Iran. This is going to hurt their pocketbook but they support what it takes to get rid of these bastards.

    Maybe we can airdrop a bunch of tailored jerseys when they're all officially refugees. 

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, SameSame said:

    This is why I will never for as long as I breathe vote for the right again.  Not as long as they are aligned with these people.  And not that I auto vote left, the left has a shitload of problems themselves, but nothing bothers me more than the hypocritical religious folk who hide behind their bullshit and always act as if they're on a higher plane where reason doesn't matter, because you know that's the way God wants it and he told them personally.

    SameSame, indeed. 

    Fuck these assholes.  The holier than thou attitude while being two faced, despicable shitheads is as low as it gets.  

  14. On 4/30/2018 at 11:24 AM, Wally Fairway said:

    I am, personally, trying to ruin the greeting card industry.

    For birthdays, valentines, mothers day, etc. instead of buying cards I just to a couple of stores, find a few cards that I like, whip out my phone and take pictures of the cards.
    Then when said day arrives, I text the photos to my family; I also send my adult kids pictures of birthday cakes, and tWife gets pictures  of roses, candies and other things that cost too much and either spoil or we don't really need.

    FWIW - I am waiting to be kicked out of a store for my shenanigans, but fuck $4-$6-$9 for some stupid card.

    Legit lol

    My parents were cheap growing up.  I piss on money every chance I get.  It’s been 8 years since I touched change.  Before I lucked into money I was cheap but nothing on the level in this thread.  Although I did send a dick pic once.  Props to you bastards.  

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