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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. 42 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    This needs to be a phone interview so Colbert can fuck with Hannity see how far he can go before Sean catches on.

    You'd run out of show before fuckhead figured dick out. 

  2. 1 minute ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
    3 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:
    JFC, stop arguing that 50/50 blocking call. The real issue if you think this is rigged...the refs realize it’s going to be a close series unless they intervene, so they gift GS game 2 with all that ejection/fighting BS.  GTFO 
    For the series warriors -1.5 was -450.  And there were multiple million dollar bets on that.  Means GS has to win 4-2 at worst.  The older I get and the closer I get to the bookmakers in Vegas, the more I believe conspiracies.  

    Read more  

    That's why you bet on the ncaa tournament and bowl pick ems

    Im a retard so I have GS -450 -1.5 games.  Also -900.  9000 to win 1k on GS.  And I was pissed GS won last night.  


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  3. JFC, stop arguing that 50/50 blocking call. The real issue if you think this is rigged...the refs realize it’s going to be a close series unless they intervene, so they gift GS game 2 with all that ejection/fighting BS.  GTFO 

    For the series warriors -1.5 was -450.  And there were multiple million dollar bets on that.  Means GS has to win 4-2 at worst.  The older I get and the closer I get to the bookmakers in Vegas, the more I believe conspiracies.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Retardho?  Nice attempt, but that’s not even a word.  Dumb fucking beta-cuck.

    Rest easy, Melania’s in the kitchen where she belongs!

    Beta cuck?  Keep it original fuckstick.  Is fuckstick a word?  Can I call you that?  

    Keep carrying my water you poor bitch.  This Maybach doesn’t drive itself.  

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    You're seeing it through your own prism of hatred then. You can very clearly see LeBron's head bobbing as he's yapping at Curry after the block. Curry gets in LeBron's space to talk back. LeBron pushes him like, "Don't step to me, midget." Just good playoff basketball.

    I grew up hating LeBron.  And was a huge Mavs fan when him and Wade were bitches.  The guy has matured.  A lot.  And GS has no class.  They're a bunch of posers.  Their fans are the absolute worst in professional sports.  Maybe all time.  They're that bad.  Have you been to SF and seen these tools?  

  6. 5 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Go home, man. You're drunk. Steph is just supposed to take it when LeBron blocks him in a game that's already over, and talks mad shit? How about after LeBron pushed him? Just two dudes talking a little trash that were just fine with it after the game. I thought you said you played sports?

    Wow.  Watch it again.  That was Curry being a bitch.  That wasn't talking trash.  That was nananabooboo shit.  I hope you can watch again.  You're usually a decent poster so I'll just assume you overlooked how it went down.  Because I'm looking at it again and wow,  what a bitch move by Curry.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Naw, I mean Draymond is a huge bitch, but there's a lot of respect between LBJ and Curry at least. They were talking for like 5 minutes straight after that. Klay Thompson is fucking king beta though, that kid needs a new brain.

    Here's the thing.  Many of us played sports.  It doesn't matter if it was JV underwater basket weaving.  When you got lucky as fuck and pulled out a win...even though some cat on the other team was weaving his got damn balls off... At the end of that game you just give that dude a look.  It's respect.  You don't have to go actually say anything, but if you know him you probably should and would.  Game recognize game or whatever.  You never go to that guy, knock the basket out of his hand, then giggle like a schoolgirl, while taking your mouth piece out.  I mean that soft bitch Curry took his mouth piece out to giggle at a grown ass man?  How the fuck isn't everyone up in arms over this shit?  And I don't care if they're friends off the court - it makes it EVEN WORSE.  And that isn't some anomaly.  The entire sequence epitomizes GS and their fans.  JFC

  8. 3 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Hell of a fucking game..... These teams just don't like each other.  Draymond Green is one hell of a player.... but I do look forward to the day when someone will Robert Parish his ass.  He deserves it.

    Can't agree man.  Between that horseshit call on LBJ and the way these ladies pranced after the lucky win?  I can't say it was a hell of a game.  

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  9. Fucking Draymond and these tough guy posers.  His little cunt buddy curry actually heckling LBJ.  WTF?  You giggling little bitches just got lucky as fuck and that's how you handle it?  To taunt?  Fuck these god damn pieces of shit.  And their asswipe johnny come lately fans.  FUCK YOU GS

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  10. 4 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Something is definitely up.  Could be something dumb like plastic surgery or a legit medical issue or even something more sinister, but the insistence from the White House that there's nothing to see here is the main driver of the story.  

    I’m hoping they’re harvesting her brain to transplant it in the Dotard’s cranium.  Would be a major upgrade... 

    They can put his Swiss cheese brain back in her.  I call first dibs to smash... 

  11. 2 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

    They're also French.

    Doesn't matter if they're Russian.  The US supports pharma and especially Ambien.  However the drug does here makes it a success...or not. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Bill Brasky said:

    Look at me!!! Look at how politically correct I am!!!!!

    There's a lot of middle ground between the guy always toeing the line on political correctness, and that fat bloated gas bag bitch.   Capiche?

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  13. 3 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Why the fuck would Sanofi wade in to this. Jesus.  Twitter seems fundamentally incompatible with common sense.



    They'll have a net gain with that type of tweet. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, crackamacgowski said:

    Do me a favor. Stop flipping through cable news networks. Thank you.

    Ah, it’s casual as I return emails from work and check the next day’s schedule.  Not like I’m glued to the TV.  And this is a trainwreck.  Hard not to watch...


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  15. I usually flip through MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.  Don Lemon can be annoying but this conservative cunt in the pink dress he has on really takes the cake for ANNOYING.  Pulling ‘what about Hillary?’ ‘What about Hollywood in the 30’?’ and on and on.  

    Just like Donald, she can talk about anything but can’t bad mouth a Trump supporter.  Regardless of how vile their comments are.  At least even the other conservative called her dumb ass out. These people need to be called out on that tactic over and over.  Stop them mid sentence and stop them.  That’s the only move.  

  16. 26 minutes ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    One of those agents who believe the city is bordered by Chicago/Michigan/Wacker/Orleans? Fuck em.

    I don’t think the Riverwalk level retail has ever been consistently filled. That, at least, is a pre-DOTUS problem.

    Yes he’s a terrible agent.  

    And you’re right, that particular space has been vacant going way back, but the rest of the building, residential and hotel, was doing well.  The entire building is a shitshow now.  

  17. 20 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    They also don't list the name on most residential listings and the prices have plummeted.  I rented there 5-6 years ago.  Glad I GTFO. 

    So an agent I know shows a unit to a couple that flew in from out of town.  I'm not sure if they were looking at other units or what, but when they pulled up and saw it was Trump they unloaded on said agent.  The agent is a bit of a clown so I was amused. 


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  18. 12 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    The Russians’ goal is to tear America apart from within, they’re plan hasn’t changed since the the Cold War.  Yes, but Trump is an operational asset.  Order of magnitude increase in destruction.

    Trump may have presented some short term objective opportunities but Bernie would have been a sweet gift too, especially with a Republican Congress.  See above.

    They want as much disfunction and polarization in American as possible.  And let’s not pretend Bernie was a Russia hardliner, far from it.  True, but national sentiment for Russia under Bernie would be nowhere the same as it is now.  Hard to predict exactly, but the relevance would be less due to Bernie not being an active asset.

    The Russians still covertly support the NRA and Black Lives Matter to this day.  Not really having anything to do with Bernie, but it's still a useful wedge, or was.

    To be honest, Trump winning the election kinda screwed Putin’s whole operation up because it put direct sunlight on his entire operation and may end up unifying the American population against Russia. This is Putin’s worst nightmare.  Hindsight is 20/20.  Compared to Bernie, Trump winning was a Putin orgasm fixed on loop, until it wasn't.  Shit happened after the election (dossier published, Sessions recused, more Comey FBI Russia investigation revelations, Mueller appointed). 

    And now the real shit is just getting warmed up.  Bernie was never on the same plain as Trump on Putin's game board.

    You guys are better with more words.  To simplify, Putin was pleasantly surprised his plans worked to trick us idiots to vote Trump in...then was quite disappointed his puppet couldn’t get shit done because some assholes had put measures in place to protect against this exact scenario - and they did that almost 250 years ago. 

    America, fuck yeah!

    Happy MDW, assholes.  Fuck Trump.  

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