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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 15 hours ago, miguelito said:

    NEISD here in SA announced that middle and high schoolers will need clear backpacks starting next year.  Of course, band cases, purses, and athletic bags are still OK. 

    That's such a stupid "solution". If you pack enough shit in a clear backpack you can still conceal a gun. Also, I can't think of a big school shooting where the shooter hid his guns in a backpack. I can think of at least 2 where the shooter hid his gun in a guitar case (Northern Illinois & Parkland). Then you have Columbine where the shooters made no attempt to conceal their weapons. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BornOrange said:

    Yankees are talking about boycotting ESPN.

    USA Today article

    They are upset that ESPN is moving a Sunday game in Toronto from 1:00 to a night game, when they have a doubleheader scheduled the next day in Baltimore.

    The game isn't until July 8, so it might get moved back. MLB office and MLBPA are negotiating with ESPN.

    ESPN bent the knee, game now moved to 1pm. Also the Yankees just lost SP Jordan Montgomery for the next couple years to TJ surgery. Domingo German to take his spot long term at the moment. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Sutcliffe is an assclown blowhard.  Basically an unpolitical Schilling. 

    Quit listening to him, and more importantly, quit posting his idiocy here.

    (Irony: Sutcliffe and Schilling are two of my favorite players ever.)

    It takes everything I have to not neg you for saying Schilling is one of your favorite players. He's up there next to Ray Lewis as my most hated athlete of all-time. Both just reprehensible scumsacks of human shit. I want to go find my Schilling "bloody sock" rant on shaggyverse now. Cool story and all that, I know. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Watching his HUDL video again, it's hard to imagine  why he's not a 5-star recruit. 

    Arizona kid. He's just outrunning a bunch of whites and mexicans in all his games. Makes his speed look other-worldly instead of just superhuman, which it is. Another big year statistically may get him to 5 stars, like it even matters. They do know how to grow their speed demon WR's in Arizona though, just look at Christian Kirk and Devon Allen in recent years. Allen wasn't much of a football player but Smith looks far better than he ever did already. Kirk is a better comparison right now. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Game 7, down a run, man on second, two outs, Edwin Diaz on the mound-


    Who do you want at the plate?

    Easy answer is Gleyber Torres. Small sample size but his batting stats in high leverage AB’s are off the charts. Also has 2 walk-offs in only 30 something career games.

    • Like 1
  6. I was a huge history buff as a kid and I remember reading about this. Pretty telling that it was never mentioned in any history class I ever attended. I'd wager 99.9% of US adults have never heard of it. Fucking barbaric.

    The riot itself sounds like an over-the-top war movie if you research it. The 50 or so armed black men defending the courthouse to prevent the lynching actually successfully turned back the mob of over 1,000 whites after a gun battle, like Tulsa's version of the Alamo. That's what really pissed off the white mob and kicked off their attack on the black neighborhood. Various shootouts, arsons, and even fire-bombings by plane followed in the days to come. IIRC, an unsung "hero" in all of this is the white sheriff, who refused to turn over the black suspect to the white lynch mob at the courthouse. He and several of his deputies fought alongside the black group to fend off the initial assault. The black suspect, Dick Rowland, actually survived the entire ordeal and was eventually exonerated. He almost immediately moved away from Tulsa. 


    • Like 3
  7. Fun fact: Fremont High School has produced more MLB players than any other high school in the country, 25. Pretty damn incredible for a ghetto as hell school in South Central LA. 

  8. 54 minutes ago, Tailleur17 said:

    Yes, keep bragging about a meaningless May victory fuckboi. Houston will own your ass again in October when it matters. 

    Tonight’s win clinched the season-series victory for the Yankees over the Astros. That could become a factor in some postseason tiebreaker scenarios come October, if it comes to that. So not meaningless.

  9. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Josh Donaldson just came up lame running the bases and left the game.

    I hope he's hurt enough to go on the DL and I don't feel bad about it.


    Donaldson, Martin, Bautista, and Stroman combined to make the Blue Jays probably the most unlikeable pro sports team I've ever seen when they were together. A truly exceptional collection of cunts on that roster. 

  10. 1 minute ago, bschoolprof said:

    Jet stream has bent way up into Canada. The allows heat from Mexico and moisture from the gulf to pour up across the middle of the country.  It’s been in the 90s in fucking Minneapolis. 

    Maybe we do need a wall then. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  11. 5 hours ago, South Austin said:

    I think there's legitimate frustration with how Collin looked like a world beater against USC, then seemed to fizzle the rest of the year. I can't honestly say whether the fault lies with him, Beck, or the QBs.

    He was one of the best freshman WR in the country IMO in 2016. He seems to have some issues getting open, but he’s made his fair share of highlight contested catches (Tech 2016 comes to mind). I think Herman/Beck tried to steer the QB’s away from throwing at WR’s that weren’t totally open (probably a good idea for young QB’s), vs 2016 where Buechele was more willing to chuck up some risks and let CJ make plays. So I’d say the “blame” lies with all 3. 

  12. Serious question... did any of you go to a high school that DIDN'T have an armed district officer on campus? Both my middle and high school each had 2 armed officers. When I think about it I've really never heard of a high school not having at least one. Shit, there was even one at Columbine that briefly exchanged fire with Harris. I get confused when people talk about putting armed security at every campus, because I think that's already a thing. 

  13. On 5/22/2018 at 5:52 PM, Casual Encounter said:

    * In practice

    He's made a fuckton of great catches in games as well, and he's far and away the best receiver we've had on campus in years. No idea why the fanbase hates on him so much. He's had Buechele & Ehlinger throwing to him for Christsakes. 

  14. 31 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Something else that I’ve been thinking about:

    If you have kids then you know that telling them “That’s bad, never touch it!” is a sure recipe for them to want to touch it. A loud group in the current conversation is 24/7 yelling “Guns are bad!!!” Kids love bad things.

    I grew up on a farm with guns around in addition to all sorts or dangerous tools. I was taught that tools could be dangerous unless I knew how to use them. But once I was taught how to properly shoot, or weld, or hook up a PTO or whatever then I was allowed to do it.

    Perhaps better gun education is an angle?

    I'll take it you're not a fan of abstinence-only sex ed then. Or "drugs are bad mmkay" type anti-drug campaigns.  

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