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Ag with kids

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Everything posted by Ag with kids

  1. They were all on my one LLC. So, my LLC currently has 2 AMEX Plat Business cards and they want me to add another one....not an employee card, but a brand new card. And the Offer Terms don't have the lifetime language like most offers do. Just like the last time I got the Business card. Just advising y'all to check out any offerings from AMEX... Because the 150K points are worth WAY more than the $695 annual fee. Especially when you can double up on a lot of the benefits they offer.
  2. The first offer I got to get a second AMEX Plat Business was both. I got several mail offers and then a few email offers. After research, it looked like it was legit so I applied, got the second card and just got the MR points. The latest offer was via email only.
  3. I hate quoting my own post...but I did it for context. I just confirmed that you can get 2 AMEX Plat Business cards AND get the 150K MR points for the second one. The 150K points just hit my account yesterday. And today...I got another offer to get an AMEX Bus Plat card with no lifetime language for ANOTHER 150K MR...I've got a few more big expenses coming up in the next few months so WTF, let's see if I hit the bullseye again. I'm going to wait until mid July though to maximize those expenses and I have until 7/31 to pull the trigger. I quoted the $0.02/MR points and from my experience, it's easily that...especially since a lot of redemptions get 35% points back.
  4. We're going to Belize late June through early July. Trying to decide between San Pedro and Placencia. I've been to San Pedro once and the GF and the couple we're going with have been there numerous times. None of us have been to Placencia. I'm semi leaning to Placencia to explore a different place, but I really enjoyed San Pedro. I've read through some of the thread but figured I'd ask opinions on what I should choose (or at least get to recommend to our group)...
  5. I got sent to fucking purgatory because of Penelope and others just hating on everything I posted. That's bullshit. (oh look, just got another one from her) I've now lost 60 rep points just on this thread. My guess is in the morning I'll have lost 100... You have a lot of rep. If you get low it kicks you out and you have to get pos rep to a certain point. But...
  6. Fuck you. Disagreement shouldn't do that. But you're too fucking stupid to realize that. Now...THAT will get a lot of neg rep because the NPCs on here don't realize what I posted.
  7. Oh yeah. All 6 or so of us...then the 30+ attacks start and we get posts like sidis (hey you didn't address my post) when I would need 3 people responding to keep up. But yeah...you're right. My turn in the trenches. So you realize that it's very few of us and shit tons of you. Peace my brother!
  8. Well...obviously there's nothing to talk about now since you've crossed the line. I wish you well in life. Sincerely.
  9. I generally listen to NPR and POTUS on Sirius... Neither one is remotely conservative. Or even middle of the road. But keep your stereotypes going!
  10. Dude...I'll go back and try to find it. I've been blindsided left and left since I posted. I wasn't trying to ignore you. But, 30 against 1 is difficult odds...
  11. No...Never said they were banned. But, when you get neg repped (especially by a certain poster) into purgatory it gets annoying. I've actually lost 50 reps since I posted on here tonight. And if you haven't noticed...I Am the ONLY conservative on here.. While I was typing this post I got another 12 notifications to my posts. I will assume at least half of those were neg reps. Y'all should be happy that someone is actually willing to engage with y'all to break up the circle jerk. But...I realize the circle jerk is pretty much what everyone here wants...maybe not you, though. So I do appreciate that.
  12. So...you think the CDC is wrong?
  13. Religion is a dumb way to view this. I choose science.
  14. I would, but with @jimmyjazz dick. 😉
  15. Ok...so, I've had NUMEROUS responses to the posts I've made. ZERO have been from conservatives. And no...they were run off. But, apparently I'm willing to try and have discussions with y'all. But, if y'all do what y'all did the last time and neg rep me into purgatory (yes...those are the thin skin people) I doubt I'll give enough shits to come back to the CR. DT and the Food and Travel are interesting to me. Party over truth...that just makes me giggle. As if 98% of the posters in the CR don't vote Democrat. I pick my side.
  16. A non-fertilized egg? Yep. A fertilized egg? Nope. No one is saying that having a period is killing a child. It's a non-fertilized egg.
  17. So...the medical industry isn't as smart as a 5 year old? Are you *Norman Einstein? *Check out the Joe Thiesmann quote
  18. Then why are you posting on this? It's none of your business.
  19. I give zero shits about what you think about me. Or my views. I'm just here to expound upon them. I realize I'm on the Burnt Orange Democratic Underground here in the CR. You've pretty much run off all the conservatives, so you have your happy echo chamber. I'm even friends with one of your former posters that actually played football for y'all back in the 90s. He said he left here was because of this. Both he and I agreed the level of discourse has devolved from Hornfans to Shaggy to here. If I had thin skin I wouldn't even try to reply here, since every post I make gets several hate posts and neg reps...solely because you disagree with me.
  20. I'm not christian...do you not read my posts? NOTHING I post has to do with religion, so PLEASE stop trying to drop that drivel on me. I'm a deist. Full Stop. However, even the medical industry says that a zygote is an early state of human growth and development. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zygote Part of a series on Human growth and development Gamete Zygote Embryo Fetus Infant Toddler Child Preadolescent Adolescent Emerging and early adulthood Young adult Middle adult Old adult Dying So...do you not believe the science?
  21. So...you think there can't be any restrictions on assembly? Or speech? Or guns? Because some restrictions are legal. California has tons of them on guns. Ok...I wouldn't live there, but let them do them. Speech is the same. As is assembly.
  22. Well, see...you're right. Preborn children aren't citizens. Of course, neither are the illegals crossing the border right now. I think it would be wrong to kill the illegals. As well as the preborn children. But...I understand why women have abortions and I'm not opposed in many cases. Not the illegals though. No killing them unless they commit shitty crimes. Hmmm...I care about non citizens more than other non citizens...
  23. I tried to KEEP it in the room, dammit!!!!
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