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Ag with kids

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Everything posted by Ag with kids

  1. Yeah... Everyone on the right is a racist because "Trump"
  2. And "all" are willing to align with racists? Cute. I see in depth thinking isn't your strong suit...
  3. BLM and Black Panthers are racist. They seem to align with another party...
  4. As opposed to the Democratic Party that demands that race be taken into account for all manner of things, from jobs, to employment, educational positions, etc. Interesting...
  5. Or perhaps, Republican's aren't all racists. But, I'm sure you've never entertained that idea.
  6. Y'know... "Hey Republican voters, you're all racist assholes, so stop it and vote Democrat" is really going to convince a lot of folks on the right to come running to your side. No way it could backfire...
  7. It couldn't have been too hard to figure out the move. This Aggie figured it out.
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