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Ag with kids

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Posts posted by Ag with kids

  1. 35 minutes ago, ATexanAbroad said:

    Nah went to terceira. Less tourists is always my end goal. I’ll leT princess Penelope hand the tourist destinations 

    Well, to be fair...Lajes is the airport on Terceira.  It was a USAF base for a long time.  It's actually where my parents met.  They were teachers at the DoD school there.

    Finally got a chance to go there back in 2016 with my Dad.  It. Was. Awesome.  I'd love to go back.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The same people that are actually "leftist" have been here all along.  The rest of us are fucking disgusted with Republicans, who are so fucking disgusting that it calls into question nearly everything they ever advocated.

    Signed, 35-year Republican voter and still registered Republican (who's too lazy to change it cuz it don't make a shit).

    No...this site has gone far left...

    I was on Hornfans...then Shaggy....and now Surly...the transformation has been quite obvious.  The fact that you don't see it, is interesting...perhaps, you've gone left, too...

    Guess you're not in Texas, though...


    • Fuck You 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Westboro Baptist is the old news.  I posted somewhere six separate and recent links to people preaching from the pulpit about execution of homosexuals and talking about it on right wing "TV" and at "freedom of religion" conferences attended by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.  Two or three of em rat chere in Texas and one in Tarrant County, Hurst, no less.  A place I am rather sure that you are quite familiar with.

    As a backsliding Christian, I'm not about to paint all churches with that brush, but Bozo didn't either.  

    This website has become pro-democracy.



    Oh...Well there you go...

    Six...out of 380,000.  Yep.  That's definitely NOT what's "de rigueur" in the religious world.  Seriously...the people doing that are outliers.

    BTW...I'm not really familiar with many churches.  Oh, and I've been a deist for 20+ years...we don't need no steenking shurshes!

    And, YES, this website has become quite far left.  The fact that you don't realize that may mean you need to leave YOUR left wing bubble.  I'm going to stop there so this shit doesn't get CRed though....

    So...to get this whole shit back on track...this thread is about INFLATION...so I'm going to get back to that.

    I actually agree with @Bozo_Casanova about the extra fucking money being dumped into the economy being a large cause of this inflation.

    • Fuck You 2
  4. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Bozo's quote was 

    Do you deny that it is currenly de rigeur among conservative pastors to, among other things, advocate the execution of homosexuals?

    Bozo's point was not even hyperbolic.  It's not schtick.

    GTFO of your right-wing disinformation hole.

    There may be a few nutsos out there saying things like that (like those idiots at Westboro Baptist)...but there's 380k churches in the US...it's not "de rigeur" by ANY means...so, YES, I deny that.

    And getting out of "my right-wing disinformation hole" is amusing.  I'm here on this website that has become quite left wing.  I don't post on CR because conservatives can get neg repped to death (well, purgatory) there...But, I browse this site.  I listen to the POTUS channel (center left) on Sirius almost exclusively...

    I watch essentially ZERO news on TV, so can't "Fox News" me.

    How much do you get out of your hole?

  5. 48 minutes ago, Humble Beast said:

    NeonMoon wants to cut spending. Bozo sounds like a Ron Paul acolyte/sound money acolyte. 

    These are money printing bottom signs. We should get money printer brrrrr soon. 

    What will cause it? Idk. Emerging market blow up? Something Eu or Japan related? Those are my guesses based on who the strong dollar is hurting most. 


  6. 48 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    The Treasury should be headed by a really strict jewish woman as secretary, and when the president proposes a budget that overspends its revenue, the treasurer can slap him on the hand and admonish “oy vey, where do you get the chutzpah to ask for this? you get bupkis, and i better not hear any kvetching about it, ya goy schmuck”

    I think you're onto something here.

  7. 1 hour ago, UTGrad98 said:

    The fed should have a third mandate and set the amount of the yearly federal  budget. It is impossible for either party to correct our deficit spending now. It is not in their best interest as politicians to do so. I would think congress would jump all over that. Someone explain to me why that is a bad idea. 

    As bad as both sides of the aisle are at budgeting, I think having an unelected group of people make decisions for the the budget is WAY worse...

  8. 18 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I prefer to be shitty, particularly when I think someone is dicking with the numbers.

    I'm not saying they're good, I'm saying that they are largely the byproduct (in terms of historical excess) of a really unusual set of circumstances.  And that, my friend, is as close as you will ever see me get to defending the Trump administration.

    I wasn't.  I clarified myself.  Congratulations on being a dick.

    I have defended nobody except for Milton Friedman.

  9. 7 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    You said $6T in 2 years.  That's false.  I'm done with this stupid argument -- do it in good faith or don't do it at all.

    Sorry...I corrected it later in the post...


    You do realize that $6 TRILLION has been injected into the money supply in 2 years, right?  It went from $15.5 Trillion to almost $22Trillion.  That's a 41% increase in the money supply in 2.5 years.  NOBODY should be surprised we're seeing inflation.

    I meant the latter...sorry for the confusion.

    BTW...rather than being shitty like you were, could you next time ask for some clarification as to which timeline I was referring to?

  10. 14 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I do not realize that.  When I access the FRED M2 chart, it shows that from June 8 2020 to June 6 2022 the M2 money supply jumped from $18.0T to $21.7T, or $3.7T (a 20.6% jump in 2 years, or 9.8% per year).

    Is it a steep climb?  Yes.  For reference, between 2012 and 2019 (July #s) it averaged 5.7% increase per year.

    We should at least be honest with the numbers we use.  If you want to use a 2.5 year period, then fine, but you know as well as I do it includes a MASSIVE injection between February 2020 and July 2020.  Blame inflation on that if you must, but don't imply it's a "both sides" issue.


    I included huge initial injection that so all you Trump haters wouldn't accuse me of letting him off the hook.  How was I not honest (I FUCKING stated the time period)?

    And it IS a "both sides" issue.  The injections of money should have slowed down much earlier.  But, it didn't.

    BTW, the rate of increase has been MUCH higher over the past TWO years, too...And it would have been even higher if several of the spending bills proposed in congress hadn't been killed - something like $3 trillion more...


    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Man, when I see someone saying that the M2 slope should have normalized, and then I look at the right side of the graph where it's clear that RECENTLY it has not only "normalized" but FLATTENED OUT, I wonder how intellectually honest they are trying to be.

    Could it be a short term wobble?  Absolutely.  Is the budget deficit coming down?  Yes it is.  Where does that put us?

    You do realize that $6 TRILLION has been injected into the money supply in 2 years, right?  It went from $15.5 Trillion to almost $22Trillion.  That's a 41% increase in the money supply in 2.5 years.  NOBODY should be surprised we're seeing inflation.

  12. 17 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Milton Friedman was brilliant.
    And wrong.
    Lots of really brilliant people have had brilliant-sounding hypotheses that turned out to be dead fucking wrong. Milton is one of them. It’s ok to be wrong - I used to think he was dead-on (and I was wrong). What’s not ok is to stay wrong, in spite of decades of evidence debunking your hypothesis.
    When you realize that you’re still stanning for a hypothesis that turned to shit in the real world - and you sound EXACTLY like some beret-wearing college sophomore dipshit saying “communism is brilliant, and is the right path - it’s just that true communism hasn’t been tried yet!” - well, that’s probably when you should reassess your position.

    How was Friedman wrong?

    What is "right"?

  13. 17 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    You don’t subscribe to the work of Milton Friedman and neither does the party you think should be directly represented in congress. You are one of the marks in a a highly inflationary, brazen long con that used his work as cover.  The shocking part is that you are a smart guy who still hasn’t wised up. 
    You should actually read some Friedman and see if what your party has done is actually in line with his ideas in their proper context and not cherry picked the way some pastors cherry pick scripture to justify hatred and violence. 

    I have read a lot of Friedman.  I can agree with Friedman and disagree with a lot of the actions the Republicans have done.  They're mutually exclusive.

    If I disagree with the Republican actions that doesn't mean that I think the Democrats are any better, though.  I think they're fucking up WAY worse than the Republicans have.

    And drop the "hatred and violence" schtick.  Just because you accuse everyone that disagrees with you a racist doesn't mean it's true.  And if you ever wanted to convince someone of your point, using that line of reasoning is NEVER going to get them to consider your view.  hth

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. We'll stop at Bray's Smokehouse in Kingsville if it's around lunchtime on a trip to/from Port Mansfield from Corpus for work - get work to pay for lunch and all that shit.  Although, in the beauty that is working for the state, it's considered taxable income.

  15. 1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    First, it’s the same thing. Deficit spending is deficits spending and thus an expansion of the money supply. When you root for tax cutting without offsetting them, you’re rooting for deficit spending. Over the last 20 years I’ve made that point, centrally, on virtually everything I’ve posted about econ. That’s why I mostly gave up- I got tired of hearing these self-styled conservative monetarists who were actually no such thing root for uninterrupted stimulus, except when it was required to avert catastrophe or might help someone who needed it.

    Second, lighten up Francis. I think you are probably a pretty great human being. But you make me sad because you’ve spent the last 20 years cheering for disaster.

    I root for spending cuts.  Tax cuts are nice, too.  In 2021, the government collected $4.05 trillion in revenue.  I'm going to guess that the government collecting 17.6% of GDP means they're not fucking starving.

    You root for tax increases AND spending increases.  So, please don't talk about ME cheering for disaster.

    BTW...tax cuts by themselves do not increase the money supply.  Which is the only thing that causes inflation.

    I assume you're a good guy too.  But, please don't try to tell me that you're smarter than Milton Friedman.

    And I did note you ignored the part of my post which showed that M2 has increased by shitloads over the past 2+ years.  And should have stopped increasing about 1.5 years ago.  Except the federal government AND the Fed Bank kept dumping money into it.  Call it QE69420 or whatever.


    BTW...I'm going to guess that the other folks you tagged earlier won't respond because they've abandoned this site.  It's become a Burnt Orange DemocraticUnderground here.  I got negged into purgatory (lost 500 rep points in 1 day) because I "dared" to have a contrary opinion in the CR.  So...I don't post there anymore.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  16. On 7/14/2022 at 10:06 PM, Bozo_Casanova said:

    You mean, during a fiscal crisis? And  I’m not even defending that, I’m agnostic but let me get this straight: you supported tax cuts that were 100% financed by debt , ie, stimulative deficit spending during periods of already expanding GDP but  you’ve got a problem with stimulus when the economy is contracting? And you’re complaining about inflation? 
    you, sir, are truly an ag with kids.

    Yes...during a fiscal crisis.  This is the money supply.  It's 50% higher than 2.5 years ago.  The fucking slope should have normalized a LONG time ago, but the government just keeps pumping cash into the economy.  As my point from MF said...inflation is always and everywhere a MONETARY phenomenon.  There's an extra $3 Trillion dollars more in the economy in the past several years than there should be...


    BTW, tax cuts were financed?  Ummm, no...it was the SPENDING that was financed.  The money that comes in as tax revenue isn't the government's in the first place.

    Why don't we ever look at THAT side of the ledger?  Of course, over 50% of the spending is welfare/social spending, so I actually know why...Bur, I will say I blame BOTH sides of the aisle for this.  NO ONE will make the hard choices that need to be made regarding any kind of spending the government does.


    And I take the Ag with kids comment with pride.  I'm an extremely lucky man in life to have these kids.  Kind of sad that you're taking to insults now, though.  You used to be better than that.  But, maybe the tack this site has taken has changed you.  Hope you get back to being the guy I remember from, holy fuck, about 20 years ago...

    • Hook 'Em 2
  17. On 7/6/2022 at 3:46 PM, Doug E. Fresh said:

    Or high 80s/low 90s……warming up next week and going to be a hot July here

    I remember one time watching the weather on TV back when I lived there as a kid.  The weatherman made a comment about the temps getting into the "sizzling seventies".

    Having vacationed several summers in San Antonio prior to that, it was quite amusing...

  18. 36 minutes ago, UnivTex34 said:

    Locals next to us bitched at the heat this last week. 89-92. I showed them my weather station in Austin at 108 each day. They agreed that 92 was ok.

    seabreeze makes all the difference.

    I live on N Padre.  The temperature difference between the island and Flour Bluff is at least 5-10 deg. I leave work on the bluff and it is just hot/humid even when the wind blows.  Then you get on the island and it's a different world.  But, use shade wisely...it's a good thing.

  19. On 7/13/2022 at 10:53 AM, Bozo_Casanova said:

    The inflation was coming from inside the house

    High liquidity + not enough stuff to do with it = stagflation 

    Many of you have been around long enough to remember when I was still trying to explain basic economic reality. At that time, I repeatedly talked about the risks of tax cutting (or not letting tax cuts expire) during expansions and prolonged periods of low interest rates "loading the gun" for the next recession. Welcome to the utterly predictable future. The crop has failed and the seed corn has been eaten.  
    Or, fellas, is it still too soon to tell how these things play out? Will it always be?
    @TahoeHorn @Ag with kids @Wulaw Horn @washparkhorn

    What's your point?

    Yes...the long periods of low interest rates was bad.  They were too low for too long.  The Fed fucked up.


    What about the trillions of dollars dumped into the economy over the past 2 years?  Do you think that adding that kind of economic stimulus could have had any kind of effect?  You know, too much money chasing too few goods and all that shit?  Or as Milton Friedman said, “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”

    And why would taxes affect anything in the aggregate?  It's either money available to the economy via the taxpayers if they get to keep the tax cuts or it's money available to the economy via the government when they spend those tax dollars...

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