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The Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Dog

  1. two guys who wouldn't hesitate to stab each other in the back on a moment's notice.
  2. This is Trumpism - endless self-promotion for personal gain. There is no "team" - just individuals competing with each other for attention and then profiting off of that attention.
  3. agreed - I think the most likely outcome at this point is a "placeholder" type until they can figure this out.
  4. the vast majority of people are "low information" voters who only vote for their tribe and that support is based on only a few issues and for some only one. they don't fully understand the consequences of their decisions only that they are getting what they want. think how misinformed the "average voter" is and remember that half of them are less informed than that. Now consider the GOP is full of supporters that are of the less-informed type. There you go.
  5. ETA these are JIM JORDAN supporters attacking EACH OTHER. MTG is mad that Mace is getting attention so she went on the attack.
  6. Because there is not a single Republican that could get the job with only 8 Democrats and nearly the entire GOP caucus. It would take someone who could pull half of each along with a massive power sharing agreement.
  7. This. They'll figure it out eventually. There are diminishing returns on these stunts. It's all on the GOP to get this done. It's one thing to be obstructionist against the Democrats but quite another to be so against your own party. At some point the act wears thin and they'll be under pressure from their constituents to get this done.
  8. What I took away from it was that going to the Championship is attainable within 5-10 years but the premier league would be a much harder ask within that timeframe. And I agree that it's likely even harder than the video makes it out to be. Rob and Ryan are rich but they will need a LOT more $$$ to get to the EPL and to stay there.
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