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Everything posted by BrickTop

  1. There was a case at my sons school last Monday, I kept him home Friday because he seemed a little off and was lethargic. He tested positive that afternoon, by Sunday me, my wife and other son all tested positive with symptoms, wife and I are fully vaxxed with booster.
  2. Correct and he fumbled because he got that headshot and was stunned
  3. At least they seemed to have solved the Minter issue, the problem is we need to actually knock off Fried and get to the pen
  4. I still don’t see how Fried isn’t having issues how that ankle was rolled
  5. Soler is one of the main guys you keep guessing, because if he sits on something he’s gonna send it a mile if he gets it.
  6. It was pretty obvious he was timing the shit out of that breaking ball, the previous one he was a bit early on, that shouldn’t of been thrown
  7. Can’t really pound the zone against Soler
  8. That game ball Evans threw to a fan for Brady’s 600th td that the Bucs admin “negotiated” back from the fan for a jersey and signed autograph is said to have been worth between 5-750k per a sports auction house.
  9. To put it in perspective, a few years ago I got hurt on the job and caught an ambulance ride. While Enroute the medics gave me 100 mcg of fentanyl which is a pretty standard starting dose, I’m a pretty big guy no history of opioid use but it’s always had a high tolerance for pain meds. This shit absolutely snowed me, took away all pain immediately and I couldn’t reAlly feel anything. It’s hard to fathom that a potentially lethal dose is 2 mg which is 20x the amount I received. There are pills floating out there at 2mg and up to 5 mg. I have seem quite a few overdoses from this shit and the sad thing is it’s usually not the addicts or experienced users, they have a tolerance and are wary enough of it it’s the casual users who tend to fuck around and find out, Narcan isn’t as effective against it either. The problem is some of these first time users are going at it blind and aren’t getting a second chance.
  10. Also in the prehospital setting, it is widely used as an effective analgesic in the proper dosage, it is more effective than morphine and has a shorter half life, the key is the dosage is in MCG not mg and they always start with the weakest effective dose
  11. I agree there’s no set lethal dose because it depends upon a lot of factors, opioid tolerance, mixing with alcohol or other poly pharmacy and the respiratory depressive effects are greatly amplified, it’s Russian roulette really, you may be fine, you may go to sleep and stop breathing. This was a problem with oxy as well and this is a nuclear bomb compared to oxy
  12. 2 mg is considered a potentially lethal dose 42 percent of pills found and tested were found to be at 2 mg or greater, the range found was 0.2 to 5.1 mg per pill more than twice the “potentially lethal dose”
  13. Didn’t realize framber was Spanish speaking only, does Castro speak Spanish? Could that be a reason Machete gets the nod most of the time?
  14. Against the number 2 rushing defense, without their starting left tackle, that play where he just bulldozed Poyer is the perfect example, he just wears people the fuck down and no one that big should be that fast
  15. Josh Taylor from the Red Sox looks like the duke from Major League
  16. Was that Rodon going into the locker room?
  17. He may of lost some velo but he picked up a lot of smarts and experience, fooled a few guys quite badly
  18. He seems to be useful as an aiming reference
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