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Everything posted by harpercollins

  1. That looks amazing!!! I really want to try it!
  2. Yeah—any advice for length of contract? My 3 year contract at $.056/kWh is ending and I’m not seeing anything below $.09.
  3. CDC recommendations for vaccinated individuals are patently absurd. I get that they need to dangle the carrot and incentivize vaccinations for public health reasons, but they don’t make sense from an infection control standpoint. My latest policies do not distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated.
  4. I am. We notified our private school parents today. No more contact tracing. No more quarantines. Stay home for five days if you have COVID, mask and space days 6-10. If there was something we could do that would help, we would.
  5. Mos def. I think akinjo must be hurt too. He looked off.
  6. That hurt. Two unforced turnovers by my boy Flagler sealed our fate.
  7. Baylor looking lazy and uninspired today against the pokes.
  8. There’s a growing body of evidence that masks actually don’t work with this strain. They’re not hurting anything obviously, but people are putting wayyyy too much confidence in cloth face coverings. We have multiple confirmed cases of spread through N95 at BSWH hospital here in temple.
  9. Been looking forward to Baylor tech for weeks, and now I’m having a hard time forcing myself to get out in the sleet. I need a chauffeur.
  10. My husband’s ringtone for me is Here Comes My Girl.
  11. Supposedly women make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.
  12. I’m guessing horns4horns has some personal experience that is understandably fueling his outrage, and y’all should maybe lay off.
  13. I don't know to whom you're referring. Briles was fired the day the report was released. President and AD lasted a couple more weeks.
  14. The Wikipedia page is actually a pretty good synopsis. Baylor definitely botched Title IX implementation, but the reasons are complex, and it’s absurd to say we “advocated rape.” Private universities were required by federal law to abide by Title IX without a lot of guidance on how to actually interpret the law and without any funds to do so. We were actually one of the first private schools to hire a full time Title IX coordinator, and needless to say it was not a good hire. Evangelicals have been a full two decades behind the rest of the world with respect to protecting abuse victims, and this was the beginning of the reckoning of all of that. FWIW, I am close with someone raped her freshman year at Texas by a fellow student in an off-campus apartment in 2010. Police did not outright discourage her from filing a report, but did not encourage it either. They told her that without a witness or a rape kit within 24 hours, it was unlikely to accomplish anything except add stress to her. I share this not to say that Texas is as guilty as Baylor or anything like that, but that law enforcement, in general, tends to be a little too pragmatic about sexual assault investigations.
  15. True. But you don’t have to drive to Port Arthur on a weeknight to do so in the NFL.
  16. No. Is there a guide? I didn’t think you could embed TikTok videos in tapa
  17. I agree, except for the instrumental bridge. Feels super hokey to me.
  18. I love the guys at applianceblog.com. They have helped me dx and diy two dishwasher repairs and an oven repair.
  19. This is a few weeks old, but everyone I shared this with loved it. This girl cracks me up.
  20. Sadly, no. Y’all leaving plus NIL means it’s over, I think. Que será.
  21. I’ll never blame any coach, especially one with young kids, for going to the NFL. Recruiting schedules and kissing the asses of sixteen year olds and their mamas seems like it totally sucks.
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