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Posts posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. 7 hours ago, Speedtrucker said:

    Every trial team can have their own set of preferences but we are a district that potential jurors tend to be more conservative(it’s changing in one of my courtrooms but for the most part across most of the races, everyone leans much more conservative. So some don’t like young jurors, some don’t like senior citizens, some done like gun enthusiasts, some don’t like overly religious thinkers.

    Teachers and engineers are my main concerns. Engineers are usually the smartest persons in the room and way too over analytical. Too many bad experiences where we’ve had to let one on and they end up reinvestigating the case and exhibits, or they use the white board in the deliberation room to create their own flowchart… questioning shit that wasn’t even brought up in trial. It’s a pain and can hang a jury when everyone gets frustrated.

    Teachers, mainly elementary are often too opinionated and can hang a jury because they want to control the room and teach the “kids”/jurors that what they think is the only acceptable conclusion. They are adept at herding cats and it can be problematic in a jury room.

    I mainly do drug trafficking and child exploitation cases. The kid stuff is usually pretty cut and dry, picking a jury is basically finding 12 that can stomach sitting on that jury(it sad how high a percentage of every jury pool has had familial experience with this stuff) and then the deliberations usually don’t take too long.

    The drug trafficking takes more work to pick a jury because conspiracy is always a hard concept to explain to a lot of jurors. Which again is where engineers and teachers don’t help

    I get what you said about teachers, but am laughing because that's the opposite of me.  Believe it or not, the jury I served on was commandeered by two flight attendants fitting that description.

  2. 19 hours ago, Speedtrucker said:

     Recognized a few teachers of my children that didn’t realize they were my kiddos teachers. But as I’ve said I don’t like engineers and teachers, those are usually straight peremptory strike if we can’t find cause…

    Good.  I'm a teacher.  I don't want to be picked.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm all about doing my part.  It's just that I called in to criminal court, and I don't want to see pics of murder scenes or hurt children.

  3. 7 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    It trips me the fuck out to think that my dad was my current age in 1991. 

    Yep.  This is a good one.  I think back to when I was a kid and my parents were, say, 31 and 30.  (Would have put me at 8 years old.)  Anything that came out of their mouths was completely unquestioned.  Didn't matter the topic, perspective, or context.  It had to be absolutely 100% correct.  I'm older than them now.  I can't believe anyone listens to anything I say.  I have no idea what's going on half the time.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  4. 0-1 in elementary school.  I smarted off to a kid much bigger than me.  My friends warned me, but I didn't listen.  Took two punches in in like 1/10 of a second.  Proud to say I didn't back down or cry.  10 minutes later we were friends, playing football.

    2-0 in middle school.  

    0-0-1 in college.  I got into a braw on the intramural brother fields.  Some dude dude from Sigma Chi (I think) spiked a ball on my friend's head, I punched him, and the benches cleared.  They did an all-call over the intercom to get all the other field refs to break up the brawl.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Since this is now the Golden Corral thread, I'll add my own .2 cents.  We used to eat there once a week ... AND in Knoxville.  My oldest son has a few food allergies which made this place the ideal as he was actually able to get more than one type of food.  It's not that bad.  I'd rather deal with fat rednecks over the snobs in Uptown (Dallas).  I did pass on the chocolate tower, though.


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  6. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Mental Gymnast of the Week Award goes Mr. David Ubben of The Athletic. In his Week 10 Reaction podcast he said the following: 

    “Jimbo has built a championship caliber roster at TAMU. I’m not sure they can find another coach capable of doing that.”

    He may not have meant to, but I see it another way.  He's managing to trash Dumbo and aggy in one sentence.

    He's built a championship roster and can barely get his team above .500.  And,

    Only Dumbo's snake oil and past glory can get players to actually acknowledge College Station.

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  7. Just now, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    They had first down at the five. Prescott, rather than taking a quick look and throwing the ball out of the end zone, takes a fifteen yard loss. That last pass - he did exactly what philly wanted. 

    Yep.  They're daring you to throw it short.  Of course, dumbass did.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    That play gave KSU 0 momentum. Unless you believe losing 1 yard on the next 3 plays and punting qualifies as momentum. The pivotal moment happened 7 plays later, when KSU blocked the punt. That was where the game changed. It took another shitty turn on Maalik int 

    I get your point, but I still think kicking it deep after being up 20 may have been the straw.  Stop them there, don't get screwed by the refs, and we're fine in the 2nd.  Granted, it's all hypothetical, so you prob have a better argument.

  9. 2 hours ago, Nivek said:

    OU was scripted to win the game vs Texas.  Their goal line stand shows the ball crossing the plane (its very close) and a face mask among a bunch of other no-call fuckery.  They got the Texas treatment in their last OSU game after they have been getting away with bullshit ref fuckery for decades and ref-manufactured ''wins".   It isn't fair, but I am not exactly sympathetic to them.  We would be undefeated otherwise and clearly at the top with correct officiating.  

    It is absolutely clear that they are fixing games.  And that ruins the sport for fans.  Now instead of being pissed at Texas coaches for being unprepared, I am pissed because the preparation no longer matters.   Having a good offensive or defensive line doesn't matter.  Having a good WR group doesn't matter.  All of those are negated by the conference's fuckery.   Every one of our opponents can just recruit from a wrestling rec club to fill the offensive line and DB positions.   

    Well said.  Isn't it amazing that Texas has 2-3 possible future NFL 1st day picks on the d-line, but Big12 teams never hold?  I mean, we must be going up against Larry Allen, Anthony Munoz, Bruce Matthews, Mark Stepnoski, and Joe Thomas each week.

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