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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Not that Bob

  1. Go to Pro Audio Star and search Daisy Rock Guitars DR6320-B Elite Venus Vintage Ivory B-Stock. It's B-Stock (how do I get my original font size back??!) so it is probably used, but it is $205 and unless completely trashed should be a good guitar...and did I mention...get a set up. That will cost you another $50 plus strings. 

  2. Set up is a must. Also, different guitars have different "sizes" of necks. In general Fender has a bigger neck than a Gibson. Unless the daughter has large hands I'd go with a smaller neck which is called short scale. There are also guitars with necks that are even smaller. These are called 3/4 (three quarter) guitars. I learned on a Fender Duosonic which is a 3/4. Loved that guitar. Daisey Rock makes "girl guitars" which are short scale and some are pretty nice, but you gotta spend a little more to get the ones that aren't essentially toys. 

    There are amps called "practice amps" which have some pre-recorded back ground music built in that helps the learning process. 

    Again, whatever you get, get it "set up." It will make all the difference. 

  3. Every blues harp player since Little Walter has spent his career trying to sound like Little Walter. None succeed. If I need a pick-me-up I put on "Juke" and the world is a better place. 

  4. Glad you asked. Everything seems within "the law", but they bill the absolute maximum allowed. For example, my CPAP machine was billed in monthly installments to my insurance. The total cost of the machine was, and I don't remember exactly, about 2-3 times what the cost was on a CPAP webpage bought outright. I'm sure the DME and insurance (or Medicare/Medicaid) have an agreement, but It just rubbed me the wrong way that they were charging way over "retail". It's like paying window sticker price for a car, plus a significant mark up. They email me asking if I want mask replacements every quarter. That is what "the law allows", but I don't need replacements that often. With a minimum of care the masks should last much longer than the replacement schedule "recommended" by the DME. 

    Again, I am sure it's all within the insurance/DME agreement, but this is part of the reason that insurance and medical expenses are so high. Most people don't pay attention, and/or "do whatever they are told by a medical professional", so up go the expenses. Just my 2 cents. Don't want to get too cloak roomish.

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  5. With this type of event, there is a three month "waiting period" to see how much recovery he will have, so he will definitely have to hold out for 3 months. Then, if after the three months he is granted benefits it will still be another two months before benefits start. He will get a "lump sum" paying from the date of onset, but he still has to finance himself until he gets benefits. This is true with, or without a lawyer, and the lawyer will probably take a good chunk of the lump sum, plus possibly more. The application papers look intimidating, but are pretty straight forward. Just get the papers and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Nobody goes to prison for making an honest mistake on the application. Shoot me a PM if you want. 

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  6. 1958...I know it's prehistoric for most posters here, but I believe 1958 began the post D. X. Bible status of The Longhorns as a nationally  recognized team.

    Lifted from Lou Maysel's "Here Come The Texas Longhorns":

    "As he looked forward to the Oklahoma game, for which his Longhorns were a 13 point underdog this time, Royal sounded like a man with an obsession about ending The Sooner's streak of six straight victories and nine in the last ten games with Texas. "The only way anybody's going to beat Oklahoma is to go out there and whip 'em jaw to jaw...Texas has to develop a football tradition.  It had one once but lost it. When we get one, maybe we can stop that blood-letting at Dallas and turn it into a good show."

    ...Royal chose that spot to send Lackey back in, and on the first play he faked a handoff, turned and lobbed a jump pass to Bryant for the touchdown that tied the score...The Texas stands erupted when Bryant made the catch although the Longhorns still had to make the winning point. Lackey kicked it while Blanch held the ball and the signal of the referee touched off more celebration. OU still had 3:10 in which to retaliate and Boyd raised the Sooner hopes by racing 27 yards to the UT 44 when he found no one open for a pass. However, Lackey made a one handed interception on the next play and Texas had the victory that Royal has often looked upon as the pivotal one of his early years at Texas...The victory touched off...elation in Austin which was such that the plane bringing the Longhorns back home had to circle for 15 minutes while policemen moved several thousand fans back off the (air) field to safety."

    Note that Bobby Lackey threw the tying pass, kicked the winning PAT, and intercepted the Sooner pass that sealed the victory. He was my first Longhorn hero, along with Rene Ramirez. I would have been a little kid celebrating and greeting the team at the airport, but my mother was so excited that she was speeding and got pulled over for a ticket while driving us kids to the airport in our '57 Studebaker station wagon. 

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  7. AC about 12-15 years ago. I just like historic places. Stayed at The Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood a few years ago. Old, a little musty, but really enjoyable because of the history, built as a WPA project. Hand carved banisters on the stair cases.   Same with Hotel del Coronado. I think it's beautiful, but I can see how someone might want something more modern. 

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