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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Not that Bob

  1. 2 hours ago, Sock Drawer said:

    "They were readin' his mail."

    "Four fresh downs and ten fresh yards."

    Anybody remember L. G. Dupree? Tips always said the L. G. stood for "Long Gone."

    "Bobby Lackey at quarterback for Texas. He bows under and barks the signals." 

  2. Dear Mayor and Council Members:

    I own the property at xxxxxxx on Lake Austin, next to the xxxxx, in the xxxxx subdivision, which I purchased in 1978. For planning and control purposes in about 2000, the City did a special purpose annexation of lakefront land and since then has subjected us to full City of Austin development and environmental controls. My property is 100% in the County and I receive no city services -- water, sewer, fire, police, EMS, trash, etc.. I am not taxed by the City currently, nor should I be taxed, unless and until the City commits to providing our location with full city services, which I understand is required under Texas law. Currently there is no plan for the City to ever provide us with such services. I saw in the paper over the weekend an article on a proposed taxation of properties along Lake Austin, which I assume would impact my property, but not my neighbors' property on the bluff side of xxxxx (about 20 houses in the subdivision). If not against the law, it would at least be inappropriate and unfair to tax my property until you can provide me the city services which property taxes are intended to pay for. Also, before any action is taken, you should inform all property owners who are affected by this proposed taxation, and hold a public hearing to give the many homeowners along Lake Austin a voice in this decision.

    Thank you for your consideration of these arguments against the proposed taxation of properties on Lake Austin that have not been fully annexed into the city and do not receive any city services, yet must bear the cost and burdens of City planning regulations that place serious constraints on the use of our homes and land.

    Thank you. Sincerely, xxxx

    Street address: xxxxx, Austin, TX 78733

    Council District: 10

  3. I am taking care of my aging father's house. The pool is a total mess, he even used it as a fish pond for some time. What do you say I should do with it? I read that it is not good to drain it, but it is a mosquito breeding disaster. To make it functional again I am sure I would have to replace everything other than the hole in the ground. If I got it up and running there is nobody there to use it anyway, so maintenance would be wasted money. Is there some type of cover for "abandoned" pools that will lower the risk of kids falling in? If so, do I drain it to keep mosquitoes  from breeding? What would you do?

  4. Opinions please re: residential or outpatient centers, in Texas, for dual diagnosis bipolar/alcohol. My friend does okay for a couple of  years, then falls off the wagon pretty hard. He has been trying to do it on his own with private counseling and fair compliance with bipolar meds, but it ain't working. I wonder if residential treatment is just a money drain for something that could be done with intensive day treatment so he could keep his job. I am not convinced he has a perfectly accurate diagnosis, so something more intensive than weekly counseling sessions is in order IMHO. I know a guy who had good results with a month at Starlight, but I don't know if they do the dual diagnosis stuff. 

  5. Original "George's" was in, and memory fades, an old Dairy Queen. About where 1st (Chavez) and 5th intersect. Across the street from, again memory fails, Arkie's. By far the best enchiladas I ever ate. A lawyer, Bruce Sternberg, helped Jorge financially and he opened a new place. I can't remember where the second place was, but I can see the interior in my mind's eye. Before Lavaca, before Hancock. I just can't remember. Stayed pretty darn good for several years, then things started to go down hill.   

  6. In the past we just "locked 'em up." There were State Hospitals  and State Schools all over the place. I don't remember exactly how many, but 10's of thousands were locked up. Then, with things like "Free the Slow" and "least restrictive environment" the pendulum swung the other way, which sounds great, but to a large extent we just put them on the streets. Not so "freeing".  I don't know the answer.  

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