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Not that Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Not that Bob

  1. I have both grillgrates and mangrates. I don't have huge problem with either, but with the mangrates it takes forfuckingever to get up to temp. It seems like the extra cast iron in the grill is very slow to heat. Uses lots more propane.  Also, I have never been able to adequately cure the mangrates. I follow instructions, but it seems the oil always burns completely off, so I am left with "raw" cast iron every use.  I like the end result, but they seem finicky. I'm still experimenting with the grillgrates. 

  2. Started CPAP due to my wife's complaining about my snoring. I read how it helps with cardiovascular, etc. Adjusted to it after trying about 5 masks and am now 100% compliant. I never felt the "life changing" effect, it just stopped the snoring. I was falling asleep at the computer so got a second sleep study which showed that I have not only sleep apnea, which the machine helped, but also have narcolepsy, which is a whole 'nother thread. MoJames can no doubt explain it better than I, but essentially I have fucked up sleep "architecture". REM sleep is all over the place, as are all other levels of sleep. 

    tl/dr. If the CPAP doesn't help you feel better, get another sleep study, or have them double check the first one for goofy sleep architecture. 

  3. I started in the knot hole section in 1957. Attended DKR's first game, and his last. Suffered through all the bad years after (and some good)  just because it was simply "what I do." When the jumbotron started to drown out The Longhorn Band I couldn't take it anymore. It was no longer the experience I had loved for over 50 years. It was a circus...not a Longhorn game. 

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