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Posts posted by Woland

  1. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=42735
    In November 2019, the United States exported 772,000 barrels per day (b/d) more petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products) than it imported, marking the third consecutive month in which the United States was a net petroleum exporter. Although the United States is a net petroleum exporter as a whole, most regions other than the U.S. Gulf Coast region remain net petroleum importers.

    That doesn’t describe energy independence. The United States was still connected to the world market.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Well, the church didn’t fare so well under communist rule so now that Putin’s fascist state embraces them and uses them to advance his ideology, they’re all for it. That’s nothing new.


    Not new and quite old, going back to Tsarist Russia - Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality

  3. Anyone going in a few weeks during Spring Break or during the summer are fools. Grade A fools.
    And this is coming from someone who obviously went during Louisiana’s Mardi Gras/Break. Gag me if I have to see another purple, green and gold Disney themed shirt or LSU shirt.
    We used the DAS pass (disabled family member) and the Genie+ in parallel to keep from crazy waits, and even that wasn’t enough to not be frustrated with the lines and crowds.
    I simply can’t understand anyone who would come to a park and not buy the genie+ and just do the lines— you can ride 2 maybe 3 rides a day that way if you don’t eat onsite. The rocking roller coaster Aerosmith ride there were people who got in line at 4p and were finally riding after 7p. They were beyond frustrated (and apparently the wait was misrepresented initially) and they all were resentful to lightning lane folks. Just one extreme example. Most other rides that were 2 hour rides; we’d get off and just think “who would wait 2 hours for this? I’d be so upset.”

    Good advice. If you rope drop and use Genie+ you will be fine. Also, don’t go in thinking you will do everything. There is so much to do now you have to set priorities.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. To be fair, Jews fared better under the Soviet regime than the Russian empire, and I would suppose that Russian Jews in Israel emigrated from the Soviet Union, but many probably fled Russia to other parts of Europe before Israel.
    And Jews did not fare well in Ukraine, either.
    I'm sure there are a lot of German Jews in Israel too that have mixed feelings, at least, about their "homeland."

    Red Cavalry is a good read.

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  5. let me put it another way: what does russia covet, and always have? why are they so goddamn interested in currying favor with erdogan and trying to find inroads in the black sea? they've spent centuries on this project. it's a warm weather port. that's part of the reason why georgia was so important. that's why crimea was so important. it's why donbas is so important.
    these are centuries long goals for the russians.
    it's the key to the mediterranean, and the rest of the world.

    There is that Third Rome part as well.
  6. My sample size is small, but the sentiments from my Russian friends and the few Russian pages I follow express solidarity with Ukraine and loathing of Putin’s actions.

  7. Yeah it normally is but this is a holiday weekend which are always busy. But Mac was there in the normally slow time and it was bad. I think there’s just a lot of pent up demand. Couple that with rides that aren’t being maintained well and a system that halts the standby line and it’s a recipe for ridiculous waits. 

    They want you to pay to not wait, which we did, but it was just two of us so the extra cost wasn’t terrible.
  8. FYI the Cadets from VMI just smoked #19 in baseball. Last weekend I saw a cadet smoke one off a stone wall to center in a intra squad game. Today same kid smoked some ropes vs Duke. Y'all dont get it.

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