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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. The reason Oregon would make it over Texas is that, IF they beat Washington their best win (Washington) will be better than Texas best win (Bama), and they will have avenged their only loss. Texas could get some help here if Bama ends up beating UGA. A 1 loss Washington team probably drops to 5-6, a 2 loss Bama is probably around 10. 

    If Oklahoma would have won out and Texas would have had the same chance and Oklahoma was ranked in the top 5 it would be a closer discussion, but unless Bama wins Saturday Oregon would have the better resume.

    Oklahoma state being ranked in the high teens hurts Texas's chances unfortunately. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Sucks to hear that Michigan lineman broke hsi tibia and fibula. That's absolutely brutal. 

    Any learned doctors know what the recovery is like and if he can come back from breaking both?

    I had the same injury compound tib/fib break in high school football. It took them about 40 mintues to get me off the field trying to get me into a position where it didnt look like i had two knees.  Granted it was 20 years ago and I had to go to 2 different hospitals before I ended up a UofM where they were able to do anything about it. The first two said they just didn't have the capabilities to treat that severe of an injury. 

    I was in traction for around 20 days and then a wheel chair for 3 more weeks. Before a solid 6 months on crutches, the rod and screws made it all stable but it was a solid year before I could do any sort of impact running. I got the screws out about 4 years after as they were giving me some trouble. So it fucking sucks, and suck for Zinter.

    Assuming he got WAY better and quicker care than I did, and the advances of medicine since it happened to me, I would say he is probably going to redshirt his first year in the NFL. With the hardware leg should be able to hold up after that. He is a much better athlete than I and is going to have unlimited resources for rehab so maybe he is back on his feet in time for the season next year. But he is going through some shit for sure. 

    Someone is going to get a hell of a player late in the draft due to his slide. 


    Also Go fucking Blue. I thought Michigan was going to beat the breaks off Ohio State again. I did not feel good about giving them the ball back when a touchdown would lose it. Hell of a game. 

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  3. 57 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    I don’t think Michigan deserves to go to the CFP. But if Ohio state loses to them with all this shitstorm Michigan is in and without their head coach, the buckeyes don’t deserve to go either.

    The pressure is so high on Michigan to win this weekend. Not having Harbaugh obviously hurts because Sherrone has been ultra conservative running the show, but the pressure to prove that they can win without whatever was going on with Stalions is enormous. 

    They lose this weekend and it doesn't only knock them out of the playoffs this year, but hurts the previous two championship years as well. 

  4. 8 hours ago, heso said:

    Thank fucking god. The offensive game plan has been hot garbage all season. Guy has a QB whose biggest asset is his deep ball and I can think of exactly 2 throws over the course of 10 games that went more than 15-20 yards. 


    franklin doesn't like the deep ball. This is one of my favorite coach replies of all time. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 passes total....

    After watching Michigan play this year I would never have guessed they would beat a team the way they did yesterday.

    Last year they did it to everyone run run run Run, one or two shots deep. This year they just didn’t look like that. Pedo had one of the top run Ds and instead of letting JJ go nuts like they had been they decided to just run into pedos strength and it worked.
  6. 2 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:


    @Juicy c'mon insider man - give us the juice on what is happening


    Not much info on the 9.95s. the big ten formally announced their intentions to suspend harbaugh for 2 games (the maximum the conference can dole out) Michigan has 48 hours now to respond. 

    The 9.95ers are split on the Michigan is going to fight this to the death, or Michigan is going to accept this and have Jim out for the next two games which puts him back on the sidelines for Ohio State (Oh what the ratings will be there) 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Most recent $9.95 update. 


    • UM and BIG met "for hours" yesterday
    • The BIG is not backing down. 
    • UM was going to fight a two game suspension...but the BIG wants blood...indefinite suspension
    • UM does believe they would win in court and without giving too much detail, UM seems loaded for bear...this is not your grandpas UM
    • Not just stopping with an injunction if it comes to that...they will be aggressive using all legal means necessary. 
    • There is full support for JMFH 
    • They "may" consider a 2 game suspension if Harbaugh was 100% going to be there for OSU and 2 games would appease the mob...but even then...they really were leaning towards fighting that. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. B1G commish asked UofM to suspend Harbaugh for 2 games. Michigan declined saying they wanted due process and to let the investigation play out. Apparently that was a bad idea.

    9.95 info. Not mine.

    According to my source, Harbaugh will be suspended indefinitely on Monday. The university is preparing a lawsuit against the conference and asking for an immediate stay on the suspension. Grounds for the suit are violation of conference rules on investigations and irreparable harm from the timing of the suspension. My source works for the law firm representing UM in this case. The firm is working this weekend to determine whether to file the suit in local, state, or federal court as reaction time is critical.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, Jebus said:

    But who gives a shit where the info comes from as long as it wasn't falsified and no laws were broken getting it?  And even if laws were broken getting it, fine. Punish everyone!  



    pretty sure this is just a, fuck you you want to take us down, we are going to drag you down with us maneuver. The info is still out there, but goes to show Jimmy is living deep inside Just for Men's head.

  10. My point would be that it is advantageous for the media to make this look as scandalous as possible for clicks and views. Maybe it comes out that everything being reported is 100% true. Maybe after the investigation happens it comes out that it wasn't as bad as it currently appears. 


    • Fuck You 2
  11. Uncle Urban and I have the same opinion on something for once. He must be a slappy Michigan fan at heart. 



    “This is really the first time, because it’s you and a guy I respect—so I’m very cautious,” Meyer said on the show, per On3 Sports. “I’ve been asked over 100 times to comment on it and I just won’t. But I am going to, I’ll tell you my thoughts: First of all I’m very skeptical of reporters reporting. My experience is they’re wrong most of the time. And that’s not a shot at the media, that’s reality. People say things that they’re reporting that’s just not true. So I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt saying, first of all it’s hard for me to believe that is true.”


    • Fuck You 5
  12. 6 minutes ago, PilotsError said:

    They want the conference to act so they can get rid of a competitor, not because they’re morally outraged. 

    but but but CHEATERS.

    The playoff committee already said they would decide it on the field. I would hate it if the B1G didn't let Michigan play for a conference championship. But it would be a real conundrum to see what happens with an undefeated Michigan vs a 1 loss (to Michigan) Ohio State B1G "champion" Especially if Ohio State loses by double digits again.  

    Everything has played out in the media, let the actual investigation happen and see what the results are. 

    • Fuck You 6
  13. According to the Michigan 9.95 groups. Appears that Michigan thinks that this will blow over and not become a major issue to keep Harbaugh around for a long time.


    Henschke followed that up with a tweet saying that there is "some hypothesizing that the contract will likely mean Michigan is Jim Harbaugh's last job." For his part, Sam Webb posted an article headlined "Harbaugh extension process no longer paused."

    It seems likely Michigan will announce a new contract that makes Harbaugh the highest-paid coach in the Big Ten, and it sounds like for the first time it will have a significant buyout if Harbaugh wants to leave. Given that he's been at Michigan for ten years and has never had anything like that in his contract, if that does come to fruition it would be a statement that he's sticking in Ann Arbor long-term.

    A lot of people are taking this as good news in regards to the NCAA violations Stalions was racking up. I agree, at least partially. It beggars belief that Michigan would move forward with the contract unless they had completed their review of everyone's laptops, phones, etc., and found no evidence that Stalions's "vast network" was anything other than his personal project. Certainly at Harbaugh's level, and likely all the way down the list. The contract proceeding means that if we were going to hear about additional suspensions/firings/personnel being launched into the sun, we would hear about them now. No news is good news.


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