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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. Jerry can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Just begged someone to jump them and grab Brooks and guess what? Someone did.
  2. Who needs to coach him? He already runs better routes than most everyone in the NFL. Just let him go catch TDs.
  3. I never heard a peep about AD being a problem. Just that he had diabetes. So what the fuck is causing him to drop? Someone find out he has dead bodies buried in his backyard?
  4. Thought Sweat was gonna drop far after his recent shenanigans. Congrats big man!
  5. You have to have a QB to compete for SBs nowadays. You aren't making it with even just a so-so guy anymore. So teams are just rolling the dice and praying. It's why the Falcons are doing dumb shit like taking Penix at 8 and why JJ/Nix are top 15 picks. Don't know who it'll be, but I imagine there's only one legit franchise guy out of this entire class. Maybe 1-2 others who are serviceable but don't impress. But yeah, McCarthy has bus driver written all over him. And that's if he reaches his potential.
  6. NFL GMs are known to be some of the dumbest people on the planet, so, it kinda makes sense.
  7. The Bears after a zillion years are actually going to have a legit offense next year. Unless Caleb flames out they'll be making major noise.
  8. Is Kirk Cousins going to get suspended for the year for tampering? Otherwise this pick doesn't make much sense.
  9. Can we hurry up and get all our main guys back already?
  10. Playing pinball with Jonah's thighs.
  11. I knew Devin had no power and a weak chin, but he's usually a fairly smart boxer. It seems like he did absolutely zero work on keeping his right hand up and not getting tagged with that Garcia left hook. Which is literally the only punch that kid has. Just baffling. Garcia can't box for shit. Stay away from him and move away from that left hand. Instead Devin just hung out right in front of him. I do know that Devin has been benefitting from weight bullying his entire career. Now for the first time he wasn't in there versus a smaller guy and he got lit the fuck up. Harvey Dock was so bad reffing that fight I honestly think he might have had money on Devin. Charges Garcia a point for hitting on the break and yet seems completely unbothered by Haney hugging Garcia for dear life half the fight. In fact, after one knockdown Dock literally picked Devin up off the canvas! After them robbing that Irish fella earlier in the evening, there was some definite fuckery going on.
  12. Fucks sake Leody. Just go get lost in the woods for the rest of the year.
  13. There we go! Let's get one in.
  14. Turns out baseball is hard. Incredibly hard, almost.
  15. Old Reliable gets another hit. Love havin' that dude in our lineup.
  16. Wonderful show. Toranaga is fucking ruthless. Letting his home-boy go out like that just to push the narrative. Letting Mariko go into the lion's den knowing he's most likely never going to see her again.
  17. Not impressive, but a win is a win.
  18. Let's get some runs out of this please.
  19. Whew. This bullpen is bad for my health, man.
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