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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. Clock at 5 and TO saves the false start. Sweatergawd, running the clock down increases the likelihood of false starts.
  2. I'm thinking the small lead at half is just what we needed.
  3. Maybe, just maybe, not carrying at 10-14-17 point lead into the half is just what the doctor ordered for this team.
  4. We just don't run consistently well enough to do that, especially without Brooks.
  5. He's operating on a half-healed separated shoulder. That he got (checks notes) running the ball.
  6. Yeah, there's no state action in a primary. A party doesn't even have to hold a primary. But it seems once we're talking Secretaries of State or other officials putting him on the ballot, looks like he'll initially be taken off, pending appeal.
  7. BERT! So, let's see if these guys can get their shit together without a 2-3 score lead.
  8. Everything Ewers throws to a crossing receiver is behind. Catchable, but behind. He's never caught up to the speed of D1.
  9. Fucking hell. What a bunch of fuckups. Pretty marginal block in the back, though.
  10. Bet Ewers' shoulder is a lil extra stiff.
  11. Technically speaking, it was the Cadillac of responses. Trump's motion, the government's response. But they were quite adamant that they would prove "knowing lies" about the election and an intent to provoke the crowd to march on the Capitol and disrupt the electoral count. That kind of thing tends not to be posturing: they set out what they think they can really prove.
  12. If you are in the market for a new bike, you may want to consider something with a UDH, which is required to do the latest sram "transmission." Not sure about the rascal or that model, but it is something to consider. ETA: I looked and it appears the Rascal does not have a UDH. Probably not that big a deal, but Transmission is getting great reviews, despite being heavy and spendy, and I am not one that upgrades, but if I ever buy another bike, I would want that option.
  13. DVO products get great reviews on mtbr, short and long term. I believe ibis specs them on a lot of bikes, too. If I ever need or want something different on my ripley af, DVO is first on the list. No personal experience either. ETA: I suppose one caveat is that there is a fair amount of "foxshox" fatigue on mtbr. The last few years of Manitou products get great reviews too. Fox gets dumped on a lot and so does everything RS except the "ultimate" variants of the Pike and Lyrik. You see a lot of "I hate the Grip 2 damper on Fox Factory, wish they put a Grip or Fit in there; and I want to change out the damper in my Pike Select" etc. You hardly ever see such complaints on DVO or Manitou products. My sense, though, is that Manitou is resurgent and has some nice products and DVO Is mainstream.
  14. Sometimes, it can be hard to get a defendant to get out of their own way. Actually, probably more than sometimes.
  15. Compared to some of the examples of bad team psychology Texas has provided over the last decade, I'll take this one twice on Sundays.
  16. I really don't get 90-year sentences. I suppose it affects the eligibility-for-parole date, but otherwise, it's life, why call it anything else? Our sentences are stupid-long. The maximum should be life without parole, next down from that, life with parole and the next step down should probably be no longer than 50 years. That's damn close to an effective life sentence anyway. Parole dates need to be adjusted relative to something other than the length of the sentence in years. This business of doling out life sentences in a finite term of years is just silly and I think it feeds something nasty in society. A 300 year sentence and even 90 years, just ought not be possible.
  17. So, FBI files reveal that Teh Donald was cucked by Marla Maples and Lulz.
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