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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Brewers have never won the national league pennant, according to wikipedia. Seems improbable they'll beat either of the AL superteams, but would be glad to see them knock off LA here and get their first national league title.
  2. Googled 'Last world series win', and it gave me a world series they actually lost. Apparently, the brewers have never won a world series. I did not know that.
  3. He only faced what...two batters? Pretty low stress outing, if you ignore the fact it's the 8th inning of the NLDS
  4. Braun is 100% a dick. as he proved by all the lying and acting insulted when accused of taking steroids...which was ultimately proven true. I'm pulling for the Brewers, since it's been 35 years since they've won a WS, but every time i see Braun, I root a little less.
  5. Counsell is baffling Smoltz with the unconventional way he uses his bullpen. Every game he talks incredulously about the Brewers' starter/reliever situation.
  6. Smoltz seems bothered that the Brewers don't rely on ace starters.
  7. Just kick the field on goal on third down, Gundy. Got the OU game version of Gundy for the last 3 weeks. Such cowardly playcalling.
  8. He's about 1-20 on wide open guys streaking toward the endzone. And the one time he actually threw it on target, the WR dropped it.
  9. The season is 'devalued' before it starts for 60%70% of the league. They are already disqualified and playing for exhibition/pride/fun on the first day. Lose a game in the first few weeks and 90% of the teams in college football are now 'playing exhibition games' because they are eliminated from the playoffs. (SEC/traditional power schools are allowed a loss...but everyone else is eliminated. That's fair right?) Expanded playoff would give ALL teams a chance to win a championship, thereby ADDING value to the regular season for a majority of college football schools. And taking an early loss wouldn't automatically disqualify non-traditional power school (Like most teams in the big 12/ACC/pac12). So that keeps a season alive and adds more value. Expanded playoff ADDS value to the regular season games.
  10. The only people fighting against Conference champ qualification is the SECESPN political machine. Eye-ball tests and subjective criteria give ESPN's talkshows immense power. If you make the qualification objective, (conference champs)---like in every other sports on earth--then ESPN loses it's talking head-political power. (And maybe the SEC doesn't bother to partner up) On one hand, an 8 team playoff would make ESPN more money from ad revenue, BUT it would cost them power to control the narrative. And if they don't get to control the narrative of who's in, who's out, then the SEC doesn't go into business with ESPN. Which, I can only assume by the reality of where we are now, results in a net loss for ESPN. In conclusion, playoff ad revenue < SEC business revenue.= college football fans get 4 teams picked by eye test. (2 SEC teams most years)
  11. It's fucking unAmerican is what it is. You do not have a legitimate playoff system, if 60%-70% of the teams in your league are disqualified before the season starts. "Sorry, you aren't a 'traditional school' with a big alumni base, (and we aren't in a business partnership with your conference) so...you are banned from the 'playoffs' forever."
  12. Why do you know this? Also, is posting on political message boards part of your job?
  13. I played a "Lilith" developed game called "Art of Conquest' and it was awesome. It was also 10000% pay to win. Whoever spent the most real money, always, always won the important battles. You couldn't even get the best hero in the game, unless you bought him directly for $60-$100. If the'Whales' wanted to, they could make your life hell and force you to give up on the game. But it was such a cool game, if not for that. I hung in there and played it for about 2 months. But by then, the guys spending thousands of real dollars were absolutely crushing anyone who'd only spent $50 or $100 or $200. Oh, and you better be available to play for 8-12 hours a day...because if you skip a day or two, you'll fall behind and there is no way to catch up again. So you'll very quickly become everyone's resource farm. I'm done playing P2W games, so I won't play another Lilith game. But if you've got money and time to burn, Lilith really does know how to make a great video game. It's a shame all the best game designers are now working on these super greedy, cash grab games. Their auto-translate chat feature was super cool and I'd never seen that before. It was also necessary, since 60% of the game's population was Chinese.
  14. Could not have had a better look at it. HD camera in perfect focus about 10 feet away, looking directly at it.
  15. Cubs had the best record in the national league up until 3 days ago. A single hit here or there in either of the last two days and they finally get a day off (or three) and everything could be very different. But agree with others, something went wrong after the all star break...Contreras, Almora Jr., Schwarber, Bryant, even Maddon seemed highly stressed immediately after the break. Don't know what happened, but it's hard not to speculate that something was going on with Maddon or the front office. Remember the extremely negative article written about Maddon by one of the beat reporters? Maybe that left a bad taste in his mouth...or maybe it was the consequence of an attitude change for Maddon.
  16. Somebody needs to teach Gore how to fake an HBP. Game could be very different if cubs batters would stop getting out of the way.
  17. Don't think that hit him...
  18. Welp...gotta score more than one run in 13 innings, if you want to win a playoff game.
  19. Pulling Rizzo was a tough call too. Maddon has been pushing all the chips into the middle over and over again.
  20. I would guess he's in there for 5+ innings with what is left in the bullpen.
  21. Shift has been very effective against the cubs all year.
  22. Brewers are hoping this game goes 20 innings.
  23. All three top starting pitchers for the Cubs making an appearance in this game.
  24. So as I was saying....you gotta lock down those last 36 outs. Haha, Hendricks coming in now. You might as well.
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