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Everything posted by Monster

  1. "Those tweets weren't THAT big of deal, now that we've had some time to think about it." -short sellers frantically switching their positions- "We said some things and maybe posted some things online, but really, Musk isn't so bad...in fact, we like him! ...if it helps us make money. Because our opinions of people are a just a manifestation of our greeeeeed."
  2. Do people shower during these kinds of events? Because I'm going to start using this as an excuse if not...
  3. "blueblood" programs with voting members of the 'Playoff Beauty Committee' get a free loss. But you know, 'regular season matters more in this system' and all that...
  4. Ah...and the Herbstreit silence. ...It's...it's full of stars.
  5. Straight through the heart. This isn't an upset. I'ts an ass kicking.
  6. ESPN made a decision to stop being an impartial broadcasting company when they partnered with the SEC and started promoting them during all of their broadcasts. Letting Herbie announce every OSU game like the home town radio crew doesn't matter, if you've already sold off your status as an objective new organization.
  7. The icing on the cake, is hearing sadness and dejection in Herbstreit's voice.
  8. Holy shit. might have punched a ticket to the world series with that catch. Lot of game left, but that's a gut punch.
  9. Cain has been a spark for the last month plus. Let's go Yelich. Find some grass in the outfield.
  10. Apparently 1 game, was how long. M&M apparently bought a seat behind home plate with bright yellow waving guy. Is this what you want, MLB? You want corporations to buy up all the seats behind home plate and have an entire section of clowns waving and trying to advertise their bullshit while we're trying to watch the game? Section behind home plate is gonna need a dress code or this shit is going to get out of hand.
  11. Both managers playing it like its the 7th inning.
  12. Wearing a low cut shirt while actually watching the game and keeping score is damned laudable. Spending the entire game on your phone while you wave a stuffed animal around in the air for 3+ hours...while occupying the seat directly behind the batter/home plate because you have a Cardashian-level need for attention, should be a crime punishable by public flogging.
  13. The Marlins guy waving a stuffed animal the entire game is possibly the most annoying thing I've ever seen during a big time sports event. MLB needs to step in and do something about attention starved idiots waving props around behind home plate the entire game. How long until companies hire actual clowns to sit in the first row behind home plate with spinning signs and other absurd props.
  14. So the conservative plan is to keep going with this "But her Pocahontas" thing? I guess that means they don't have anything substantive to use against her. Though, I suppose it doesn't matter. The 'leaders' who are panicking at the possibility of losing a tiny fraction of their personal GDPs--should the government become a tiny bit less corrupt--will just tweet a few Pocahontas soundbytes, which will get retweeted/reposted by a few thousand useful idiots/automated accounts, and 70 million dum dums will suspend all rationale thought and vote for corporate control over a government that represents them a little less (and corporations a little more) every year. Watching people pick up these seeds and sow them into their own backyards 2 years in advance, is making me feel very brisket-ish.
  15. Regulators are often hired directly from the corps they 'regulate'...in every industry. Corruption on a massive scale is an accepted part of capitalism/democracy. ...but other forms of government have their own fatal flaws. Somebody from surlyhorns needs to invent a new system of government...
  16. Also, I wish I was having this much fun
  17. Much better image. Thanks for posting. Can you see the blue shirt guy's right hand/fist? Can you see all the hands/arms pushing up against that fist? People will see what they want to see, so I won't try to convince a fully vested fan that his glove can't pass through solid matter. And it doesn't even matter, since, in my view, (I don't give a shit about either team), the ball was beyond the vertical plane of the wall, so it should have been a HR.
  18. ignore the hyperlinking...i don't know how any of this works.
  19. I bet thepop's statement is how the replay people explained the call. They could definitively see the glove getting closed by arms/hands, but they didn't have an angle to prove it was beyond the wall. Personally, it looks like its in the first row to me... Mirrolure, can you see the guy with the orange shirt...his hand pushing/closing the glove...
  20. This is the rule that should have resolved it. The ball was definitely beyond the fence. Replay has been wrong about 50% of the time in the games I've watched this post season.
  21. You didn't see the arms banging against his glove, causing it to close? Or you don't want to see them, because you're an Astros fan? The argument you should be making, is that the ball was beyond the wall...because the way they are explaining it, it sounds like it's a home run if the ball is beyond the wall...which is definitely was.
  22. He was going to catch the ball without the fans arms/hands banging against his glove...but if it's beyond the fence, are the fans allowed to interfere? Because it looked beyond the wall...
  23. Kicking a guys ankle, after making an out isn't playing with an edge. You potentially injure a guy on the other team because you're frustrated. There isn't much to like about it...unless you just like to see people fight. It does add drama and give us something to talk about, I guess.
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