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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Cornelius makes up for the overthrow last drive with a couple of really nice plays and decisions on this drive. Stoner takes a quick slant to the house. 27-14 OSU with 6:40 to go in the 3rd quarter.
  2. OSU kicks a 48 yard field goal. Could be huge later. 20-7 OSU. 13 mins left in the 3rd quarter.
  3. There's the overthrow that costs you 7 points. Nobody anywhere near Cornelius and the WR was wide open. That hurts. And then Justice Hill runs for 40 yards...which is called by on a hold. Edit: Cornelius with a dart on the run. He definitely throws better on the run.
  4. Boise st. had 41 points at halftime in weeks one and two. (first week was against Troy, who just beat Nebraska) Boise St. has 7 points at halftime in this game. Still early, but it would appear, OSU's defense is much improved with the new coordinator.
  5. OSU defensive line in the Boise St backfield every single play. Really liking the new Defensive coordinator for OSU. Aggressive and knows how to use OSU"s underrated defensive line. 17-7 OSU at halftime. OSU gets the ball first in the second half.
  6. Great catch by Johnson to keep the drive alive. Boise St was not expecting all these QB runs. OSU down inside the 5 yard line again. edit: kicking the field goal. 17-7 OSU
  7. QB punches it in from the one yard line. OSU capitalizes on the punt block. 14-7 OSU
  8. OSU went all in the punt block and got it. Cowboy ball at the 7 yard line.
  9. Not yet. Not entirely sure what the plan is Got 4 games he can play in without losing the red shirt, but have not seen the Hawaii kid or Sanders in the first two games.
  10. That was a nice downfield pass. Maybe a tad short, but Wallace was so open it didn't matter. And better a tad short than a tad long. OSU RB's look unstoppable in space. I've criticized Yurcich, but those little screen passes, getting the RB's 1 on 1 with a defender are working great today. TD Justice Hill on a determined run. 7-7 first quarter.
  11. Defensive slugfest! ...after 2 possessions....where each side had a dropped pass.
  12. Strop out for the rest of the regular season. Yikes. Don't know about the playoffs.
  13. Suspension of disbelief. You can find plot holes in any show or movie, if you try. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd challenge you to find a show you love and I will poke holes in the plot for you. (and point to several 'dumb' decisions made by a 'smart' character) That said, I do like how the show resolves the big 'main' problem. Adding a casino to launder everyone's money was a novel idea in season one. And getting it through legislation, with all the hurdles involved in something like that, was interesting to me. And something I hadn't seen that on a tv show before. The details of the story were often contrived or just bad, but the main story arch was original and interesting to me.
  14. Thought the same thing. Bases loaded in the 10th with a one run lead and you don't pinch hit for Strope? Any position in the lineup gives you a 30%-40% chance to add more runs. i guess Joe has zero faith in all but 2-3 relievers...all of whom had already pitched. I don't second guess Joe very often, but that was a weird decision before the hamstring.
  15. Does the technology exist to police that? They'd need a database with every movie and tv show and photograph...then search the entire internet for every still frame of every movie and tv show...every day. edit: i see the 'upload filter' now. still think it'll be hard to create that database.
  16. I believe your family can renew your copyright claim after the 70 years. Personally, I think, after an artist dies, his/her work should immediately enter public domain. I completely agree that record companies shouldn't get to keep collecting after an artist dies. Their greed will stop an artist's music from being shared. Which is a disservice to the artist AND listener.
  17. This is correct. If you put more than a few seconds of ANY recognizable song on your youtube video, you will see a copyright claim. The claimant can remove your song immediately, or require that your video show ads (for which the copyright holder gets 100% of the proceeds), or simply reserve the right to pull it, or place ads later. If your video has music that shazam can recognize, I promise you, it will be hit with a copyright claim. It's automated by an algorithm. No one has to watch/find your video.
  18. Monster


    Just watched the trailer. Very happy I didn't watch that before the movie. Would have ruined several surprises. Trailer said it was the same producer as 'The Witch'. He must have hired the same lighting crew.
  19. Monster


    Just got around to watching this. One of the best horror films I've seen this year. (and I watch tons and tons of horror films) Reminded me a little of 'The Witch" from a couple years ago. Though the two stories aren't alike, except for visual story telling and creepy mood. Like honolulu and Bozo said, no jump scares, no super loud musical stings, or other horror film cheap tricks. Just subtle, (almost minimalist) psychological creepiness that builds and builds toward a satisfying conclusion. Very little blood, no disappointing rubber monsters, no bad CGI effects Just lots of creative camera-work and an increasing sense of dread. If you like horror films, or psychological films, definitely watch it.
  20. Monster

    UCLA @ OU

    Defensive line is running unblocked to the QB over and over again.
  21. Atlanta was about to call for replay, but the home plate umpire walked over to Joe and overruled him, because everybody in the stadium could see he was safe. No replay necessary.
  22. I think Bote is batting around .260 which is pretty low for this team. But I'm not sure there is anybody I'd rather have at the plate the game on the line. He's uncanny with these big end-of-game hits.
  23. Going to be tough to go all the way without a true closer. Chapman was huge in 2016.
  24. Gore is fun to watch run. Everybody in the stadium knows he's going to run on the next pitch to the plate, but it doesn't matter.
  25. Have you guys seen the video of voice reproduction software? Software that takes a selection of your spoken words and extrapolates full sentences of their choosing... Now consider that you're talking into a recording device every time you talk on the phone. If phone companies, or the NSA, or a high bidder, decide to create a database of your words, ready to be extrapolated into whatever they feel like typing...they can. The technology exists right now. So, the NSA knowing what pron you watch is hardly the biggest thing to worry about.
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