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Posts posted by tbone_

  1. In Germany you start drinking beer at 16 and you see titties on broadcast TV and in print media regularly. Porn is just as available, and prostitution is legal. They also play the same video games we do. The one thing they don’t do is coddle children, they promote self-reliance and responsibility way earlier than we do. 


    This. We have some neighbors from Switzerland. Their kids are 10x more self sufficient that everyone else. It's hilarious and sad at the same time to watch everyone else struggle with this.

  2. So I played one of the aged VOS Les Paul pearly gates reissues on Saturday. I think they only made 50 of the aged ones. It was pretty sweet. Did not make me sound any more like the Reverend though.


    Dude was asking $12k.


    You can see it in the photo gallery here:




     I think that's the second most expensive guitar I've ever played behind some $22k tele I played at Gruhn until I saw the price tag and quickly put it back.


  3. Still debating Tempe in September, it might be a little warm for that game.

    You'll have a great time in 2019, unless MSU goes full on DiBiaggio when hiring a new President & AD and tries to dismantle their intercollegiate sports program

    Tempe will be hot AF in September.


    My rule of thumb is no pre-November games at Sun Devil stadium.

  4. I will laugh my ass off if Vegas does the impossible and not only wins the cup. But denies Washington a title by a fucking expansion team.

    Why? What's the history with the caps?
  5. Well yeah, when I drink water I just refill the same bottle out of the fountain. I just assumed that was a given.

    I was just trashing you for drinking so much Coke. That shit is bad for you.

    Unless of course it's mixed with whiskey which is scientifically proven to counteract the negative effects.
  6. I spent some YouTube time today checking out dr z's. They pretty much all sound the same to me, and by the same I mean awesome, except for the Therapy (which is more 6L6 fenderish).

    No Dr z dealers in AZ, which is probably a good thing.

  7. I have some hand wound bill lawrences in a 98 era am std strat. It sounds so much better than another strat I have that's had various Fender branded pickups in it. Fwiw.


    Who makes the rio grandes?


    Also, which Dr z?

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