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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Just throwing thoughts I've had on the subject off and on over the years: (1) Coaching: Definitely a candidate. Dating back to Mack Brown, player development hasn't followed excellent recruiting and it's shown in the results. (2) The Conference: Let's face it, the Big XII is not on par with The SEC, Big Ten, and at times not even the ACC. This is proven on the field as our conference champion (usually Oklahoma) never emerges as the National Champion which consistently comes from these other (3) conferences and often in convincing fashion vs our conference champion. (3) The Quality of Texas high school talent: Urban Meyer himself commented on this one earlier this year, dismissing the notion based on his Ohio State recruiting and having success with Texas talent. Urban pointed to a lack of player development at programs like Texas. Maybe he's right. But it is suspect when the vast majority of Big XII programs recruits Texas talent and end up with similar results. The gap in Big XII talent and the SEC is noticeably massive in annual NFL draft results by conference especially along the offensive and defensive lines in the early round. If pressed for an answer, I'd speculate the truth on the Texas high school talent debate is somewhere between Urban Meyer's assessment and the counterpoint. Spread football has taken over the Texas high school game and has to this day proved inferior without the injection of physicality you more commonly see in the southeast and midwest. (4) The Country Club: This phrase was coined during the Mack years and is a way of contrasting the Texas player college football experience with say that of Bear Bryant's Junction Boys. If you've already reached the mountain top in your own mind and are enjoying the fruits and accolades of the summit, are you really motivated to develop and be the best you can be. Hoe much does winning really matter to your average Texas 4-star/5-star athlete vs the passed over 3-stars that end up in programs with less tradition and prestige? Seems like moving on from Mack Brown should have solved this problem, but the problem seemingly still pervades despite stories of Pat Moorer's "Pit" and Herman's "Practice for your breakfast" early on in the Strong and Herman tenures. One way of solving this problem is leadership in each position group-- in other words, when the coaches aren't around, leaders on the team keep it together for them. (5) The Grass is no longer "Greener": Texas does have a major advantage in resources, but in an environment where coaches can still earn multi-million salaries at programs of lower prestige and more importantly, lower expectations, is there really an incentive to take a job like Texas over a mid-tier power 5 or even non-Power 5 conference job? I could probably drone on, but I'll stop there for now.
  2. Because people have been waiting for Jesus to come for 2000 years. What’s a few more days......weeks......months........
  3. Negotiating to become Mike Leech II at Tech to climb the in-state ladder over us just like he did at Baylor. Dang frustrating these here morals.....
  4. Basically asking 'what the hell is CDC doing?'....... 'He's the highest paid AD in the country'....... ' Stop worrying about Bevo Blvd and start worrying about winning and everything else will take care of itself'......Never would've seen this under Deloss'......, etc, etc...... Came off mostly as a fan rant from a personality that just happens to have been involved with the program (cliff notes of Casey Studdard’s rant call into 104.9 The Horn Tuesday morning)
  5. Casey Studdard shitting all over Chris Del Conte on 104.9 right now..........
  6. Dear fake insiders, This thread has really lost it's mojo since UM allegedly gave Texas a 'no thank you your majesty'. Any rumors appreciated. The fake and shitter the better. Sincerely, Addicted to the interwebs
  7. It’s desperate, but that would be my immediate course of action— offer the record breaking salary to anyone you deem worth it regardless of how seemingly unrealistic. The question is who’s on that list and where’s the cut line (for example, someone like Harbaugh might be realistic or alumni like Kyle Shanahan, but do you offer them that kind of bank if that’s what it takes)? And of course you reach for the stars knowing there’s an excellent chance it won’t work. So then what? Stick with Herman? Play roulette again and hire the next up-and-comer and hope you hit the rare jackpot? Swallow your pride and hire the ‘upside with baggage’ types (Briles now, Petrino back in the day as examples)? Tough place to be when it seems you can’t pay quality candidates enough to accept the challenge of being where the buck stops under the spotlight of great expectations at a place like Texas, especially when the money is still pretty good at places with lower expectations.
  8. Pretty much is Urban or bust........because Urban is of a VERY small class of proven coaches that have had ultimate success at multiple destinations and is currently available, that are the closest thing there is to ‘plug them in and get instant results’. Saban....taken. Dabo......taken (though Dabo’s only proven it at one stop). Are there other names that fit the bill: proven and available? Certainly not as proven as the Urban-Saban mountain top and not free of undesirables. Stoops? Hard to picture that. If you roll back the clock the better part of a decade, Harbaugh was on that mountain top with Saban-Meyer finding ultimate or near ultimate success first at Stanford then in the NFL before his shine has faded a bit, fairly or unfairly, at Michigan.
  9. You’re not wrong, but that is the way the world works today. This isn’t just a Texas problem even if that’s what the Herbie’s of the world want to sell. The masses can weigh in with their opinions lazily and effortlessly without getting up from their couches. I think we’re a little past changing ‘the culture’ unless someone takes Elon Musk’s suggestion, purchases social media platforms, and ‘pulls the plug’. The trick is finding a way to succeed publicly in this mine field of mass public opinion.
  10. So let’s say the rumors are true and the perception of top established and proven talent is our considerable resources and recruiting base aren’t worth the headache of meeting great expectations. How can the University change those perceptions? Or should they? Are we Excalibur stuck in the stone waiting as up and comer after up and comer takes a tug waiting for fate to eventually deliver someone worthy? If so, perhaps it’s not a savior we need, but a fixer.
  11. My recommendation is close your laptops, walk away, and forget it about it all and check back in on the goings on in a couple hours. That’s what I’m going to do. See ya’ll in 5 minutes.
  12. No could mean no. No could also mean what more can you give me? More money? More control? Certainly doesn’t feel good to hear ‘No’, but I wouldn’t go jumping off a bridge yet, but keep that heat on your desktops locked and loaded.
  13. Yeah, that last paragraph is what really chaps my ass about such takes. I would add that it probably didn’t help having Mack over at ESPN for several years sulking about our dirty laundry
  14. Agreed. Only ‘immediate’ rumor of interest this hour....
  15. Lots and lots of cigars and lots and lots of money. And a G5 airplane with custom wooded interiors
  16. Mike Pereira @MikePereira · 57m In the studios at Fox tonight watching on Fox, Baylor at Oklahoma, on Fox Sports1, Colorado at Arizona, and also peeking in at BYU at Coastal Carolina and Clemson at Virginia Tech. Xxxxxxxxx Replying to @MikePereira Is Urban still there or does he have a plane to catch? ; ) 7:35 PM · Dec 5, 2020·Twitter Web App View Tweet activity Mike Pereira @MikePereira 26m Replying to Xxxxxxxxx He is still here. I think he likes it here!
  17. https://www.statesman.com/story/sports/2020/12/05/longhorns-crushed-kansas-state-but-herman-not-out-woods/3844396001/ “...........Meyer clearly could put an end to all the rampant speculation he will replace his former offensive coordinator in Austin with a single tweet. So he either likes the attention or is using it as leverage or he is seriously considering it.I’m buying the latter. One Texas higher-up suggested Saturday he was thinking Meyer was 70/30 in favor of coming to Texas. Later in the day he reduced that viability to a 50/50 proposition. It's very tenuous.But no one truly knows other than Meyer and his family..............”
  18. Should I hit refresh?........or take a shower? Fuck it. No more showers until this saga is complete. Just F5 and musk for the masses......
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