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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Was going to drop that one myself. We had a rotating crew holding our spot in line across 7 hours. Papa John’s if memory serves
  2. I remember doing the same thing during freshman orientation in ‘94. I remember being surprised that you could practically walk right up to the coach’s office, or walk onto the field at DKR from the south end zone on non-game days. Guessing that kind of access has long since evaporated (the field access definitely went bye bye long ago).
  3. The track record of promoting hot name coordinators to head coach seems like it’s been more miss than hit over the years and the list of once hot up-and-comers failing seems long. Given the choice, I would prefer the hot name head coach looking to step up over the coordinator. Of course nothing beats proven head coach, and I’m offering whatever it takes to get one.
  4. Urban doesn’t want the job?........Fuck him, on to Saban.... https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c483f29d-436b-4e06-83cf-fb55ce948606
  5. CDC to Herman: “You can stay, but I’d like you take on some extra duties.....”
  6. un·pop·u·lar /ˌənˈpäpyələr/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: unpopular not liked or popular. "unpopular measures" Similar: disliked friendless unliked unloved unbefriended
  7. I’m relatively new to Dino Porn (newly enlightened to the genre by the Night Shift), but according to the internet’s, by jolly you’re right! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur_erotica
  8. Well shit........guess it’s back to Dino porn.....
  9. Definitely beautiful country. Even more beautiful is if you can cross the border to the Canadian Rockies. Icefields Pkwy between Banff and Jasper is the most beautiful landscapes I’ve seen anywhere in the world and I’ve seen a lot of it.
  10. Clearly this gig isn’t going to work out
  11. I got a “jack shit” vibe from The Big Noon Kickoff. Nothing to gleam there. Hopefully no news is good news. Feels like Covid outbreak with Horns is delaying news and action from Belmont
  12. Probably not quite a Western, but good as most Bogart films are
  13. What’s it gonna take to reach 1,000 pages by weekend’s end?
  14. It’s not beastiality if it’s extinct
  15. Trey went on to say he was told last Saturday by a source he considers reliable that it was a done deal only to have the news take the opposite direction Sunday which makes him suspicious of the current story as well.
  16. Definitely in the "no shit" category, but Chad and Trey on 104.9 had Jeff Howe from Inside Texas on and asked them if he believes Urban Meyer to Texas is completely dead. His answer was there's no way he would call it "completely" dead, and it wouldn't surprise him at all if Texas reaches out again as the season draws closer to a close.
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