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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. 🐙🚫🐢💲💲💲🛩️🌛🌞🎸🌇🏰🎬🇨🇱
  2. Alamo Bowl is the new Holiday Bowl for the Longhorns
  3. Texas vs USC in The Alamo Bowl eh? Now is it the winner or the loser that gets Urban Meyer?
  4. So we’re you implying OU “doesn’t” suck???......
  5. Planets actually, but I’ll take it......
  6. Is this the Kelly or bust thread, or the Meyer or bust thread? BDE, my faithful....
  7. Just now on 104.9:Chad & Trey were interviewing former Longhorn and current CBS Sports analyst, Brian Jones. I missed the context of exactly what they were talking about, but whatever it was that Trey said, Brian jumped in and said "Well stay tuned, cause' I'm hearing murmurings.....". When pressed to elaborate on said 'murmurings', Brian laughed and said you'll just have to wait. The obvious most likely context was it was a conversation about Herman returning next year, but maybe someone who was paying better attention can fill in the blanks.
  8. Let your faith not be shaken my son, and allow the Big Dick Energy to radiate forth
  9. Because they weren’t at the deer lease (sorry, couldn’t resist ; )
  10. To be clear, they haven’t received any optimistic feedback since the Saturday before last, i.e. before Urban’s Sunday ‘No’ or is that incorrect?
  11. For realz, or not for realz........that is the question.....
  12. Back after a few hours. Best I can tell is everyone is waiting on some chatter from Caddox. Any other details or is that about it?
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