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Everything posted by Atx71

  1. Dont worry. Very experienced at this. Watched Dean testifying against Tricky. Watched 11 hours of.Hillary/Benghazi hearings. Watched the hearing where Rumsfeld doomed the Iraq War by firing General Shinseki. Watched the White Water hearings and Clinton Impeachment and the vapors a blow job caused the highly moral GOP. So probably will heed your sage advice and get more lube. Thx.
  2. Fuck....we didnt even get to see Obummer's birth certificate. At least not the one translated into English. Sad.
  3. I am not saying that I am sad watching the deplorables defend the the indefensible but I'd be lying like a Trumpkin if I did.
  4. T & P today to all the Trumpkins. Cohen testimony could be as rough as Trump likes his sex with teen girls. But hey....MAGA. Amirite?
  5. Nothing like Daddy and Donnie Jr's night went. Fuck those traitors.
  6. Some women don't mind being grabbed by the pussy. And that's fair.
  7. Take the loss pussy. Plagiarizing motherfucker. 😆
  8. The best one is when the DKPR announced that Trump would be going to Viet Nam for the FIRST time.
  9. .....its its....in the the mirror. Look!
  10. Meh....that or they knew better than to speak out before. Ostracism, ass whippings, public shaming....all of that. Otherwise, yeah.
  11. Now I cant decide whether you are a troll or an idiot. Certainly consumed too much Hannity. Sad.
  12. Soooo.....censorship? Sounds very Trumpian.
  13. In rural Texas and the South until recently, if you wanted to wear a scarlet letter for everyone to see and judge.....just announce that you were an atheist. Your life would be living hell.
  14. But you knew that when you started a troll thread.
  15. Because they have never been called out before. At least not until the children they raped started talking.
  16. Seems the backlash is due to Christian intolerance of those that don't believe just like they do. Oh....and the hypocrisy of embracing a serial adulterer who mocks the poor and disabled. You need some butt salve to go with this rebuttal?
  17. I knew I should have copywrited Trumpkins in 2016. Prolific if not always clever list of Obama nicknames. http://brainshavings.com/obama-nicknames/
  18. Destroying democracy is totally worth it to own the libtards and get another justice or 2 on the SC. Signed - Every Trumpkin I know.
  19. And it is a bonus that she is hot enough to hate fist-fuck. Is that not the definition of an incel?
  20. Picked up Arrested Decelopment Season 2 for 2 bucks this weekend. Question: was the Will Arnett character intentionally based on Donald Trump? Uncanny either way.
  21. InfoWars does polls now? Awesome. Good job Ale.....errr... EMAW.
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